Blizz just sent out a survey about TBC

I didnt get one… but if i did, I would have voted for Classic+

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advice to everyone who plays tbc, play whatever faction/race/gender/class/spec you want. As with every RPG.


RIP my guild and raid teams. Telling 15 people to go screw themselves because there’s no room is gonna suuuuuuuck. More than that, not all of us will want to play TBC. Chaos.

Yeah I know those wanting TBC would probably leave anyways, but given the current pacing of content, nobody is going to want to do naxx if they stay true to BC’s release in relation to vanilla.

Well, it was nice knowing y’all. Won’t be playing TBC as anything more than a curiosity at most.


None of the Above.

Make a Classic+ Server with new content at level 60. Fix PVP and finish the incomplete stuff from Vanilla like the Azshara BG and the old Karazhan raid.


There are people with enough gold they can purchase epic flying for themselves and 1-2 people (likely alts) day 1 of classic TBC. A fresh start at level 1 (set everyone at the same starting line with the new class/race options), or a gold filter scrub of existing 60s that choose to copy/transfer are what is needed.

Preferably they should create dedicated servers for exclusively fresh TBC characters (no level 58+ characters from Classic or other TBC realms at any point, preferably no incoming transfers at all, allow only transfer off option). That option really only being needed if they cannot bend the community to accept that our levels of knowledge for Classic has warped progression to a point far beyond expected of the vast majority of players heading into TBC.

I’m kind of curious the functional difference between option 1, copying a character to classic server as current server progresses to BC vs option 4, copy a character to BC server as current stays classic.

It is good to see for those classic purists that no option seems to involve eliminating classic servers altogether

Yes, please do. I love killing belf pallies.

i know whats going to happen.

The same people will do the same thing against and have flying mounts one day less than they would of had it.

from what iv seen of other peoples surveys, it looks as though the only “classic + option” is the 5th option “none of these”. Seeing this makes me feel as though Classic + wont be an option unless a very large majority does option 5. I think blizzard should change the way you can do the survey and allow you to rank each option from most to least favorable.

That wasn’t a survey option, in fact it was never an option. Just a fantasy some people indulged in.


I would prefer no TBC at all. It’s time for a new game and not this rehashed nostalgia-fest. Let it all die rather than be a cash grab by Blizzard who get to reuse old data and rake in the money for little work.

But if it has to continue then it should be everyone. We already have a player split between Retail and Classic, now we’ll be splitting the base into three games.

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I wasn’t tryna be too standoffish, it was tongue in cheek. Just alot of people who dont like tbc here

they dont know how to make a new game thats good. Id rather play classic, tbc and wrath again than anything new they put out.


Inertia. There will be some subset of people who won’t lift a finger to switch to a new server. So option 1 will take more people into TBC while option 4 will have more people stay in Classic.

It might not be a huge effect but it could be significant.

I would choose the first option. No question.

If you want to play in post phase 6 limbo for the remainder of your WoW play time, you are welcome to do so… on another server.

Then let Blizzard die as a company. They have enough mindshare in the MMORPG space that even keeping their games on life support hurts new games that try to get into the market. I’d rather WoW died off if it gave newer games a chance.

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The only thing about character copy is it allows for some serious exploiting, unless they police it or apply templates or very strict limits to the items and gold you can copy with your characters. The impact could be disastrous on the game’s economy.

Even if they allowed a one time account image people could still send around gold and items to their friends or alternate accounts and exploit it.

Would love to somehow have my characters but I suspect they have considered this. It’s definitely something to consider.

Edit: just actually read the survey and saw the options, the way 1 and 2 are written sounds like they already thought about this - transfers, not copies.

Yes, this. I was hoping that diablo III would be great but everything I liked about D2 was gone and everything I hate about retail wow was in D3.

why have such an ignorant opinion? because you dont feel like playing their games? How about you just go play a different game instead of wanting to kill off what other people still enjoy?


The same way people came back for classic, I would imagine they’d come back for TBC. So splitting the playerbase wouldn’t be as prevalent as it may sound.

Also how large of a classic vanilla community do you think we need? Personally I don’t converse with anyone outside my server. So for my bubble it would be no different if we had 1 classic server or 200. So if some within classic leave classic for TBC Classic, granting there’s still at least 1 healthy sized server (which is almost assured to happen at a minimum) people that want to play classic forever would be more than capable.