Blizz just killed their own game?

For the 5th tim since wotlk!

This your first time playing before an expansion or something?

Things will be back to normal once prepatch is out. Most of my guild is on a break till then too. We just want to play with the new changes at this point.

Everyone is quitting now because SL looks worse than BFA.

I have quit WoW since gear up alts while corruption is about is a waste of time. Been playing Amazon’s New World and loving every second of it.

I personally am waiting for corruptions to be gone to play again.

Some schools have started again. Summer weather us almost over. Bad system. Several reasons why there are less players. Why play when everything gets reset in a few weeks.

I wonder what kind of kick-back Blizz gets from computer hardware sales?!?!

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it just strikes me as odd an odd strategy because inevitably some people won’t come back after losing interest.

If you have a brand you don’t drive people away prior to dropping new inventory do you? Is it not better to keep them in the store shopping the whole time rather tell them to go home and come back another day?

At least for me, these short breaks often lead to extended, years long breaks

Well I farmed hours upon hours upon hours to have them removed in the pre-patch, yeah im not doing M+ anymore, or farming visions or sockets or anything, it’s stupid. At the very least we could have used the corruption to level from 50-60. That seems fair. Removed in pre-patch is a scam.

Corruptions are one of the worst mechanics I have encountered. Good riddance if you ask me, they were way too game breaking!

  • Take a month off
  • Finish leveling analt
  • Test something on the PTR
  • Finish some side quests
  • Unlock another race
  • Farm some transmogs or mounts

its true the game feels deader and the people left have less drive to actually do stuff.

but i assumed it was normal when the next xpack is officially around the corner ; corruption or not.

Op,this is normal before the patch been like this for a long time.

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Is this your first time experiencing the end of an expansion?

Everyone is waiting on the prepatch.

Enjoy your covid.

No, no it doesnt.

You haven’t played the beta. It does.

seriously. this.

you all are complaining about borrowed power going away… that’s completely normal.

I am not surprised.

This is what happens with borrowed power. :clap: :clap: :clap: