Sounds like a writing skill issue.
I didnt really even pay attention to it
I kept wondering why Fyrak didn’t just blow Ebyssian out of the sky when he turned into a dragon and saved us. Pretty sure Fyrak had a few opportunities to do so near the end of that quest chain.
Something like that feels worse to me than say mole people who literally fit the zone/area. It was pretty dark when he torched the mole city though because we were helping each other out.
I agree though, story should be darker, nothing feels too dangerous. The 3 other Primal dragons should have gone on an immediate killing spree when they were released tbh. They all but ignored us after we killed Raz though.
You being completely wrong and looking dumb for calling things “Marvel/Disney writing”, despite the fact it’s not even new and that you don’t know what you’re talking about? Because if so, that would be the only thing you got correct so far.
LOL. So you have no agrument then, just name calling.
You are backtracking.
Okay cool. You have those games. I heard Elden Ring is a great game for that.
I’l even link it for you.
Also, why tf are you even playing WoW then? If you want this, you probably should’ve stopped playing in Cataclysm.
Other games have done this far better than WoW ever could, anymore. Last time Warcraft did this was WCIII.
The good ol days of well-written characters and their development and story writing are long gone.
Actually wait, let me do one better for OP.
Here ya go OP!
Seriously though, it’s pretty good.
Unfortunately it’s what sells. Sorry state of creativity nowadays.
So we will also get to team up with the Harlem Globetrotters?!?!
But what about Pandaria and Legion? That was top tier level storytelling.
And Jonathan Winters, both in and out of his Maude Frickert character.
Comedic Moments need to be well executed, and sparing, not everywhere!
If anything they should be subtle so that they’re recognized months later!
I get it. I like the old, creation stuff, and the early azeroth lore, before and after the well is destroyed, and the continent splits apart. Also, the evolution of the races is pretty interesting.
Oi. Very strange. Much cringe comments from some here.
I agree with op but I understand some prefer the way the game has gone so far; a watered down “safe” version of what it once was.
To each their own honestly. But dang, some of you really going after others valid feedback on a once beloved game like your opinion is fact and anyone who wants more story sustenance is beneath you.
Guess I’ll stick to my Warhammer horror novels for a good story.
Hello, I see you replied to my post. Haha, WoW’s writing was always terrible! The fact you believe otherwise tells me everything I need to know about you, your horrible language skills just bolster it further, haha!
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
What’s it like being so easily annoyed?
Just kidding I already know
Depends on the day and if i had my caffeine or not.
This is how Danuser writes. Danuser isn’t going anywhere.
I didn’t realize that sugar was a stress buster for me until I got a job that actually stressed me out
We can’t have funny anymore, we have to have Dark Souls-level seriousness 100% of the time!