Blizz just sent out a survey about TBC

I hope Classic TBC doesnt mean no more Classic Vanilla. I also really hope they dont let people start fresh characters at lvl 58.

The responses in blizzards survey werent worded in a way that can be interpreted in multiple ways. They should have just put the same answers from blizzards survey.

If you’re concerned about preserving your classic character then its be one or the 2 new character options. I suspect those are non-starter however and it will be one of the new xfer options. Even with the vastly improved leveling with parch 2.0. I cant see the majority of people wanting to start from scratch, and starting with a new 58 will get tons of the same complaints you see when people bring up boosts currently. Although there may have been an option for a boost with one of the TBC packs, I cant remember if that came with Wotlk or Tbc

Preserving my character would also consist of the third option which is “Start a brand new character from Level 1 on a new Burning Crusade server.”
There is nothing there saying my classic characters would be deleted. None of them do.

This is what the survey is asking.

My guess is it will end up being separate servers, but exactly how they do that is the point of contention.

I’d like to see a straight transfer from Classic to TBC, because I think a copy could leave too much room for shenanigans, but that’s me.

I’m about 99% certain you won’t have to worry. There’s always a CHANCE, but I seriously doubt they will do that.

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I didn’t get one. Maybe they aren’t sending it to people they’ve censored off the forums 5 times and suspended from Battlenet itself at least once.

The great thing about this is blizzard wins no matter what. There will always be enough classic players to fill both a PvE and PvP server to the brim, so even if a lot of the other servers die from TBC they can just keep merging them. Same thing goes for TBC. There will always be enough players to fill both a PvE and PvP server. Blizzard wins because they now have 3 products to keep you subbed.

I want to make sure the people that wish to continue playing Classic Vanilla get to do so legitimately. So I just wanted to make a post so my opinion might get know to a dev or CM. And I while I am here I think Blizzard should release fresh classic Vanilla servers when they release Classic TBC servers. And I dont think Blizzard should release Classic TBC servers for atleast a few months after Naxx is being cleared on Classic Vanilla servers if not longer.

I love that first option - transfer my character to a classic static server while rest of server progresses to TBC.

Sad there isn’t a faction xfer ability. That would be my ideal.

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how about a transfer my character and change the faction of my character option?

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Wont work. How are you going to deal with paladins and shamans? Do they just not get to faction transfer?

I feel like faction transfers would only hurt any faction unbalance.

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I like this idea too, but that might leave some people behind. Unless they made it a static option the second any toon logged in: “You must decided whether to transfer to a new server where you can stay in the Classic game or stay on this server and enjoy TBC before you can play. Decide NOW.”

They sent out a survey about an upcoming level squish that was not known at the time. Then suddenly shadowlands announced a level squish.

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For those saying they didn’t get the survey, be sure to check your “promotions” tab if you use gmail. That’s where my survey was.

I honestly wouldn’t mind a character copy to TBC servers AND the ability to make premade 58s. That way people can keep their classic characters and everything they achieved on them, and have a good way to make alts while skipping the classic leveling that they’ve done probably many many times.

Arena is the main reason I want TBC and allowing people like me to make a 58 and quickly get them arena ready would be very nice.

Did u read the agreement? You need banned.

If they did have a survey it was out months ago.

Options are good. Have servers where you can transfer your character over. But also have a couple where everyone starts from scratch.

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This is the dream right here. I want to go horde again for BC and pretty sure most of my guild does too but I’d rather not 1-70

if we started from 1 id probably go alliance this time around unless enough of my guild transfers over.