We even have an astrophys…excuse me, just an astronomer, weighing in, too.
They outnumber us. I literally camped the area earlier for the “Against Overwhelming Odds” quest and it was laughable that I could get it done while not even being grouped with anyone with like 7-10 others and Horde just sat there and took it the whole time.
Ruin gaming is the organized force behind Alliance PvP raids. They have many guilds on different servers coordinating this action.
Speak for yourself.
Ok. Whatever an FM is and “out swarming”, maybe you run into them a couple times, but you’re not stopped from accessing an entire zone. Like, you can go around or a different way or something probably…I don’t know what you’re specifically talking about.
But these guys are routinely blocking the ONLY way into an entire zone. It’s not like you’re running around and wham!
Welcome to PvP it’s a gank or be ganked world. I take pleasure in killing any horde I see. Whether it be outside of Venari or it’s some hordie that actually managed to slip past into the maw and is just trying to quest. PvP for me is about dominating and making the enemy submit. When you take off wm you submit. So just submit to us and you won’t ever have to worry about getting ganked again.
why blame Blizzard? It’s other pvp’ers which are you problem , not blizzard. you just attack blizzard when they have NO WAY TO COMPENSATE for PVP group tactics. Grow up.
Nice one , I would write a flippant response but I don’t think you would understand the mechanics without DBM.
I think FM means flight master here. That is usually what I see that referred to as. Unless they’re describing frequency modulation and how alliance is conducting radio propaganda and metaphorically blocking us.
I wish I had thought about these things before I posted here. Could’ve saved a lot of people the trouble imparting their vast knowledge of the subject into terms a layman troll like I can understand.
I’m sorry I don’t understand people who have less achievement points than me. Maybe if you played the game more you’d make more sense to me.
Oh I’m sure you have a hard time understanding most things sir, I never doubted that for a second.
Actually, blizzard created a “fix” for the issue of raids forming and re-forming in place that actually prevented people from joining groups listed in the group finder without going back to their capital city to phase in. It broke one thing in order to fix another, and they rolled it back.
Here is a pro tip for you OP.
You can jump up the rocks and get out without going through the choke point, you will want a glider for a safe landing though.
Problem solved, you have an alternate way out without turning off WM.
Nothing more needs to be done or said.
What’s that little pup? Are you okay?
Blizzard can:
- End war mode perks that are only available to one faction.
- End raid groups out of raids.
This is a Blizz problem, not PvPers. The players are just exploiting what Blizz gave them.
Peachy, just calling out a primitive when I see one pumpkin.
I can’t hear you over the sound of double your achievement points.
Hey, thanks! For real… I’ll try that tomorrow.
Because some players were very vocal about their disappointment with the lack of opportunities for world pvp. Incentives apparently were necessary to encourage participation.
Blizzard is kinda in that damned if you do damned if you don’t space. Personally I think they should have made warmode ffa.
But that’s just me.