Blizz just killed their own game?

Since the announcement that corruptions are being removed a month prior to prepatch, the world is a ghost town. Chamber of heart is empty, as are capital cities and participation in content is hugely down; there are no M+ groups listed. I imagine the battleground and arena queues are broken too. Yes its Sunday morning but this has been a legit thing since the announcement


everyone is leaving to enjoy the good time they have before the next expansion, happens all the time


The good time sheltering from viruses and wildfires…?

It wasn’t nearly this empty a week ago


theres more to life than socializing and going out. they are catching up on netflix , playing other games etc


I’m pretty sure it’s not because of corruption that people aren’t playing that much right now.


It’s also just the very end of the expansion. It’s normal for things to die down a bit. Many have already finished their goals and are just waiting around till the pre-patch now.


Blizz kills their game a little everyday, but its not because of removing corruptions…


Nah, there’s a lot of internet services down at the moment it sounds like. That said, people should be grateful corruptions are going. They broke the game. What will be the test to see if blizzard killed their own game is how long people play after shadowlands launch with the travesty that are covenants.


Not sure what you’re talking about, dude. It’s early EST here and people are -still- hanging out on WrA in the Chamber. I literally just got out of an (attempted yet failed) 5 mask. People still talking in Trade, hanging out in Orgrimmar. Just another “WoW iS dEaD!” thread.
Corruptions are awful and unbalanced. It will be a great improvement when they are gone, perhaps then they can focus on making -classes- more powerful, rather than giving them weird crutches.


We’re pretty much back open in New York State. I spent yesterday doing a brewery tour.

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Corruption was one of the biggest gearing mistakes this game has ever made.


It’s the calm before the storm. enjoy the peace and quiet while you can. for better or worse, the dolphins and whales will return en masse for the Pre-Patch event and the Launch of Shadowlands.

considering the prepatch is going to be released either on the 22nd, or 29th, i’m not sure your 'corruption is going to be removed a month prior to prepatch is accurate.

We have no idea when prepatch will be released, but also corruptions is being removed at prepatch, not before.


Corruption will be removed WITH the pre-patch, not a month before it. The pre-patch will be a month before the expansion.


I’ve been goofing off playing Valorant and Warzone.

I don’t believe it’s killing anything off, just temporarily freeing up people from their number chasing addictions.

If you enjoy the game by all means keep playing, but now is one of the few times you’re allowed to take a step back and a break without falling behind anyone.

In just a few short weeks we will all be running on little sleep, so it’s best to rest and relax right now.

You don’t know how I shelter!!
How dare you! Sunday love

They are removing corruptions on prepatch, not before.


If the corruptions are being removed a month prior to pre-patch… then how long is the pre-patch going to last? It’s bad of me to assume but I thought it would be going for a month at the very last. Release is October 26th or something like that?

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They could always just add a bunch of randomly placed random named npcs and it would have the same impact as the afk people loafing around. I’ll never understand why people care about those things.

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