Oh yeah? Well prepare to be pwnt by a talking beach ball!
Actually, I like it.
These are two very different people. Wrathion is young, arrogant, sure of himself, proud of his dragonflight and desparate to prove himself. Sabellion is older, tired, world-weary, clever and unused to having his words ignored by another Black Dragon. They are complete opposites, but they are learning about each other and themselves as they go along.
I actually find it interesting, and I hope the growth and development of the two of them continues.
The main story has been safe, predictable and dull. The incarnates have given the corpse a weak pulse. I like Fyrakk as the classic evil dragon and I presume he will only get worse as the madness within the shadowflame consumes him.
The side stories in 10.1.0 have stepped up at least the one conserning the dragonscale expeditionary camp. You have to actually read the dialog but its the first bit of writing I’ve really enjoyed.
People are just too distracted by Minnesotan moles and the Black Dragon Bros. I would say the writing quality has tredned upward in 10.1.0.
Wow definitely has always had a sub par/non-existant story. The difference between now and then is we cared about those characters. Now we’re following these non-WCIII characters we’ve developed little to no connection with and the blinders are coming off.
moon guard
Ive seen how your roleplay works first hand… im good on that.
IMO Blizzard’s writing is worse than marvel. I’m afraid the writing can not be improved because that’s all this terrible writing team can do
Then go back to Classic if you think it sucks then. Or spend the money elsewhere.
Except it does.
You’re not beholden to the story of the game, when you can RP anyway you want to really. That’s how i become at peace with the story mostly. I just ignore it and create my own. Worked out for the better for me, and i can gladly do whatever i want with my RP.
Thats great, but not an excuse to overlook a poor quality product. Which goes into my next point…
As much as i love the classic eras and the way they play, they wont expand. Theyre forever stuck in 1 time without any significant updates or additions. Watching the game i really liked become this uninspired, uninteresting and mediocre experience for the sake of the largest demographic that just wants to shut their brain off, get stuff for minimal effort and press the buttons as they light up is depressing.
Wrathion and Sabellion bickering like an old married couple is peak writing! Come on man.
Lol you’re comically edgy.
Whining about “samey” entertainment while being obnoxiously cliche is certainly something.
Wanting a story that isn’t generic and uninspired is now edgy.
You dropped your big red nose.
Better Marvel than whatever grimdark, edgy emo with teen angst that DC had going on with Zack I-can’t-write-Superman/Batman-to-save-my-life Snyder. Screw everything that garbage director ever put his name on in DC films.
You know what? I concede on that one. Edge for no other reason than to be edgy is just as bad.
Cataclysm December 2009
Alright, nothin’ to see here.
Catas game play was hot garbage and ruined balance for years.
It’s story was solid. Ill go as far to say Warlords story was also great. Both were marred by horrid design choices.
Happier? Or dumber?
What you think is poor quality is rather subjective.
And i say this as somebody who doesn’t care for the story either because it’s really not that good, or never really was anything more but just okay, but the cutscenes more then make up for that. But i’m taking it better then you tbh.
Neither the Sam Rami’s or Mark Web’s Spiderman films. Yet i’m fine with that despite every new Spiderman movie being a Marvel Disney movie now.
…Plus, they did expanded on this, it was called Cata. Something that mind you, you dislike in this thread.
I know some want people to go back, redo the best they got back then and go off to a completely different direction. But you’re expecting the same people, of the same product you’ve criticized, to expand upon Classic. Which mind you also, made some changes that are rather divisive themselves. Such as the shop, no LFR, etc.
I just think it’s better for you to just accept that the same people who made Vanilla, TBC and Wrath, aren’t there anymore.
Then play something else, like Elden Ring, or something.
I don’t know what to tell you other then some people genuinely like what WoW has became, and that’s okay. Lord knows i take a break from this game every once while when i’m feeling pretty bored with it sometimes. I enjoy it and love it a lot of times, but there are times when it’s time for me to play another game for a bit to rekindle my interest in it again.
Apparently somebody being happy with something you dislike is them being dumb.
… I don’t want to be that guy, and i’ve never watched the new star wars sequels since they never really interest me, nor i don’t hear many good things about it… but why i get the feeling you’re the sort who goes total aggression mode on somebody just for liking The Last Jedi?
God finally someone said it. I like Baby Yoda as much as the next guy but Mandalorian is kinda mid at best.
They should really follow scooby doo narratives instead. There is some great writing there.
What you said or I think all the arm chair expert writers who type bad story all the time then just bail the conversation…well those people should provide a writing sample of how they would craft the story.