Blizz going after Frog Farmers now?

Some new hotfixes were pushed to the live game which indicates that Blizzard may be looking into players who Frog Farmed in MoP Remix. But for what reason?

Around 5:26 PM PST last night, three new hotfixes were added to live servers in the following databases:

  • CriteriaTree: Frog Farmer Designer Value

  • CriteriaTree: 10.2.7 Timewalking Season - Is Frog Farmer

  • Criteria

For the two in CriteriaTree, we know the names and they seem to indicate that Blizzard may be looking to tell the game who was a Frog Farmer. We cannot determine what these hotfixes do, if anything right now.

If they were going to ban people, putting this requirement as a CriteriaTree would be a very abnormal way to identify and do it. Blizzard would likely just internally find out who Frog Farmed and Ban the targeted players. CriteriaTree is normally used for achievement objectives or other hidden trackers which is why this seems like such an odd hotfix. I can see a couple things that this may be used for:

  1. They may add bonus loot, Bronze or drops to those who did NOT Frog Farm and this is how they’re telling the game to choose who to give it to.

  2. They may rollback or remove stats from those who did Frog Farm a lot.

  3. They may be for a new achievement requiring players to kill a certain amount of Frogs in an upcoming new achievement.

  4. This is for absolutely nothing.

Source: wowhead


they will give more bronze to frog farmers to further widen the gap


Oh boy, this is going to be popcorn-worthy regardless of what it leads to. It’ll probably be the most fun if it leads to getting the frog farmers to join in the forums though because they’re finally negatively impacted by something lol


lmfao so true


I hope they get a Feat of Strength. Maybe Blizzard will give them all extra rewards, like a cloak that 100% carries over to alts, or a unique frog-themed transmog set and a new frog mount. :popcorn:


crazy bliz is going to end up banning people in an event thats about being overpowered. I think that would actually be the nail in the coffin


Being “overpowered” by the end of the event and literally soloing raid bosses on day 3 is MASSIVELY different.


we have multiple other modes of wow to play progression, I did not want to do it in this. I wanted a wow arpg experience. As someone who plays a lot of retail or their main customers (yeye cata sod etc etc) This provides nothing to me. I dont want to do more progression


If they made an event which was advertised one way and ptr continued with it being geared that way and then abruptly changed it to a grind heavy snooze fest, so some people decided to just mindlessly farm mobs that they themselves didn’t fix so they would at least have a chance to do what the event was originally meant to be only for blizzard to punish said players, Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me to do that.


Frog farmers absolutely did not have any rhyme or reason for doing that grind other than being overpowered on day 3. There was no vindication or retribution in their actions. Lol please…

Yes the mode has issues but ruining the entire integrity of it by being able to solo raid bosses on day 3 is massively overkill and unacceptable no matter what.


We were SUPPOSED to be overpowered… That’s what they advertised.


Not on DAY 3. That’s CRAZY


how many frog farmers are truly that overpowered some like me only did it for 1-2 hours and i got just strong enough to not die in a single hit to a normal trash mob ended up with item level 404 gear and stopped there do you believe i deserve punishment for that?


CRAZY was the ENTIRE POINT of this event! Watch the promotional material “Godlike Strength” “Wield UNLIMITED POWER”


Considering the state of things, it would not surprise me if the intent was to target players who did not Frog Farm and massively buff them with stuff, but what they end up doing is just turbo buffing Frog Famers even more.

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I highly doubt any farmers will be banned for this. They’ll most likely either just roll back and equalize cloak power, or outright buff non-froggers cloaks.


But devs allowed it, this was reported on the PTR and they let it go live. Devs also know their players, and know if a degenerate method exists players will use it. This wasn’t a bug until devs called it one in their hotfix notes (yet this bug persists outside of Remix Timeless Isle).


Loving the conspiracy theories here.

IMO they’re probably just going to give buffs to the non-farmers so they can catch up with the farmers. Frogs weren’t even an exploit it was just an efficient farm.

We play World of Warcraft. We’ve been programmed for 20 years to mindlessly farm until the job’s done. How is this banable?

Personally the bigger issue I’ve seen with Remix is that it’s an extremely toxic place to play. Lots of gamer words being used in chat. Not even the funny form of toxic either just sweaty geeks throwing out slurs with reckless abandon. Feels like a CoD lobby.


The Sweaty Sweats are getting upset!



Okay? Who really cares about that. The hope here is that they just remove some of the insane OP power gained from it. No one wants to see bans