Blizz just killed their own game?

You mean alliance and horde evenly? Won’t find one

Then make the choice and don’t change it. Forcing people to do what you want is not a good solution.

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Which is why I said allow switching.

I don’t think removing power from them is a good idea.

Yeah that’s the problem. At least a little close but every time I do find one close it’s either there’s 20k on Horde and 200 on Alliance or other way around. I guess I just gotta go with which is populated and fun for both factions.

Sure, but once again that throws all “meaningful choice” that they claim they want covenants to be, out the window.

Yea, it’s not perfect but i was browsing wowprogress just now, and no populated realm has an active raiding horde AND alliance

But it doesn’t make covenants themselves boring.

You still have to spend time with a covenant to get the renown up to get the soulbinds and rewards and each covenant is different gameplay wise.

Which is the root of the problem as it is now.

I don’t see it as a problem if you can switch between.

I still want gameplay differences between covenants but that doesn’t mean you NEED to be locked into them.

If you like the aesthetic of Maldraxxus but need the venthyr ability you work on both, it provides even more content to boot.

Really? I was just in the Chamber, seemed full to me, so were the cities. Seriously, how dumb do you have to be to think people would abandon the game just because they removed Corruptions?

I mean collecting mounts and tmogs and battle pets are also something to do. It’s just not that fun. Video games should be fun. Atleast I thought but boy is blizavision proving that theory wrong.

You know you can’t do story or use aesthetics from one while using another…right?

That’s their choice now, but it’s not like it can’t be changed.

You can already change covenants, we just still don’t know hard it will be to change back.

My sub up on the 31th. I am taking at less a week off to do other games in my backlog. I’m resubbing but other then raiding and doing old content… I’m bored.
I don’t want get burn out before prepatch and SL.

It a month to prepatch. People have nothing to do until then. Corruption being remove. Raids been done. Pvp and M+ Season almost over. Happens at end of expansion.

Blizzard, listen to feedback?

They’ve completely ignored all the Guardian Druid feedback for over 2 years now and didn’t do anything to the spec for Shadowlands except nerf it.

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The surprise was that Shadowlands is releasing as early as it is.

Well Blizavision seems to think cosmetics are fun. Which is why we are getting more cosmetic changes than actual class changes.

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Once I learned the corruptions were being removed, I instantly had no interest in farming more of the currencies. It’s kinda true for me at least.

Everyone has pretty much the best gear they’re gonna get at this point. The battlegrounds are about the same. A lot of people will be just farming gold, mog or mounts.

They didn’t kill the game, they just killed the terrible BFA systems.

Exactly. They killed the one thing mains can actually work on anymore, to what, get people hyped? I was enjoying myself.

These are not normal times and SL isn’t a normal expansion. They don’t need to pull the plug, maybe instead toss us a life raft and trivialize corruptions by making them cost next to nothing. Let us have a little meaningless fun in these stressful times.

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Sounds reasonable. Put all corruptions on the vendor and make them half price.

The corruptions are kind of a problem for some people in arena, but might as well go hog wild at this point.