Blizz just sent out a survey about TBC

Also option 1 will preserve server community and guilds while option 2 it would be much more difficult and require planning, which many will not do.

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The playerbase gets split every time a new game comes out anywhere. Refusing to release a game because it splits the playerbase doesn’t keep it from splitting, it just means the players that split won’t be playing your game.

Really tired of seeing this poorly thought out argument.


id prefer that everyone is forced into BC


the people who want BC can copy/xfer their toons over to new TBC servers.

it depends. If more people want tbc it might be better to have classic players transfer over to a new classic realm and the old realms convert to tbc

Would prefer a fresh restart to level 1.

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The funny thing about TBC servers to me is that all the TBC content already exists in retail. All they had to do was not make it irrelevant and not mess the classes too much, and these classic TBC servers wouldn’t even be necessary. It’s not like vanilla with the Cataclysm changes.

Well, shut my mouth and call me Petunia!

(What? Isn’t “Petunia” a good name for a female Tauren Druid?)

I read the survey, as repeated by WoWhead. It was interesting to note the different options: use your Classic character, start over, and some others.

It points out how messy this is. Not only does Blizzard have to choose the right TBC version, they also have to decide how players transition from Classic to TBC.

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Given how easy it was for them to make heaps of Classic servers, I guess it would be equally as easy to make a mass of BC servers. I suspect they will leave the current servers locked to 60 (possibly merge ones that drop below a certain population to ensure enough people to play with) and provide the option to transfer a character or characters to BC. If they do that, it will be interesting to see how they handle things like duplicate names.

Guild banks! Arenas! Flight!!!

Can’t come soon enough for me.


Start from 58 on TBC.

Reset Classic Servers back to phase 1.

I would skip BC for WotLK if it came, but I’d probably be playing something else that far into the future.

Very true. I suspect there will be an extra log on option for 'World of Warcraft : Classic Burning Crusade" on our log in screen (or some similar sort of name to differentiate between Classic and BC). I suspect there will be a pre-launch phase where will have the option given to us to list a character to transfer to BC which must be level 58, 59 or 60. That will then be listed for transfer once it goes live.

We will then get a button go active on the log in screen on the day separate from Classic to log into TBC, as happened with Classic. Then the mad rush will start, with layers, crashes, queues, etc.

I know one thing for a fact - any characters on a pvp server will be likely staying right where they are for the early stages. No way am I hitting Hellfire Peninsula in that opening day massacre…


I’m sure it’s very early in the works, but I think it can be assumed it will happen. It’s the first real step to what a lot of people want, to just play the WoW expansion of their choice.

They clearly know people are interested, and they want to verify the level of interest. They wouldn’t have released a survey unless they were sure they could do a project like this, too.

That was not an option, sorry.

i wont play either tbc or classic if they delete this character.


Classic and TBC are merely stepping stones to WotLK.


That’s dumb. You think they’re going to arbitrarily put a level limit on xfers? :man_facepalming:

same. I just want either classic or TBC with new raids, and taken into a OSRS direction with content and talents, etc in general. Or if they just fix their busted retail game (which probably wont happen).

Anyone who actually got the survey mind telling us what the questions were?

Well, possibly not. They may put a limit on the numbers you can transfer across to start with, to lighten the load. I’m just thinking of the extreme case.

Itll be fine, mob availability will be the only real problem. I suspect it will be much like TBC the first time, or classics launch. People will be so focused on leveling/gearing for the first months that no one is going to go out of their way to PVP outside or Bgs