I hear this excuse almost EVERY time these unconstructive threads made and get backlash for writing an unconstructive thread here. Or get defensive that somebody doesn’t agree, or completely with them.
Like, if ya really love it and want to genuinely see it improve, then you would dedicate some time writing in a constructive thread on what are the flaws, what do you like, what you want them improve, and etc. Right? Because right now, your thread is no different then somebody shouting over and over “THis game SUKS AND IF YOU LIKE IT, THERe’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!!”.
Not to mention, some of your complaints, seem to go against Wrath which, btw, did the same things they did back in it’s day that you’re complaining about with DF. If you’ve played Wrath, you would’ve hated it back then for how Campy it is.
Just like how somebody who hates the new spiderman movies for it’s marvel-etse writing, would dislike the Sam Rami films most likely.
And while i’m on the topic, Spiderman 3 has a LITTERAL TAP DANCING SCENE with Bully Maguire. This “Marvel writing” isn’t even new. Want to talk about bad writing? Look at The Amazing Spiderman 2.
You mean…when Orcs and Humans met at Wrathgate and traded quips before facing the Lich King? How about the dueling airships on the way to kill Lich King? Tuskarr? The wolvar and speakers in the jungle that both spoke broken English and were cutesy?
I’ve been fine with the writing TBH, but I guess that has more to do with expectations. I’m not really expecting Game of Thrones from a game with pandas and mechagnomes, and frankly I’d argue the more ‘marvel-esque’ writing probably works better for the setting.
That said, I can absolutely see where that writing wouldn’t appeal to everyone, it is pretty… light, being more of a mass appeal style.
Yeah, I just don’t care for it. I want to, but I just don’t care for story. That and, dragons to me just seem so early 2000s, I wish they could be creative and come up with some sort of new fantasy creature other than your stereotypical dragons.
Will say this however, i did not expect Blizzard to take a bit more from Legend of Spyro by taking inspirition of those game’s Mole people “Manwearesmalls”.
Moon Guard’s creepy ERP is localized in one area. Your fault for going there, lmao.
In truth, the RP scene in MG is robust and diverse with city walkups, world RP, and guilds. I’ve been on this server for over 10 years; you only see the scum if you go to Goldshire. And Goldshire doesn’t speak for the rest of the server.
The fact he singled out your realm, tells me everything about OP.
…This is why this thread is garbo.
"Oh you’re in Moonguard? Well of COARSE You would be into THAT kind of Roleplay in Goldshire which is why disagree with me with this, hehe.hehehe… " That’s the sort of vibe i’m getting off of them when they say that.
I didnt reply directly to your movie comparison because your autistic rambling was tldr. If you wanna say the same about my op as a whole. Thats fine too.
If you say so. Im still not interested in playing pretend with you. Id rather immerse myself in a good story as the lead character whos more of a local hero rather than a demi god who cant seem to die.