Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

:thinking: :hushed: :confounded:

i think he wants to you to buy your healers a spa day

5/10 vs an attempted 40/40

Not to mention that non epic random bgs are active and i assume the odds lf queuing into other preforms are much higher.

As someone who hasnt paid attention over the years. How often is it that youll queue into another 40m preform

  1. Zilch. I have queued into along side (i am queuing solo) Inemia and Torture, Akasuki, Karie etc and we have never faced another premade.

If premades were forced to face other premades they would crumble. Much like the twink era.


most games average 20 players in a game, so its usually 5/10 vs ~20/40(35),

but thats not the point, any pug team going in to face Bri and friends is going to get slaughtered, if pugs can have the same bad game whether the premade syncs or not, then syncing is not a factor related to whether the pugs have a bad game. so if the pugs will get slaughtered regardless of if i bring 5 or 40, i might as well bring as many friends as i can so we can all have fun together and avoid toxic players on our own team.

However they are queuing as a group and the system will try to match them against another group. You and your kin circumvent that. Your a cheat Inemia. Your not the solution to epics, your the problem.


this is outright wrong, we stomped Karie’s group last night in WG-O, 4:49 second win. and there is multiple threads in the bg forums of community premades goading each other going back years.

I have never been in a premade epic bg against another epic bg premade. Not saying it doesnt happen. The forum post that ended up in you guys calling each other cheats (ironic) is testament to that.

I have never personally experienced it, and I have been queueing the last couple weeks for epic dailies, I’ve been with premade and against but have not had a premade vs premade epic yet.


by queueing as a group? also, fyi, ‘kin’ refers to people related to you. your language is an attempt to dehumanize and outgroup so that you can justify attacking.

You over estimate my insult against you. Your still a cheat.

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I like the new hair inemia

mogs lookin good :clinking_glasses:


They can try but kit will heal them to full every time :relieved::coffee::eyes::pleading_face::smirk:


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Ya, one thing that has been consistent is his mogs have always looked good

Back when he was Blood Elf his outfit “went hand-in-hand” with the DK theme, his choice in style/aesthetics is solid


I was responding to the assertion that banning premades wouldn’t increase q times when it is apparent the opposite is true.


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Blood elf does look good, but armor hangs off of a NB better:


So confident and yet so wrong. Most of those people will rejoin the queue the old-fashioned way, not quit epics altogether. A small fraction of them might truly quit doing epics, but yea. Most of them will still need to get their “fix” of large scale PVP.

Queue times will be fine, better even, since queue syncers will stop dropping queues.

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Well I’ve got my experience from BfA to now to back up my claim. All you’ve got is unsubstantiated theories about the future.


I had the opposite experience. I remember doing this in WotLK. Get on a massive vent server with all the alliance on the realm, we queue into AV and get a massive full remade and just stomp for hours.

Great fun was had! And especially when we had 10+ players stay at Balinda and wipe the Horde :rofl:

Again I approve of the hair style