Blizz just killed their own game?

I think everyone is just waiting for pre patch now

Happens at the end of every expansion. Along with the hyperbole.


Iā€™m happy to see corruption gone. I have been playing other games and taking a break until PrePatch, 8.3 has lasted way too long. Been playing 7 Days to Die and Conan Exiles.

Now that BFA has an expiration date, thereā€™s not much motivation to grind for thing you know are going to be useless soon.

Right now the two big grinds are for gear and corruption/corruption resistance. Since corruption is going away in roughly a month and all our gear becomes useless in 2 months, thereā€™s not terribly much motivation to pursue either.

At this point, youā€™ve really only got collectibles and gold grinding.

I mean, thereā€™s not much point in pushing hard for anything atm unless you have a specific goal (like achievements) in mind. The time before prepatch/launch is a perfect time to take a break because nothing really matters at this point.

The game isnā€™t dead, and Blizzard didnā€™t kill anything. A much more likely explanation is that now we know the release date, people can reliably take some time off without having to constantly sub or log in while we wait for prepatch. We always see a decline in activity at this point during an expansion.

Weā€™ve had the patch for over 6 months. Everyone who has wanted to play the patch, has played the patch. Right now, the level squish, gear squish, corruption removal, and the expansion are looming, and everyone who has cared about 8.3 has came, saw, and conquered.

Retail is a Shadowlands waiting room, and thatā€™s fine. There are lots of other good games, and Iā€™m glad I have the time to play them before Shadowlands without falling behind. Iā€™ve had a lot of time for Total Warhammer 2, which is a fantastic game.

No, people just got bored.


Geeee, I wonder if all the connection issues that started at 6:00 this morning might have something to do with it.

NY in the house!! Long Island over here.

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It usually is in the weeks leading to a new expansion release. Even with quarantine, people make plans to ā€œstay homeā€ for the first two weeks of a new expansion.

A new semester is starting this month in the US. Both university and high school students who play this game are starting new terms and schedules get adjusted accordingly.

A lot of people take a week off at the start of a new expansion for power leveling or just to ā€œvacationā€ in the game. This means ā€“ for many ā€“ spending MORE time than usual organizing their workplace and getting things in order for spending a week away.

People get bored at the end of an expansion. We know that corruption is leaving, so I honestly could not be bothered to do another vision. I could go do like 15 of them right now, but I canā€™t find the desire to do any.

Iā€™ve gotten seriously into pet battles. Itā€™s my new WoW crack that a guildie introduced me to. If she hadnā€™t done that, Iā€™d be watching TV shows Iā€™ve missed or cleaning my house into oblivion instead of playing WoW. The player base always takes a collective breath before a new expansion drops.

Weā€™ve raided all five raids. Weā€™ve M+'d every dungeon in every possible way.

Weā€™ve done all the islands and all the warfronts and all the assaults.

Those of us who are still playing actively are either hunting for achievements and mounts before BfA goes bye byeā€¦or weā€™re leveling alts and spending time on the PTR.

Nah. The last thing the game needs is for the tiny percentage who already have maximum corruptions to get even more at the expense of the rest of the playerbase. Itā€™ll be nice to do a few bgs again without getting farmed by premades being carried by their corruptions. That should never have been a thing. Corruptions should have been disabled in PvP.

This literally happens every expansion

first time on a waiting for an xpac?

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Corruption is a system, the like of which has never been part of the game before. Uncharted territory and all.

The end of an expansion isnā€™t though, and this happens at the end of everyone of them.

Its still busy on the populated realms. feels like no one has left. LuL. Im farming rares in Uldum and Vale so I dont have to come back to BFA. I am looking forward to SL and the prepatch.

Even though alliance is a small minority on this server, I see plenty of them out there in the world. Iā€™m thinking warmode might be deserted though.

They really should never have been allowed in pvp in the first place. I totally agree on that. I wonā€™t be sad to see them go, I just thought that itā€™s such a mess already, why not go all in. All out sounds more responsible.