Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Worried about fairness while skirting the rules to create an unfair advantage then threatening to false flag others if that advantage is neutralized.

Man I love this community!


i would say the other way around, if intense play isn’t getting you excited and your heart racing, there is something wrong with you. that’s like going on a roller coaster and being bored. the problem is with you, not the person screaming at the top of their lungs.

This is so disingenuous, smh…

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everything people do is to create an unfair advantage. why do you gear? for an unfair advantage. why look up guides from pros? for an unfair advantage. every single thing you do to gain an advantage over the other guy is unfair in his eyes.

The amount of complaining over losing some random BGs in this thread is astounding to me

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Then don’t pretend you’re Sun Tzu while circumventing a queue restriction.

Or wargame.

Also how did this wind up in GD? BG forums are like 14 doors down and OP couldn’t be bothered? (Then again it would be one of many lmao)


“yo, there is a line for the roller coaster, if we all get in line at the same time, we can do YMCA on the photo”

guy at the counter gets mad. girl standing in line is mad she doesn’t have enough friends to also do that.

So with how big your communities are, why not use your collective voice to request that this issue of putting your premades against pugs get addressed?

Because it’s not an issue.

I don’t even play in these communities so I’m not biased

1000 voices in one thread all screaming the same thing isn’t going to help anyone.

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You can go ahead and say whatever you want to help you cope with being scared of real PvP. At least you’ve revealed why you you don’t do 10 mans, you’re terrified of the accountability and responsibility of having to actually perform and not just get carried in a 40man zerg of lag.


That’s not what I said. You have discords to organize something. Twitter as well.

for those wondering, Herc is another person who just talks on the forums but no shows in AV.

Lol does anyone remember the ioc farm groups that ally had back in MoP? I forgot what community organized it, but I think i racked up around 50k kills running those things to put towards bloodthirsty title.

It was crazy, the dude running it had to be some kind of military strategist or something because he had contingency plans for contingency plans on how to force the horde into their GY and farm them. He even had plans for when the pugs wouldn’t cooperate to force them into following the strategy.

it was this weird mix of war strategy, gaming psychology, and leadership. Wild

Because he’s playing the part of PvP where he has to actually perform and not just get carried. While NOT being a shaking, anxious wreck, no less.

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if im just a loser carry, then you will have no problem queueing into my team and putting me in my place :wink:

How in the world can you compare acquiring gear to an unfair advantage? What game are you even playing?

Ok Snozy, we see you! We hear you! Idk why you’re so attention starved but i’ll pat you on the head to make you feel better.


why doesn’t pvp have a universal ilvl then?

Maybe when they fix the AV bosses, scale the WG and IOC vehicles properly, and do something about Hangar being an instant dub 80% of the time in IOC.

But considering they haven’t given us a new BG in half a decade by this point, I doubt they will.

I’m sure Bri will get a wargame going if you grow a spine and care to put 'em up, without the lag and the zerglings. I’ll be there if you do. Me, my hook, and my pistol.

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my players fight in the lag like spartans fighting in shade. stop making excuses.