Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

earn that win.

Alright Inemia. I’m going to go earn that win with my 415 item level. :love_you_gesture:t2:

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Been day drinking Inemia?

first, go the AH and buy pvp greens, iirc they get you up to 424 now. then you earn your 437 honor gear with that in a few hours of play. the long grind is your 450 conquest gear, but they just removed the conquest cap and you can get bonus conquest you can mail to alts if you queue as a healer for solo-shuffle.

See, I still have an issue with a lot of your previous posts, but I like you a lot better when you provide solutions instead of crapping on people for trying to do the same (eg. Provide their own solutions).


nah, alcohol isn’t my thing. last drink i had was june 25th 2015


it’s the only reason some people truly enjoy pvp: the joy of stomping somebody who doesn’t have a prayer of fighting back successfully


i can assure you that stomping a glad is far more satisfying than stomping some undergeared noob. the key to pvp is to suppress your ego, when you are on an undergeared alt, you are the fodder, if you suppress your ego, this fact won’t bother you.

Just add cross faction Q

It would be impossible to sync on the same team


no, now we control both teams.


if yall wanna be on both teams and fight eachother that would be really cool


this isn’t new mate. been happening since well before wrath (as i was doing this with a twink group). Its part of the game
 at this point if you see it just leave if you don’t want to fight it.

that’s the thing, we don’t, we all want to be on our own team. if you want to fight an epic community, the solution is simple but difficult: start and maintain your own epic pvp community. if people realized how much more difficult it is to manage pvpers than it is to kill them they would be less inclined to demand the death of communities.

That is in no way a simple solution. The solution is to drop the 5-man queueing restriction.

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Zerging the horde, then coming to the forums and crying about how “outnumbered” the Alliance is, is a long-time favorite pastime of Alliance players.

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while i agree with that, do you understand the full consequences of that and what it would do? syncing is best effort and usually only results in premades being 15-25 strong.

Fair gameplay. Easier epic community recruitment. A less restrictive barrier of entry for people interested in Epic PvP.

and who are you recruiting with a full roster?

why tho fighting your friends is fun

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maybe this is why you only have 4.