Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Well, yeah.

Players don’t normally circumvent restrictions to stack their random bg teams for easy wins.

Premade raids roflstomping pugs? Making other players desert from PvP?


players with nothing to hide post on their mains.

This is my main forum posting toon.

I don’t post on multiple toons.


hence “Holycow doesn’t pvp”


Not sure how that’s relevant to premade raids circumventing restrictions to roflstomp pugs.

posting on an alt with your profile hidden, how do we know you aren’t posting on multiple accounts?

What does that have to do with the topic of this thread?


if it came out that all of the arguments against premaders were just one salty person logging into multiple toons to make it sound like a consensus, that would be worse than queue syncing because its an attempt at manipulation of the community and its dishonest.

Premade raiders would rather play mini-games with the matchmaking system. They don’t mind waiting longer for synced queue pops as long as they get their easy wins.

They care more about wins than fairness and convenience.

Well, I hope it doesn’t come out then.


if it were solely about that, we wouldn’t put up with each other’s faults and issues.

the real issue is that solo egos want to carry the bg by being number one on kbs, and they can’t stand it when a coordinated group defeats them because it means they aren’t special.

Circumventing restrictions for an unfair advantage over the other team is called cheating.

When groups don’t get the same queue pop, they drop queue and requeue. If necessary, they repeat this process a few times until their premade raid gets synced queue pops.

Have you seen the video of a premade raid farming 179 rage quits in one AV?

Their goal was to maximize the number of desertions on the other team.

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cheating is called cheating, we have different terminology for different things for a reason.

on one hand we need an overhaul to the afk system to both allow people to leave the occasional game while not allowing people to windowshop for wins. this could also be turned into a vote to surrender. if say 50% of the team has afked, it will automatically end the match as a victory for the other team.

Inemia has literally stated if their premade raid gets split up on opposing teams, they’ll sabotage one side.


i didn’t say my group would, but i said it will happen.

Solution is to make rated BG free for all and solo queue

rated does not allow consumables or professions or toys, essential items to full epic play

Click on a forum poster and click “View Activity.”

In the top right area, you’ll see a “Normal” dropdown box right above the “View Profile” button.

Change “Normal” to “Ignored.”


he really doesn’t want to ignore me though, after he asked me to stop and leave him alone, he responded to my posts several more times. hes just a troll trying to goad a response.