Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

What experience? Anecedotal evidence trumps solid logic, I guess.

I played in BFA as well. Long horde queues in BFA, so what? Correlation does not equal causation.

The only thing the current queue times prove is that more Alliance are playing in epics than in BFA, partly due to cross-faction guilds becoming a thing and more players playing Alliance now. Not your silly epic bg premades, lol.

My theory makes sense numbers-wise. Yours does not. In the grand scheme of things, these epic premades are really not that common enough to affect queue times. The magnitude of cross-faction guilds and people swapping to Alliance, however, is much greater and certainly does affect queues.

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Ok, replace “crybabies” with “exaggerators.” Also, no one can ever explain why it’s ok for 50% of a team to be pre-organized in a regular BG but it’s not ok in an epic BG.

That mog is solid!

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Because it’s not possible to do that in epics without exploits. I agree with OP, if Blizzard doesn’t care about these exploits then let everyone queue in raid groups for epics.

Also, people do still make a fuss about 5 man premades in random bgs, even though 5 people queuing together is allowed… I personally think both are not ok and premades should just face other premades.

That’s literally all anyone who posts on this forum has. Unless Ion comes online himself, we’re all talking anecdotal evidence. That includes you.

That may be. But humans will draw correlations regardless. Just because that’s true doesn’t mean it’s always the case. Often times correlation does equal causation. If that wasn’t the case, then the scientific industry would fall flat on its face overnight.

Incorrect. Your theory is no different to mine. You’re also correlating the fact that because horde q times are shorter, there must therefore be more alliance players. But you yourself said “correlation does not equal causation”. Do you see the flaw in your argument now? Do you know what else could result in lower horde q times? Lower amount of horde players. That could also result in the exact same thing.

You’re only right about one thing. And that is that a lot of people probably did faction switch after the recent changes. But I suspect the impact of that was minimal due to the fact that unless the merc npc is up, if you’re on the wrong faction, you’re still SoL when queuing up since you can’t cross-faction q. Cross faction guilds don’t really help in this because the whole point of a comm is that its cross-server. Plus I don’t think many premade comms have cross faction enabled. All the ones I’m in still remain single side faction only. If you think about it, that makes sense since otherwise you could very easily cross talk in the middle of a match and so pass messages on the fly. It would make spying unbelievably trivial. Although people do this with discord anyway so there’s that.

You must not spam many ebg’s then. From my experience anecdotally, i’d say at least 50% of my matches are against premades. When you’ve been playing in the premade field for as long as I have, you can very easily pickup the telltale signs of a premade team. Plus I can recognise the names or lookup alts on the check-pvp website.

For someone who derides others for being “so confident and yet so wrong”, you seem to suffer the same malady as the rest of us. Ironic.

It’s okay because it’s following the rules. Blizzard set a 5 man limit for all bgs, not just 10 mans. If you think the group size should be increased for 40 mans, advocate for that, but that’s not what your groups do. Truth be told, it would likely increase the chance of you facing larger premades and I doubt most of you want that.

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in the US we have a different view on things. people are creatures of free will and rational judgement. people use both to determine which rules are worth following and which are not. if the majority of people choose to ignore a rule, the problem is the rule, not the the people. this is most famously exemplified in the repeal of prohibition of alcohol.

robots and machines follow rules without question, you are neither.

Right so if “the majority” want to drive while intoxicated, the problem is the rule, not them, correct?

I understand that you’re capable of a some wild mental gymnastics in an attempt to make the players who follow the rules the problem and not you, but the truth is, you are part of the problem. Accept that and walk away because you are unlikely to convince anyone that what your groups do is healthy for the game.


thats a bad example because the majority of people agree you should not drive while intoxicated. a better example would be speeding. here in colorado everyone goes 10mph over the limit. here in colorado we also have flow of traffic laws. this means you are obligated to maintain speed with traffic and not intentionally cause a slow down.

this means that if the speed limit is 65 and everyone is doing 75-80, if you go 65, you can be in violation of the flow of traffic laws. this means that no matter which rule you choose to follow, you can be legally pulled over and ticketed. a catch 22. most people choose to speed.

if all of the people who regularly play epics are telling you the best way to play epics is in a large group, then understand the will of the majority is to premade, blizz should open epics up to queueing as a raid.

Your example is no better. The speed limit rule (law) exists for the betterment of society and is not ruled by mob mentality. It’s just you trying to convince yourself that you are in the majority, but you are not. Your playstyle is self serving and has nothing to do with overall game health.

I’m sure you will not accept you are the problem, but stop trying to make players who follow the rule the problem. Just stop. You are not the majority. Players who follow the rules are not the problem.

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This is one of the funniest posts I’ve seen.

no, im showing you that normal people don’t just blindly follow the rules because they are the rules. in fact i would go so far as to say blindly following the rules is a sin on par with murder. rule systems can be corrupted, and blindly following the rules enables that corruption to continue. many from germany after ww2 said they were just following orders.

but back to wow. again, all the people who play epics and have thousands of games played will tell you they are best played with large coordinated groups. from what i can see most of the people complaining about epic premades are either drama trolls or they don’t play epics all that often and mainly just sound upset about losing and want to direct their anger at whatever they can blame.

Except you’re not. You’re Specifically avoiding queueing as a group. That is allowed and encouraged. You are using automation to (poorly) assist you to gain even more players in your raid.

So when you compare yourself to bri doing the encouraged and supported group queue vs yours and ask whats the difference, its really just that you cheat to break the system and she doesnt.

Nobody cares that preforms stomp pubs. Thats obvious. The problem is epic preforms finding creative solutions to the intentional restrictions placed on that queue for the obvious reasons.


Quick bump for the morning crowd just now waking up :coffee:

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Bri’s group then goes on to GY stomp and bully pugs, when that isn’t enough she tries to goad people who have no chance of winning into wargames. my group plays the map and objectives and goes for the win.

by queueing as a group? im literally sitting in a party of 5 and we queue. are you thinking we are queueing as a raid?


then why does anyone care about this:


Here’s a little tidbit you seem to be unaware of, Blizzard has access to stats. We do not. They set the rules. The rule is a 5 player limit for grouping. You work around that to get multiple 5 player groups into the same game to stomp groups who are not doing that and have convinced yourself that most players who do epics think it’s the best way and those who disagree are the problem. That’s the part where you are flat out wrong. The evidence is that your playstyle is not supported by Blizzard and theirs is.


i have 100 people who want to queue up and play epics. are we supposed to form an orderly line, and each group waits for one to pop before the next group queues? this would ensure only one 5 man group from SAS gets into your epic.

but lets do the math on that, considering i would be taking probably half the pool out of the queue, times would double. right now we wait about 5 minutes for a game.

for arguments sake, im placing you in the very last group so the wait times are the longest

at 10 minutes per pop and 20 groups, you would have to sit in town and wait 3 hours and 20 minutes before you were given a pop to take.

most adults play sessions only last 3 hours or so, are you saying that people should just not play? and those who did get a game, are they only allowed to play that one game?

Bris end goal from what ive seen is finding a team that can beat them so they can actually have a decent match of pvp enjoyers.

No. A group is 5 players, any more is a raid. You have multiple groups sync dont you? You yourself above said usually 20 or so get in… You avoid this limitation via automatjon but its easily done without. The point is youre not a group as defined by the game.

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see the post above yours and do math

If all 100 of those people queued individually im sure the queues wouldnt be that long. The issue is you have 100 people who dont want to play epic bgs. They want to pubstomp

Im sympathetic to the logistic issues of running a community and not being able to provide to that community but thats it.