Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

I have 4 because 5 is the max you can Q with xD


iirc you can’t accept our AV wargame challenge because you have upset so many people you can barely fill a 10 man group let alone a 40 man group.

if you’re talking about forum fight night, it was because I had wanted to pull people specifically from the forums lol

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no, im talking about a different thread, but we can move on for your benefit.

You talking about specifically for epic bgs?

My friends don’t like epic bgs

Joker literally told me “Bri I’m fine with doing wargames warsong, I’m not doing an epic bg LOL”

It’s in general discussion now, it’s only a matter of time =O


I mean, don’t really see this as an exploit since there still is an element of them not ending up in the same que.

Can fill a 10-man group with no problem. But you can’t compare years of SAS recruitment to “can’t find 40 friends”

You’re kidding yourself if you believe that you have 1000 friends in WoW.

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Have you watched their games?

It’s literally dead silent

No one jokes

No ones having fun

Non of you are friends

When we’re qing I literally get a headache from laughing and everyone is having a blast


ya know i always find this so interesting. everyone talks about how epics dont matter, how they dont like them and how us epic players are just a bunch of casual losers, yet you all seem really scared to face us in AV and have a problem with the fairness of the emergent playstyle of epics(premades)

why lol

You like what you like

We just don’t like epic bgs, that’s a super normal thing

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in fact anyone who claims to have that many direct real friends is lying, your brain is only capable of maintaining 150-250 relationships. a lot of it is networking though, i bring my friend, he brings his friend, and his friend is a friend of my friend so we are all on the same team. this is all people management and like i said, its much harder than pvp.

That’s actually kinda sad

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what community are you talking about? SAS often has the problem of too many people in disc are too wound up and talking over each other. thats the exact opposite of what you are trying to describe.

Non of you are having fun


nah, i can hear talking in the background, disc isn’t being recorded directly.

Do you not know what fun is?

sure, but i also know when things are taken out of context.


of the 2 videos I’ve seen of yall playing

That one, and the one I showed dooman about how laggy epics are (which is a main reason I don’t like them), it was the same thing

2 for 2 yo

2 for 2…

Look. No one is trying to discredit your ability to get a bunch of people in the same game. Not even I could do that, and that aspect of what you do is really cool.

Reality is most of us just wanna chill out and have a good time in randoms and not face a premade of 40 people in coms when they themselves can only q with 5

It’s lame and completely unfair


I don’t think they will do anything about it. With low population playing this game, if no one is running these BGs, how will they get record that this content is still running? So this is only playing in Blizz favor.

With all these premades, if there was a high population playing, you wouldn’t even recognize the premades because you would rarely see them in a back to back queue.

As a casual player, getting stomped by geared players had never bothered me. What I’m sad to see is people straight up giving up that they rather have a quick loss than a victory worth fighting for. Even if some players are just gladiator alts needing gear, there has to be a good portion of casual players who wants to fight and win. But when you get into a game like Isle of Conquest, your faction wins Hangar at first fight and no one mans the canon or someone is AFK manning the canon, that’s straight up sabotaging.

It doesn’t even matter if you’re fighting against a premade team or your queue joins you up with a premade team, just knowing it’s not organic makes it boring and unsatisfying whether you win or lose and just leads to less people playing.

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Your name and take. Combined with being a classic toon with a hidden post history has me worried about your credibility, chief.