Blizz just made WM impossible in the Maw

Seriously, there’s a guild dedicated to camping the maw in WM XD, some people literally have no life other than griefing in games.

Can’t you just idk stealth past with camo? Hunters are pretty mobile and can get around stuff pretty easily if they want to…

Be sure to add those double achievements points to your resume , heard they will take you to higher places !

Cute you keep editing your post though

This is hilarious because it was the horde players who complained about the lack of alliance even with the bonus. So Blizzard increased it even more for us, and now look at how things have changed :rofl:

Tried…they spam AoEs

Like most quest AoO can’t be completed in a raid… people obviously talking without experience.

I love War Mode. My server used to be a PvP server, getting locked out of content because of enemy raids was just part of life. Trying to turn in a bunch of quests at a hub while leveling? Come back later, there’s a bunch of max level players camping the hub and killing all the NPCs so that you can’t turn stuff in even if you don’t die immediately. With War Mode, I can choose if I’m in the mood for the possibility of open world raids. If not, I can turn it off and go about my business uninterrupted. Open world PvP raids are part of the open world PvP experience that War Mode offers. They are a feature, not a bug.

By the way, the Torghast entrance lobby is a rested area. If you’re getting camped while trying to leave the Maw from Ve’nari’s and your hearthstone is on cooldown, you can hop through the Torghast portal, turn off War Mode, hop back out, and then walk to the waystone.

What’s apparent is that no matter what Blizzard does there will be players complaining about an imbalance and things being unfair when it comes to WPvP. There are so many players who have made suggestions just begging for WPvP to essentially die off and become an afterthought.

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The alliance is waiting for you .

It’s a shame your forum game doesn’t translate to the actual game.


I’m not pointing fingers. Just saying.
Making warmode ffa gets around the need for both factions participating though.


My opinion is that war mode should’ve never been a thing anyways and pvp servers should’ve just existed. But here we are, there isn’t any going back nowadays.

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Enter: Chaos mode. World War Free…for all!


I agree. My server (Emerald Dream) actually loved WPvP with RP. Something we used to do is claim RP bases to invite assaults on each other in newer zones. Now it’s impossible to do that within our own realm due to sharding.

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Best mode.

They have that now lol Near the PvP world quests in SL

Those ffa wq’s are tons of fun, then you have that one guy yelling in general chat to let him do his world quest cause he can’t kill anyone lmao.

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Because you have that option.

The ability to disable Warmode was for exactly this type of thing - where there is a pvp situation that is difficult to resolve via normal means. The game is not ‘broke’ (at least not in this isntance), it is acting exactly as it was intended.

What would have happened if there was no warmode and you were playing on a PvP server? Could you go to Blizzard and complain that a bunch of the other faction’s players were camping a spot and making life hard for you? Well, you could, but they would tell you that pvp is a player-driven activity on a pvp realm and its up to you and your faction members to fix it.

But there are no pvp realms now, there is warmode, but its still up to players to fix it. Either by disabling it and playing in Normal mode, or by collecting a bunch of people together to contest the situation.

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It’s a shame how primitive an individual can be by downplaying an IRL occurrence to people who play a game mode in a video game

Tell me , do you also use people who suffer from cancer as edgy responses as well?

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