I know it’s not the answer you want but turn WM off, get your objective done, get out, and WPvP elsewhere.
I shouldn’t have to turn it off to play content. Why anybody needs a 40 man raid in world? One legit reason, not just to harass other players. Blizz needs to restrict raid groups to raids.
Higher population means horde has it much easier in WM, so since Alliance is getting ganked more, they get a bigger bonus. Perfectly fair.
I’m fine with no bonus for either faction. Makes sense cause it’s fair
That is how world pvp works. It isnt an organized event like a battle ground or an arena. It is an open free for all with no rules other then kill the enemy.
There are no “unfair” battles in world pvp.
That’s not Blizzard’s problem. Get some strategy going, form a raid, fight back till they leave.
Or just don’t PvP in the Maw.
The game doesn’t revolve around Warmode.
Not the whole picture because you can exploit layering to get 40 ally in one shard where there is only a handful of horde.
Suffer, horde. For fifteen years, your tale has been Alliance’s.
I’m on NA Whisperwind, but that doesn’t matter bc with layering, you get folks from all servers crammed into one layer.
At this point it’s less about race choice and more about sheer momentum. Back when Every Man for Himself got nerfed and Horde racials were left unchanged, a bunch of competitive players transferred, which led a bunch of streamers to transfer, which then caused a bunch of the streamer followers and their circles to transfer, creating this snowball effect that’s still rolling today.
The effect is so strong that even if multiple Alliance races got game-breaking racials it’d be unlikely to balance things back out because guilds have too much invested in being Horde.
I just want to be able to leave the refuge… Elite guards, larger safe zone, ending raid groups in world, all great ideas.
Good. Turn it off and experience life as an Alliance.
You want the WM benefits, but don’t want to pay the WM tax. Doesn’t work that way bubba.
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing the past couple of days… I know it is the solution, but I’m not happy about it and I think something needs to change.
PVP is for losers who can’t bully in real life anyway.
There is a PvP solution to your PvP problem.
They can’t block anything if they’re dead.
There is also the issue that for years, alot of band-wagoners join the Horde just so that they can be with the majority and reap the benefits without the consequences. They want the benefits of WM without the pvp, so when a pvp situation arise, they will run rather than fight.
At this point, any Alliance that is WM-on that have stayed on after the exodus have to be alot more pvp oriented.
Then make your own raid.
Says the ally. I think you’re choosing not to see the point I am trying to make… Two scenarios:
- You’re out in the world, WM on, enjoying some questing. Out comes a 40 man raid group, bam you’re dead. You spawn and go elsewhere…yeah that sucks but hey, game on.
- There’s one way into the Maw. You jump down there and need to leave out of the sanctuary zone. You leave and are immediately killed by a 40 man raid group camping the exit. You spawn back in the exit. Try again, same. You’re stuck, can’t explore the zone unless you turn WM off.
Great argument for your factions screwed up ways.
You are still level 50, how much time did you go to the MAW?
I’m lvl 60, what are the WM benefits? I just like to have WM on for those occasional, random world PvP moments. I think that is fun. Why is it either be ok with 40 man raid group blocking access to game content or “turn WM off”?