Blizz just made WM impossible in the Maw

World PvP is player vs. player content out in the open world. So… yes, that is world PvP.


I seriously don’t know how you manage to not drown in your cereal each morning

Hence why Alliance turned WM off for years, and Horde defended camping FPs and WQ areas. That sort of camping is what got you to the situation where so many more Horde are WM on that there’s always a bonus for Alliance.

If you think anyone’s going to be sympathetic for you getting camped a little now, good luck with that.

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I really gotta thank all the blood elf players nowadays don’t I? Because you want to play the most overrated race in the game, we all get 500 anima for camping horde. Thnx blood elf players.

Wow…that has completely opened my eyes. Now I get it.

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Everyone knows that if you are going to have war mode on then you are likely to run into trolls and griefers. It’s been that way since war mode was introduced.

If you want to properly PVP then queue for a battleground or an arena. Otherwise put your own raid group together and kick the campers off their spot.

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Lol. Ok. I can appreciate the sass here

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its called pvp, suck it up buttercup

:white_check_mark: In the World
:white_check_mark: Fighting other Players

Sounds like World PvP to me


Holy hell, thank god you guys aren’t the alliance during Phase 2 on a pvp server in classic. Y’all wouldn’t even last a day.

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Y’all are just full of wisdom. You can put little check boxes in your text OoO

Sounds like War Mode happened on War Mode.

why are we complaining about pvp in the pvp mode again? Turn it off if you suck and get killed a lot.

Your tears taste amazing. Welcome to what it feels like to play as alliance FOR THE LAST 6 OR SO YEARS

I mean you’re talking to someone who has done extensive World PvP all the way from Cata to this expansion. I’m sorry to inform you that the PvP experience is not a gentle one nor is it one for the faint of heart.

You need to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and either come to terms of the situation, figure out a clever way around it or just turn off warmode.

My tears for you playing this game for 6 or so years…that’s sad. I just got on for end of BFA and SL. I’d hate everything and everyone if I had 6 years in too.



you know most the horde would actually stand a chance against the ally camping them if they just took a second and realized if they stop trickling in one at a time and actually comunicate with each other and choose when to attack. They might actually have a chance of wiping the people camping them. Especially when most these alliance have the assassin and abduct debuffs and in some cases even immediate extermination. I actually don’t understand why they aren’t really trying to fight back to be honest.


Cool. Since apparently you missed the point; your faction (Horde) has completely abused open world PVP vs. the alliance for many years now, at least in my SUBJECTIVE (Just like yours) experience, and more specifically since WM has come out has completely dominated most servers WM, VIA camping FM’s and having raid parties out swarming alliance players. So, once again, I cheers you on your own tears.

Bc camping the only point in is some real stupid BS and I’m not going to do the same thing.