So contrarian devils advocate take, for the sake of being a contrarian.
“You do better.” Is the most braindead response you can give other than, “If you don’t like it quit.”
Im still here defending my beliefs so I’m not sure what your point is.
So contrarian devils advocate take, for the sake of being a contrarian.
“You do better.” Is the most braindead response you can give other than, “If you don’t like it quit.”
Im still here defending my beliefs so I’m not sure what your point is.
Nah it wasn’t always bad, it was simple yet beautiful. Once WoW went sky rocket out of nowhere, the gutted the lore in favor of the “gameplay”. and now days they just please their loud minority, or well now days its the main player base. most of the people who enjoyed wow cause of warcraft is almost already gone
What quality?
You mean when they turned the lich king into a cartoonish saturday morning cartoon villain?
Plot twist. They started destroying the lore in TBC.
Nah. “it used to have high quality” is a bit more brain dead, because it requires a person to completely turn off their brain and forget how bad it was.
Nope, it was in vanilla. The set up of the factions is one of the main changes they did…
A few examples:
TBC had a major change, but it wasn’t the beginning.
Good examples you got there.
In terms of Arthas, what made him a cartoonish villian. Because he didn’t solo the whole argent crusade himself?
So you are saying that in vanilla wow they started gutting the lore?
But you just said…
So now I am just confused.
The lore was gutted in vanilla. But it wasn’t bad ?
No, because he kept showing up and and basically shaking his fist at us.
Throw in how he was always seen as being evil personified the entire expansion, then suddenly his death scene we were supposed to care about him? And dont get me going with the completely horrible “there must always be a lich king” line.
A big bad guy, seen as evil, that you suddenly feel sorry for, out of the blue. And his super secret reason for doing evil things was actually something possibly good! Quick…who am I talking about…Zorval or the Lich King?
WotLK made Arthas just a fantasy darth vader. Such a horribly written villain.
I wasn’t clear, what i tried to say… WoW (Vanilla) was the killing of the Warcraft lore, after it skyrocket, the lore went completely out of the table. As a result you got BC
I mean. To me that says it was always bad. So when some time period is being referenced as it not being bad…I just dont see it.
Honestly the more I see the 2 the more I’m thinking that they are setting up a relationship and I can’t help but think of the Mad TV skit…
And honestly I wouldn’t hate this outcome. Fits better than the Anduin thing people keep begging for.
well in WoW yes, for most of the part, it had its moment of good stories. But as an entire universe, including Warcraft (mainly the RTS) it was good. simple and straight forward.
And on your comment on Arthas i agree. He wasn’t entirely evil, he was more of an anti-hero. His fusion with Ner’zhul was the motivated in revenge and a greater good. Both of them wanted to protect their people and kill the burning legion. both had the same weakspot, their loved ones.
At the end of TFT Arthas manage to end Illidan, back then no one knew if he was alive. and the same could be argue for Kael and Vash. Also muradim was dead.
The lich king had a goal, to protect their people (in their terms) and prepare them for what was to come. Anubarak hints to this in the campaign. Nerzhul was preparing everything to confront the burning legion and the old ones.
Having done the Zaralek Caverns intro several more times over the weekend, I’m ready to strangle both of the presumptive heirs to the black dragonflight, and I think I would be declared a hero of Azeroth for doing so.
Excessive one-upmanship is as tiresome in fiction as it is real life.
Then you answered your own question, didn’t you? And yes, you are being “that guy”. Intentions =/= reality.
Did you play WC3?
I think you didn’t. Arthas wasn’t a bad guy, nor was he a hero. He was more of an Anti-Hero.
His 3 campaigns are dedicated to this. Nerzhul was preparing everything to fuse with him, end the burning legion and try and fight against the old ones.
Reading the history, from the beginning, is really good. I think its all broken up into “chapters” on wowhead. After Cata, I almost completely lost interest in the lore, and after going to a different universe, I gave up on anything being good, and not just a re-imagining of the things that made the game so popular. I don’t take it too hard, though. I’m sure some people still like the story, and I’m happy for them.
WoW story was a masterpiece, you’re just delusional. Your “opinion” that WoW writing (in the meaning OP intended) was always bad is pure stupidity. Even if you use the “that is my taste” subjective card, your opinion is still as dumb as someone saying that “Tchaikovski music is bad because I don’t like classic music”… Just stupid.
As for my English, yeah sure. Not my first language. Not my second, either. Not even my third, So feel free to mock my “english skills”, that is the best argumentation you’re capable of making, no one was expecting better of you, as no one expect something good coming for the likes of you. Stupidity disguised as comedy is all you can ever try to make.
…So because i know WoW’s writing has been crap for a while, and i know how to take this better then you, that makes me a contrarian? lol?.. I could say that you’re just hating for the sake of it, and that will be your argument right there. You’re just expecting people agree blindly with you, aren’t you?
Maybe if you’ve been more constructive and actually explain your points without throwing out buzzwords like “Oh DF is disney or marvel” or use less hyperbole, i would’ve agreed with you more beyond that point.
Some people like retail for what it is, and if you can’t see that, then that’s on you.
I disagree, because this is the most braindead response you could ever give here OP.
Maybe ya should take your own advice and not just spew buzzwords and instead convey your thoughts in a more coherent and constructive way.
I pray for anybody who is near you when you dislike movies they like. Seems like a miserable life to lead tbh.
Lol, what does that even mean?
What, you doubt me not watching the new Star Wars Stuff?
I honest god can’t tell you much of anything of what happens in these films because, i never watched them on my own.
I only know that a lot of people get angry over people liking some of these movies. Which isn’t the first time or last that has happened in entertainment medium, but i digress, because that inevitability leads to Hogwarts Legacy and the colorful mess that is.
You essentially called Rosenivy stupid for liking something or being happy with something that you don’t like. That’s a you problem if you think somebody is stupid for liking something you dislike. And you might need to work on that.
Oh yup. You caught me. Its not because i love the game at its heart. Its just because me want mad.
From 2004-2010 they got to tie up loose ends from warcraft 3… so that’s probably why.