Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Probably true. But if we go by your definition, then anyone who multiboxes is also a cheater etc.

Also true. But the severity of this varies. Some comms have a lot of people who don’t have the patience for that and will just take the pop regardless. Other times the premade leads just accept the fact that not all their groups get the pop and so take it anyways (this happens most often). Whereas others will be very strict about it and not take the pop unless everyone gets it (more rare but does happen).

No I haven’t. As I mentioned before, the most egregious thing I ever saw was a Ruin premade GY farming horde in IoC whilst purposely not completing the map objectives so as to HK farm for extended periods, long past the average IoC play time.

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Fortunately the RUIN guy doesn’t really play WoW anymore from what I see. I have his stream on “follow” over on twitch and I notice nowadays he’s mostly playing other games like SWTOR and Diablo 4

Not sure if you’re aware, but those guys sometimes even had 1 “mole” player inside the Horde team capping Quarry/Refinery for the sole purpose of keeping the reinforcements count up (and therefore keeping the BG going indefinitely)… those are the lengths they would go to to achieve “the perfect graveyard farm” :rofl:

I would have his stream running as background noise, and you could hear him communicating with the “mole” on the Horde team. Pretty creative stuff

Actually yes, I was aware of that. That’s why I use Ruin as the poster child for toxic premade comms. They were the worst example of any EBG comm by far. Not even [censored] team is as bad and I’ve literally witnessed him use exploits in WG and IoC. Ever wonder how the ally team get an invisible underground siege engine? Yea…

Oh my god. Holy…

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don’t mind Holycow, there is a whole drama triangle going on there and she’s taking it out on me but its really meant for Jugaa.

Yeah he knows an exploit or two. One time I was watching his stream and he discovered a way to “kill” the hangar gunship turrets in IOC

Requires a competent Priest with specific talent(s) and some coordination, but it’s possible to so. Pretty game-breaking stuff if the general public/pug players ever found out about it…

The fact that there’s so many game-breaking bugs/glitches still live in epic maps - and even just unintended stuff (like gunship turrets being destroyable) - really highlights just how little attention casual PvP gets

If there were similar bugs/glitches present in arena or Solo-Shuffle, they would be fixed within a week by the devs - you can’t make this up :joy:


could you imagine an ashran on stage and trem bugs out when killed and the game doesn’t end?

Not really a “bug”, but smart/intelligent Warlock players will somehow set up their demon teleport circle “inside” one of the front base posts/towers (it’s like a “square basket” design with how the wood stacks up, you know what I’m talking about) and then mass-teleport enemy players into it… and those players literally have no physical way to get out :flushed:

One time I got rooted + caught in one such Shadow Rift on the bridge and teleported into that “wooden basket” up top. Had to afk out of the match since I literally couldn’t get out of there physically or continue the match

Pretty game-breaking when it happens. “Suddenly” the game can go from a fair 35v35 to a permanent 35v25 or 35v20 with just the push of 1 button from a smart Warlock

Epic BG maps are just chock-full of these sorts of “exploitable” nooks and crannies in the terrain that smart/creative players can abuse. Premaders are certainly already aware of said nooks and crannies since they’re generally much more intelligent than pug players

But of course, “because it’s not arena or Solo Shuffle”, there is no attention from the devs regarding some of this game-breaking stuff - like, at all :clown_face:


They might do that for awhile but like any tantrum they will see the futility of it. Of course with blizzard cracking down on griefers recently, you can probably report and have a decent chance that they will ban those players.


people have been complaining about griefing mercs for years, in fact since the merc dude swapped to alliance, horde has seen a bit of revenge mercing where alliance who feel horde mercs wronged them in the past are now intentionally mercing to horde to troll horde games.

we already have to deal with some of this nonsense on occasion, have to deal with it every single game would basically ruin the game.

You were sworn to end the premades not join them! Bring balance to the queue, not cast it in darkness!


come to the dark side, we have cookies!

We have a specific report feature now for griefing the game. 5-10 players griefing consistantly in epic premades is a big red flag compared to 1 person that mercs and trolls chat. Considering the hardcore servers went through a massive sweep banning griefers it’s not unreasonable to assume blizzard will take notice of a pvp community runing games for 40-60 people.

On a side note it is rather pathetic of your community that they will sabotage their own team should they have to fight one another.


So your argument is that que times for horde are significantly reduced because…

Checks notes.

Premade teams of 40 players are filing the que for 40 man BG’s.

Is that right? Lmao.

Just lmao.

To the other guy above posting about healers. Yea,all these problems are solved easily. Facials, faction balance, healer balance, gear balance…

Instead of que dumping, bg ques need to assemble 80 people (or however many) then just balance out two teams from that and force cross faction play.

Ques would be normalized, have a 5 man team limit like they do, then these quesyncers would be SOL and it would be game over.

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Don’t give the AI regurgitation too much credit. The only reason this thread got so much traffic is because 1. it’s a hot-topic (primarily this), and 2. it was put in GD instead of the BG forums.

You can look at nearly any of the same old sync que complaint threads in the BG forums, where they’re supposed to be. Some - if not most - are in the triple digit reply count, same as this one.

the problem with this is people don’t want to be forced to play with others or be forced to not play with people they prefer. this is a very common problem for leaders when assembling groups, you have lots of married couples and close friend groups that all want to play with each other. splitting them up would cause issues, any smart husband when facing his wife on the opposite team will throw the match. you can’t just treat people like pawns and not expect consequences.

Are you saying this from experience?

Or would his wife find it insulting that her husband throws the match because he thinks she can’t win if he plays for real?


Yea well, I don’t want to play hockey with anybody but clones of Wayne Gretzky in his prime.

Vs kindergarteners.

But, unfortunately, that’s not very condusive to competitive sports in any sense of the word, and while it may be fun to have to do nothing, sit back, and get carried to the finish line on the back of incredible insurmountable advantage… It’s not fun for anybody outside of those who are exploiting the unfair advantage.

As much fun as hackers in cod using helicopter wallshooting aimbots, who knew playing games where the outcome is determined before you even start no matter what you do is an unenjoyable mess.

But hey, keep contributing to the death of this game by driving away players in droves because toxic narcissism is the name of the game in 2023. Be sure to “y no 1 is plai wit mi UwU” on tiktok.

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how is that any different than Bri and friends stomping WSG with only 5?

I can confirm I am not Holycow and I like many others dislike you and your “epic premades”