Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

their goal is to stomp the other team, they get off on it , they are not there for honor, these types do not know the meaning of fair play.

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Reminds me of the AV premade days.

Used the same exact strategy, 5 man groups using a countdown.

Proof this ā€œissueā€ has been prevalent for over a decade.

Donā€™t think it will ever be ā€œfixedā€

im sure you would be the one to collect a glass of ocean water and declare whales to be mythological because you found none in your glass.

How many do I gotta watch with dead coms before you believe me

There is zero problems.

Also if you choose to be solo thatā€™s your choice. You can also join these communities.

if you could watch them all few times it would really help that YT channel out, then when you are done head over to my main channel and give all my other videos a view as well, donā€™t for get to like, comment, and subscribe. :wink:

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Can we hug it out?

yes, in the field of strife.

i disagree, they should be in rated, new players need a place to learn and people need a place to get entry lvl pvp gear without being camped by coordinated groups in max gear.


Lmk the next time youā€™re qing and Iā€™ll join to give ya hug <3

we queue every night


Which one are you

Pinky or the brain?

Iā€™ll Q sync for a hug anyday of the week, just lmk >:D

Youā€™re welcome too but youā€™re wrong.

There isnā€™t rated 40 epic BGs

Getting camped is part of gearing. There is this cool feature where if youā€™re getting camped you stop rezzing.

Pvp happened in pvp. Get over it.

there is no rated epics, rated does not have the same rules and feel as unrated, for example glider and consumable usage is a huge deal in epics, yet this is disabled in rated. you canā€™t have real epic pvp with that rated rule restriction.

additionally rated is stressful and frankly not fun. achieving a goal in rated is fun yes, but the average game is more stress inducing than fun inducing. its very common for teams to have to stop and break after a game just so peopleā€™s heart rates can come down and hands stop shaking. a game like that is great every once in a while, but when its every game thats not fun at all and its too much for older gamers.

Lol what? No thatā€™s definitely not true.

That is anxiety, not a game problem. Go see a doc.
Iā€™ve done plenty of RBGs over numerous toons and in all my groups weā€™ve never had to stop because of people shaking and having a semi heart attach.


There is a problem. There is a rule, the rule is being broken.

I offered a solution in the next 2 paragraphs. One of them being remove the 5-man restriction.

All iā€™m saying is either enforce the rule or remove the rule. Instead of saying ā€œI agree, we should enforce the ruleā€ or ā€œI agree, we should remove the 5-man restrictionā€ people keep telling me that I have no friends and that I should join an existing community.

Hereā€™s a hot take for you. How do you know iā€™m not already in one?

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im not talking anxiety, im talking adrenaline.

There isnā€™t a rule being broken.

Sure. It wonā€™t change anything.

There isnā€™t a rule.

Then stop complaining?

Your adrenaline is spiking pushing some buttons in a video game?
This, too, sounds like a mental problem.
A rush is fine, normal. But adrenaline spikes causing you to shake and have heart concerns? Yeah you need a doc/therapist visit.

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