Blizz just killed their own game?

I’ve been gearing this guy back up pretty quick, no guild on this guy and got my key up to a 14, game feels pretty lively to me. I know stormrage is gonna be a nightmare on launch.

“The only way to fix them its to make them useless”

Nope. The only way to fix the system is to not force people to have useless gameplay because they want a certain aesthetic/story/rp choice and vice versa. The system as is is horrendous and unfun.

The way to fix it is just to allow you to switch them whenever you want, not remove all usefulness from the covenant and make them “cosmetic” only, like some stupid reputation.

Free switching of covenants really does make them worthless. The worth of covenants as an RP choice, which is what they claim they want them to be, is actually strengthened by taking the gameplay aspect out of them.

If there’s no power attached to them might as well not even pick one.

It’s usually pretty quiet after they announce the next expansions release date too. We will see a high amount of people come back right before the pre patch probably. Not to mention…

School did just start up. :joy:

Just saw a college announce 1000 positive covid tests, like its some sort of gameshow where they win something for getting the most.


If there’s no power attached to them they are instantly a fun choice to make, because I don’t have to choose between aesthetic/story/rp and gameplay, not to mention covenant loyalty would be a thing, since I wouldn’t have to switch my covenant to enjoy my gameplay.

If you find cosmetics fun, sure, but that’s not why everyone plays, I don’t even transmog.

Another thing they could do is allow a “secondary covenant” where you quest some and they give you can choose between the abilities but you don’t get cosmetics from it or access to the soul binds.

No, the game is a ghost town because the launch date for the next expansion was finally announced.

Now that most people know that, they are doing other things while they wait.

My server was pretty busy until the announcement, now there are quite a few less people.

Prepatch is going to be packed I think, they’re going going to take a month off now that they know and come back fresh for prepatch.


Everybody who is still playing is farming old content.

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Corruption is one of the biggest mistakes Blizzard ever made. It made me completely stop caring if I did any thing or not. I have barely logged in in the last few months and when I did I just did a few old raids or a couple world quests and logged out after I received yet another piece of gear with corruption on it that alts could not use. Corruption can’t go away soon enough, I might actually log in more when it’s gone.

Yea it is sad. The remote learning is going now though as well which is good.

The parts of covenants that don’t involve gameplay are more than cosmetics, they are also how you experience the story of the expac. It may not be a big deal to people who only care about gameplay, but they aren’t right now either. The people who only care about gameplay don’t actually care about the covenants right now, all they care about it the abilities they give.

Depends on what realm you’re on. Orgrimmar is populated and so are leveling zones and Dazar’alor on my realm.

I like having to make the choice and being mostly locked into, that’s fun to me.

This I can agree with 100%. The corruption system drove me out of BfA and into the waiting arms of old content.

Argus is packed.

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Yeah I need to find a realm where it’s evenly populated and packed.