Blizz just sent out a survey about TBC

Yep. Going to be tricky and inevitably there will be people upset because Blizzard didmt choose their ideal option, and theyll make 99999 forum posts and throw a tantrum and threaten to quit… and ultimately most of them will end up playing anyway. :man_shrugging:

I have not received one however the survey posted on multiple discord and twitters are as follows.

  1. Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.
  2. Start a brand new character from Level 58 on a new Burning Crusade server.
  3. Start a brand new character from Level 1 on a new Burning Crusade server.
  4. Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server that will never progress past Level 60, with the option to transfer to a Burning Crusade server.
  5. None of the above.

Talking of which version, I just had a browse through the Patch notes, and this is the first one, Patch 2.0.1 :

http s://

Lots of interesting changes and additions.

The Looking for Group interface looks interesting (found a picture of it on the wayback machine). It’s a rather more manual and clunky version of what we have now - so if you are making a group for a dungeon, for example, and are short a healer, you can pick that grouping option and select the healer role. And if you are a healer looking for a group, you pick that option your ‘looking for group’ screen, and then they marry the two up.

I just realized there is no option to copy. This is extremely upsetting.

Copy could be a problem if character transfers from Classic to BC were later introduced. You could then have two of the same character on the same server. I don’t know if transfers would be allowed after the initial moves but if they were then copying could derail that.

I am new to Classic, TBC and WotLK. I want TBC and WotLK just to explore those expansions as they were. Playing Classic as someone that never did when it first came out was a great experience, and I would like to explore the other two old expansions in the future. That being said though, I have no idea how I would answer this survey so… It’s up to the vocal Classic players, they have a horse in this race. :crazy_face:

or you could have all your character copied over and have no transfer option unless its from TBC realm to TBC realm

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No one other than the most extreme cases want to play classic forever. BC will be a natural progression for most people. I doubt splitting the population will be a problem. Classic will run its course and 95% of people who still play it will move on to TBC and then later Wrath.

Copy = exploit

Someone giving you 10k gold you copy on TBC. Congrats you have 10k gold on TBC AND on Classic. Repeat this again & again -> econony ruined.

Transfer are fine.

id be fine with TBC never releasing. Id play Classic forever.

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or just limit gold when copied over. They limit gold with transfers.

It’s still allow exploit. Create level 1 give him the limited amount of gold. Copy him.

It would require several restrictions for the copy to work.

make it so people below level 30 cant copy/transfer over with more than 100g

Got one a couple months ago asking about BC.
Nothing new. They are just guaging ppls opinions

Yea exactly. Used to do that in the PTR so you could come in with “infinite” gold and mess around. Just keep pooling all your gold in a character before you transfer and voila

the answers there are not the same as blizzard asked in survey.

So either:
A. You were the only who got a survey
B. Lots of people got a survey but somehow kept it quiet until now
C. You’re lying.

Leaning pretty heavily on C


Makes no difference. As with transfers people would obviously just convert all their gold to assets. It would absolutely wreck the economy

then really, level 1s on a new TBC realm seems like the only option.

They’re worded differently which could impact the responses, but essentially the same answers