So how ARE we Expected to farm Bronze?

Looks like Blizzard nerfs every farm they can find, so like, what do they expect us to do in order to be able to set foot in Mythic Siege?


didn’t you hear?

Blizzard is locking mythic SoO to froggers only


Beats me, I do not see a method to get there in a reasonable time frame.


I think its pretty clear at this point that Blizzard intends us to only play one character to the event.

You can buy everything with one character and the best way to get bronze is mythic raid which to do in a timely manner demands a very stacked up cloak.

Level alts if you wish, but if you want all cosmetics/toy/mounts focus on one character.


Which is so weird because it felt like they wanted us to level alts with the cloak carry over and extra character slots added right before Remix hit.


I dont know about mythic siege pieces, but for everything else I`ve been creating toons, getting some achievements using their messed up scale system, I a matter of 4 - 5 hours you can get around 40 or 50k once you hit 40 and do all cenarios, dungeons and raids avaliable from there on heroic mode (normal for raids).
After that I just send over the legendary gems to another toon and keep up from there.

Thats the easiest way so you don`t have to worry getting an insane cloak to battle froggers on lfg queues.

So much fun, thanks Blizzard


yeah its like the marketing team and the dev team were not allowed to talk to each other, so the devs made a grindy slog and the marketing team advertised a fun romp to level characters and collect cosmetics


It seems like their main idea to get bulk bronze is to raid. I’m struggling to get into anything ToT or SoO though. And, I’m still not willing to drop thousands of bronze on one item to upgrade it.

I’ll keep shouting it - nerf the required bronze to upgrade gear. If the players who farmed these ridiculous farms had to spend 400-600k to upgrade their gear, and they make it so it only costs 75-100k to upgrade moving forward, they effectively “deleted” some of the bronze these people farmed. It won’t catch people up all the way, but it will help a bit.


You could try playing the game.

Is there some reason you need to set foot in Mythic Seige right now? That you can’t wait until you earn enough power to do so down the line?


Look, I don’t want to raid in Remix. I am already doing that in Retail. This was supposed to be a fun gamemode to be OP and destroy everything and get awesome stuff ALONG the way, not have to choose between gear OR toys/mounts/etc. Also, with others are saying if you try to do alts you are possibly hurting yourself. I have one toon currently at level 21 and within the past few days since launch I have seen many hotfixes that changed on acquisition of threads and bronze to the point of either I am glad I waited or is it too late at this point? Part of me wants to get through this and another wants to me to just stop right now.


That would be fine if normal dropped gear to do heroic and heroic dropped gear to do mythic and you felt like you were progressing your gear instead of getting barely enough to upgrade one item a single level.


I thought we couldn’t mail items to these characters.

I have 28 hours played on my hpally. I leveled through LFG and that’s most of what I’ve done. I have all the pieces except the neck. I didn’t take part in the frogs, or goats or anything else. I currently have 55k bronze and I’ve bought nothing so far. That’s pathetic. Just play the game is a lame answer. The grind is way over tuned.


You do raids and dungeons for 2 trillion hours and then you upgrade your gloves 4 ilvl.

Then the frogger spits on you and tells you to get gud and tells you they are a god amongst men.

Then blizzard looks around and decides it’s time to take a break and has a ham sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, a little bit of dijon mustard, and a hint of salt.


For me that’s only a dream right now.


The dailies from the Infinite Bazaar reward 6k bronze total at level 70, I did them last night on this character. You need somewhere between 500-900k to fully upgrade the ilevel on gear. As a fresh 70, ilevel 346 doesn’t cut it, you get deleted by any heroic mob because of the scaling.

So is 83 days in a row of doing those dailies reasonable in an event that only lasts 94 days? Mind you, it also means you don’t spend any bronze on the actual mounts and transmog sets that were a big part of the advertised appeal of Remix.

The reason players are looking for efficient farms is because the bronze amount required to upgrade gear and buy the cosmetic items is really, really high and borderline impossible to achieve by just “playing the game”.

This character only earned around 20k-30k bronze leveling 10-70 from “playing the game” via questing and some dungeons, scenarios, and LFR. I unfortunately made the mistake of leveling to 70 and it was an unpleasant surprise when quest mobs started 1 shotting me around level 68. So yeah, you have to upgrade the ilevel on your gear to “play the game” at 70 because of the wonky scaling, but you have to be able to farm insane amounts of bronze to upgrade the gear.

At least Blizzard seems to be following the conversation on the forums and taking steps toward improving the Remix gameplay experience, but it’s not there yet.


lol take the heart for the effort

Dailies are all you really have outside of farms, and there’s even more than there were in OG MoP because you can do EVERY SINGLE RAID EACH AND EVERY DAY as well as the 3 daily quests from the Infinites in their bazaars.
They basically took the main thing people that played Mists hated about it and amplified it for our “pleasure”.


I think you can trade them to a guildie, who then can trade them to your alts. At least, I am fairly certain I heard that somewhere.

To be fair, the only reason you would do the dailies for the reps now a days is for the lesser charms you get from the quests I would guess.

The rep grind is a cake walk compared to OG MoP, at least seems like it so far to me. I think I got Golden Lotus exalted with two days of dailies or something. The quests and 2 days of dailies and am over halfway to exalted with the offensive rep on my 62 shaman I am leveling.

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