Blizz just made WM impossible in the Maw

Interesting opinion coming from someone who doesnt play the game.

This is the same problem that has existed since Blizz first implemented warmode in BfA: war mode should give PVP rewards but only gives PVE rewards. The result is that PVE players find ways to “game” the system through stuff like camping in the maw. I think there are basically two options. The first is to make warmode a week long decision by disabling your ability to opt out for 7 days after you opt in. This would prevent PVE players from turning on warmode for an hour while they do AOO and then going back to their normal PVE playstyle thereafter. The second (and much more likely) option is to disable all rewards for warmode and make it a truly optional activity.

The best solution would be to come up with actual PVP bonuses, like unique warmode world quests that reward only bonus honor or something like that, but we all know that isn’t going to happen.

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That’s ****ed up. Blizzard should let you be able to turn off WM when you opt into it. Oh well…

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Horde QQ. Cry more.

All that wonderful crap exists with WM off. Go and play there.

Damn… that sucks.

Not Blizzard’s fault…

Yet you are here… complaining… about World PvP happening when you choose to leave Warmode on.

Yeah that’s why there are threads complaining about Alliance being stomped in WPvP and Alliance raid teams struggling to keep up with Horde raid teams during World First races. But please… tin foil more.

Read: Someone complaining about PvP happening.

If you need an incentive to pvp. You don’t like pvp, end of story

So then we should take all the incentives from the game away. Why have incentives, you should just enjoy the game with literally no reward in doing it.

Yeah, not the same thing at all. Nice try though

I play with warmode on, and constantly have more horde than alliance in my shards. Yeah, it sucks when you find yourself with 5:1 ratio against your faction. It’s why you should be asking blizzard to balance the shards by faction, rather than attack the alliance.

It is. A portion of the game was drastically changed. Therefore an incentive is required for participation to occur. Just like they have incentives for raid and M+ just so there’s participation.

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You’re just wrong. If you need an incentive to do world pvp. you don’t like pvp at all. It’s truly that simple. You can argue all you want about it. Not gonna change the fact that you clearly like the rewards tied to and not actually like pvping

It’s an incentive to play in a game world where pvp can happen at any moment. It’s a version of the game that has inherently more risk than PvE only. There is a reason some people turn warmode off to ‘do their dailies’… they don’t want to be bothered with being attacked by players.

The bonuses are to offset lost time & the increased risk in WM

WPvP is about ganking and there needs to be incentives to get sheep to opt-in for the wolves to gank. Otherwise the wolves get bored from having no victims and also opt out.

If you want actual PvP then BGs and Arena are right there

I didn’t need an incentive to do WPvP. I liked it perfectly fine when there were PvP servers. But seeing that players in the same fashion that WM exists like to complain about imbalances it no longer exists. WM provides a completely different experience akin to doing BGs. So, there should be an incentive since the scene has changed so drastically.

Your logic holds no water. I enjoy PvP in WoW and believe there should be an incentive.

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Then the incentive should be the same for both factions

It was at the start of BFA and Horde overrun the Alliance heavily. Horde has dominated the PvE and PvP scene for quite some time. Alliance having an edge FOR ONCE isn’t going to kill the experience.

World PvP - the tragic and never ending saga since 2004.

There should be no incentive, problem solved.

I like that too

Now we’re 2+ years past this…so bc Tyson was champ years ago, Jr. gets horseshoes in his mitts?