Blizz just killed their own game?

You won’t be able to do anything but pre-patch after pre-patch hits.

Proud member of the no cloak club.

Feels good!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Samurai Jack game ?

I think it looks worse than BfA.

Is everyone quitting because they think it’s worse than BfA? No. Lots of people are still held entranced by the hype. For some people it’s going to be a good fit. Some people are quitting until release because they want to skip the griefing event.

I think fallout will be gradual. The harder they turn the screws to try to force players to play the way they want them to play, the more they will lose.

After the whole classic, “You think you do but you don’t.” debacle you’d think the lead devs, and their bosses would look in the mirror and see their ego is the biggest problem plaguing modern Warcraft.

oh look another person saying blizzard is done for. this is the 10000th time i seen something like this in 1 month. seriously get overyourself you doomsayers are alll over wow forums and youtube twitch and such your always wrong.

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OP is crazy my server chamber is still busy and I mean busy

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