Blizz going after Frog Farmers now?

If you don’t think the people who do things like the frog farm don’t already consume the forums along with many other news sources your sadly mistaken. They get their information and stay ahead of everyone else because they have information no one else has. You only do that by staying informed. Their here, they may not necessarily post as much but they already were lurking.


But bans is how they’re going to remove the power gains. It’s a lot easier than systematically going thru every player character and removing the gains individually. This way they get to slap everyone with a sanction, which gives credibility to their claim that the lesser charms were a bug, and look like they really care about players’ experience… all the while covering up their own incompetence yet again.

And equally unimpactful to anything in the real game.
Because it was supposed to be a fun mode where you level fast and get to be OP, and ended up not being that at all unless you played as blizzard, through their actions, clearly intended by either farming hyperspawns or just not doing anything until they rolled out all the reward buffs.

It was blizzard that gave us the awful scaling at 70 necessitating grinding up your power, and it was blizzard that made the climb toward said power abysmal compared even to retail, the only thing people that farmed frogs did was find a way to have fun without engaging in the intended awful slog.


Blizzard might as well add the vendors from the PTR with gear, gems, potions and unlimited threads, and just let us buy our power for free.

No grinding for power anymore, just log in and speak to an NPC that gives you everything you need to be OP and let you go from there.

Everyone can be super saiyan and farm mythic siege and the complaints about frogging and expensive upgrades and low bronze drops would stop and everyone would be happy. This is the path forward if Blizzard wants remix to become a success.

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That’s total conjecture and guessing on your part. You’re right about this being Blizzard’s fault technically. They will be able to see everyone’s cloak power probably a lot easier than you think. Massive outlier cloaks will probably very easily be identified.

These new markers would seem to suggest something aimed at farmers rather than non-farmers IMO, since that’d be easier to do. A farmer’s always going to have been a farmer, but a non-farmer isn’t necessarily always going to be behind them. If non-farmers get buffs, how will the game know when a non-farmer is now ‘caught up’ to a farmer and to disable the buffs?

uh, resetting the cloaks takes the same amount of effort as banning a player, without the horrible PR move

If they already know who’s a frog farmer both take a single click

If they unironically ban people in a casual for fun mode but let people who exploited for world first races/mythic+ in retail this company is done


Depends how they coded the cloak, but Blizzard favors broad strokes over precision strikes.

Well according to these datamined identifiers in the original post, it seems Blizzard are trying to pinpoint it in some technical way.

Or it could literally just be a new goofy achievement. Who really knows

They’re going to add a little :frog: next to the names of people queueing for raids.


Would be neat if this is used to establish a “catch up” mechanic.

Where everyone below a certain value gets increased rates. And those above said value do not.

And by value I mean all the values

Gem drops
Thread drops
Bronze drops


Knowing blizzard they will buff their cloak gains by 2x.

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Take the average cloak stats for a frog farmer, set the parameter that “If cloak = X, then disable buff”

I hope Blizzzard takes action here. My expectations aren’t super high. I hope I’m positively surprised. But to be clear:

  • No one should blame the farmers. You can’t really blame people for farming something profitable.

  • No reasonable person is calling for banning them. Just roll back their threads to an expected level given their playtime. That’s it.


i honestly dont care if you get punished or not.
if you do, you do.

not my money, not my problem


Speak for yourself but I actually like group content & coordinating with others to achieve a common goal. I understand being able to trivialize this content in 3 months for quick farming right before TWW launches but we’re what, 4 days into this event?

Having a single person one-shot a raid boss feels objectively bad as everyone else just sits around and lets the frogger play. It’s lame gameplay. From the way you’re writing it seems like you just want to get the rewards handed to you and hop out of remix as soon as possible.


Coordinate this!
Hits you for 5x your total health
Drops a lingering pool of junk that deals 2x your total health per tick
Refuses to spawn adds and let you phase, to keep 90% damage reduction
Nothin’ personnel, nerd.

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So once I heard about the whole frog thing, I took my first character over there, got declined from groups for a solid 20 minutes, managed to tag like maybe four frogs for myself, and then left to go back to questing.

Does that make me a farmer on that character?

Are you good? They’re already addressing scaling issues & none of the raid instances I’ve done have required more than 2 ‘progression’ boss pulls. You’re being overly dramatic.

I’m fine, ty, just a bit of humor over how things are actually going.

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