Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

From just last night alone.
Any other random BS you want to use to try to deflect after being called out?
I play with many of the regulars here on the forum, they already know I both show up and perform well. You’re not going to get anywhere trying to ad hominem me.


Yet they shake, quiver, and burn alive in the sun.

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then i stand corrected, glad to see you in epics

To their detriment. BGs could be such a fun game mode if they put any effort into it.


going by the recent poll, the only ones not pvping are blizzard themselves


Not since Holinka left, no. Damn shame too, the one thing I’ll agree with you on.

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What I wish more people knew was how not toxic and fun the BGs usually are. The epics especially are hilarious except for the one dummy screaming like it’s ranked. But everyone mocking that guy - priceless.

It’s like a roast session.


Holinka buffs casters

we hate Holinka

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an augvoker can do that now

Yea but augvoker sucks in random bgs =/

I was really excited for summer pally 2.0

Say what you will, he played the game, he had a face. Who does now?

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Me I’m psure

hopefully you


have you seen DKs? someone told them they were getting buffed in 10.1.5 as a joke and they believed it.

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Oh my lord one sec


wtf is dk damage rofl

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Progression is part of the game, always has been. It gives players something to strive toward. What you’re doing doesn’t fit the narrative.

Blizz: “Don’t queue with more than 5”

You: “bet”

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“Train the DK. We hit Death Strike instead of Coil. Promise!” -DKs, moments before being granted wizarddom ala Ret.

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adds disarm into the mix


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power progression is a result of inherited game design from older games which were limited by the technology of the time and utilized power progression as a game mechanic to emulate a sense of skill progression in the avatar character.

PVP has real authentic skill progression, power progression is not needed and in fact conflicts with authentic skill progression. what PVP needs isn’t progression, but evolution in order to keep the meta from going stale.

I’ve actually started taking anti-wizard talents over disarm into DK. You take away the option to Death Strike and what do they do? They coil and you explode.

I’d rather have Boarding Party, which is little more than a meme.

You do realize that SS doesn’t really prove anything.