Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

dks problem isn’t the size of the cannon, but the fact that its made of glass, we ordered an iron cannon.

Yo ho ho

:pirate_flag: :parrot: :anchor:






blizz should simply make an epic bg bracket that allows 0 coordinated premades period, the premades can go sit in their specifically made premade brackets and 8 hour queues and learn the hard way most players do not want it.

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Hence welcome to being a wizard.

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Inemia implied I don’t do epics.
I showed that I do.

Proves a lot.


Herc q’s epics all the time

He talks about it in a discord we share. Tons of memes

All it proves is that you were in epics.

The moment you said

That SS doesn’t prove anything.

Not taking sides just pointing out the obvious.

which is good enough

Herc q’s epics almost everyday dood

if not everyday

The SS proves I show up, which was the point of contention from Inemia.

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Was Snozy dropped on his head as a child?


And that’s fine and dandy.

I was just pointing out that the ss doesn’t prove anything on the “perform” part.

In English not your first language?

I bet you look like your transmog irl

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I mean my main is a dwarf and I’m on the shorter side. Not Brad Williams short though.

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The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Understanding does though, and it seems you understand very little. I’m going to go hug my kids when I get home. I’m now seeing what they’ll become if they’re attention starved.


Hes the swole of gd :frowning:

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I don’t think it even matters who the heck I am. More so, the game, the system, and how it’s affecting the gameplay and its players.

When you play enough epic battlegrounds, you start recognizing the patterns and the things premades do as well as players who may be potentially and purposely sabotaging the game for the rest of the team for the sake for their friends on the other faction or whatever. It’s not hard to see this. However, it’s quite sad that this is the state of most epic bgs with low population playing.

I mean just reading this thread and realizing it’s already been derailed so bad. It’s not that different from when you’re actually playing the game in the epic bg.


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It certainly does m’lady