Blizz just sent out a survey about TBC

Looking forward to seeing horde in TBC battlegrounds saying “g O to cLasSic”

Which is why I answered “none of the above”.

One option you keep your guild, and your player base (and your name) into TBC. The other option is a fragmented TBC but classic players get to stay on the same server forever. I feel like more people would want to progress to TBC, so I’d rather copy my character to a classic server which i’ll probably never play anyway. Rather the whole current server transitions to TBC.

It is truly hilarious that Classic players begged and clawed for years saying they wanted official Classic servers. They finally got them and it’s taken less than a year for the community to realize they are ready to move on. So much talk about the great difficulty of classic and how they were ready to be back in old Azeroth for years to come, but it turns out that was all wrong.

Nope, you all just want to churn expansions but be able to raid and get free loot because the game is so much easier than any modern experience. It will take even less time into BC before the population drops off and people begin talking about Classic Wrath. I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t stop there either.

So, you’re saying you like gaming on your phone?

You’re pretty smart for an orc.

The only logical approach is a complete fresh TBC. Allowing transfers / character copies to TBC is a horrible mistake.

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Nothing will make classic TBC DOA like making people level through classic zones for the 100th time. No one cares about the “fresh” meme here

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Really. It’s one thing to do the same thing I did several times 15 years ago. It’s quite different to expect me to do the same thing I just did a few times a year ago. Then there’s the thought that if they’re making me do it for BC they’ll probably try to make me relevel those alts from 1 to 70 for wrath. I probably won’t do it.

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Which is why an option is good. I’m sure most people would prefer to copy their characters over. But even if there’s just one server per timezone that starts fresh for everyone at level 1…that’s an option some will take. It would be nice for people who want that fresh start, or didn’t play Classic and don’t want to feel like they’re starting behind everyone else.

It’s the equivalent of being a new server released in 2007-2008.

I’d want BC to be it’s own servers, and allow us to clone our existing wow classic character(s), similar to the test realm character copy.

I don’t want to move my classic characters, nor do I want BC to essentially render my classic gear useless, nor do I want to reroll.

I’d be happy to play with character ‘forks’, thus allowing me to retain my classic characters and have them also in BC.

EDIT: I could live with the servers moving to BC and copying (not moving) some characters to a classic locked server.

It’d depend on whether there was more interest/population in BC or Classic.

That sucks, 6hrs and survey is finished =/

Anyways, copies will not work. Hey bud, I have 6k you have 4k, let’s trade that and all valuable items to each other before our copies. What about the AH? It’s scrubbed on the new server?

Progressing servers to TBC would also be bad for all the obvious reasons.

The best solution: TBC platform, copy all servers as is to it. Done deal.

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I would imagine, if nothing else, they would leave an appropriate number of realms up in each region, even if that would up being 1 pve and 1 pvp.

what ever the realm pop dictates.

they have a lot of options really.
they could even use existing realms but employ layering
to allow people to enter TBC, as a one way trip most likely, so they can still talk to friends and guild mates who are not going, and still play their non TBC toons on the same realm with said friends and guild mates.

Which might not be a bad way to go as the realms community remains together, no transfers are needed and yet the classic game world remains unchanged, with TBC in a parallel universe.

You know how seamless it was back in vanilla going to patch 2.0? That’s pretty much how it should be. If we want to progress our characters, we should be able to. You want fresh servers? Here, have a few fresh ones :+1:
Have a bunch of 2.0 servers ready to go, and on a chosen day take a snapshot of every classic server and copy them to their respective 2.0 counterparts.
Example: Aetish classic, Aetish classic TBC.
So when the servers come back on, you can then log into 2.0 instead if you wish and continue seamlessly.
Everything on that 1.13 server is copied to 2.0 and we continue as normal. Economy stays the same, we all get to keep our character names, gear, reps etc.
Sounds good to me.

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I’ve seen screen shots of the survey. The have options for staying on a classic realm and then transferring to TBC, staying on Classic and getting a level 58 TBC character, progressing to a TBC realm with the option to transfer to a classic realm, or starting a TBC realm fresh at 1.

Why no option to stay on classic and COPY a character to TBC???

maybe they would give the instant 58 as well for “new” players?

Copy will immediately destroy the economy of new servers. Have everyone transfer G and items to each guildie in succession and then transfer, rinse lather repeat. The AH is also not included in this method.


So you progress to TBC with an option to copy to a classic 60 realm. That or limit gold/items…“weird, when you walked through the portal only up to 100g made it through.”

What’s the better alternative? Everyone has to re-level? No ty. Plus, people are always going to find a way to amass gold.

Nope, the optimal choice is simple. The copy back to a Classic server has the same issue of character copies. What is an acceptable amount to move from Classic to TBC in the gold limit option? I have 2.8k G on my TSM ledger, can I move with all of that?

All servers, copied as is to a TBC platform. No releveling. No economy destroyed. Toons preserved in Classic and simultaneously progressed to TBC. People can play the one they’d like, and still have the option of the other.

This provides the closest to a true replication of the progression that originally occurred when TBC dropped, while also preserving Classic servers to continue to enjoy vanilla as well.


Maybe you misread my initial post…but that’s exactly what I meant. Not sure how what you said is different than what I said in terms of the economy.

It’s late and I’m going to bed…not looking to argue.