Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

As someone who has been spamming EBGs since BfA, I can tell you that the q pop times back in BfA were on average around 45min-1hr (sometimes longer). They were seriously bad. Note this is for horde q times. Ally did not have this problem. Over time that horde q time has fallen dramatically as the popularity of smaller pre-made comms has increased. Now we’re getting q pops in under 10min on average on both factions.

So I suspect if all the pre-made teams suddenly got locked out, you may find your q times to go back up significantly. For horde players at least. Although that being said, it definitely feels like there’s more ally pre-made teams than horde ones.

One is playing the game the way it was meant to be played, the other is exploiting the queuing system. I don’t like 5 man premades either, but I wouldn’t call their behavior exploitative since they’re queing for bgs the same way that solo queuers do.

These epic bg premades are not.

This shouldn’t even need to be explained, but here we are I guess. I guess people who understand the rules and intended limitations of the game are crybabies.

this game has got terrible from what fun it used to be. Can’t even have fun pvping from 10- whichever) the fun isn’t even there like it used to be with max level toons joining in for fast pvp rep/honor points. I came back to have abit of fun and looking at all that going on just kills everything. There isn’t any fun here anymore!!

It’s a bit of a moot point because playing such a one sided BG isn’t at all fun. These premades just ruin the queue.


Nah I’m not wasting my gold on 424 gear I’d rather put the effort into buying precog and or crafted . Which takes some time getting a lil gold .

If you ever do a 40v 40 wargame vs sas count me in I’ll help u bri

Yea well I’m not I solo vsd y’all b4 many times , nothing new .


Fun is when kit is on yo team ,without kit your fun is reduced.

I will say tho nice hair btw

It is true tho , sometimes my hands will jitter and shake after I have an intense game where I do well. It happens to me in overwatch as well other fps too . I’m not sure why but sometimes I have to take breaks .

It does happen in some ppl tho . I don’t get anxiety when I rbg or epic bgs or play fps games . Like I mentioned in the above quote . It happens to me sometimes. I’m never nervous or anything.

I’ve seens him in epics Mr

You r a wizarrrrrrrd harry not sorry I had to

@kthis BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I think he was rotfl

I should really bed but this thread is spicy

One thing we can agree on ,tho I feel like I’ve pvpd with his alts him showing those tmogs in frams thread I think ik who his pvp toons r . So I’m putting all the dots together. So I think ik who but I’m not going to name them here.

Trying to catch up more dododo

I’ve always been on the dark side we have cookies :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie:

Blizz should just make the highest rank or honor player the commander and if you disobey orders the commander can boot you out of the bg and you get an automated letter sternly worded about being a team player and following orders and are locked out of pvp for the rest of the week.

Have you met some of us? We are the last persons amongst humanity that should be given such power


I know right. I was being a little facetious.

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I never once claimed it doesn’t exist.

There’s a difference though. Good players tend to associate with other good players because we do the same content together and have the same opinions generally.

If someone is wanting to improve their gameplay I’m all for helping them out. I won’t sit there and coddle people that blame everything but their play like gatekeeping and such.

Or people getting in their feelings.

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Snozy you gaslight ppl saying if they aren’t elite they aren’t worth the content or life of the game <3

love u grumpy ol man

In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it .

It isn’t cheating as others will claim. But it is 100% exploiting a game mechanic.

When the twink queues were split I’d say that probably 80% of the twinks disappeared overnight. Now whether or not they left the game altogether is another story.

As someone who has been playing Epic BG’s since before they were labeled as “Epic”… no they weren’t lol. BG queue times haven’t been that bad since before we had Battlegroups.

You clearly didn’t play BfA if you think this. Or at least didn’t do EBGs regularly during BfA. Or you were queuing as alliance. If you want I can start dropping names of ebg pre-made leads that would confirm that. Although the mods might get uppity.

I have literally never said that.

Keep making lies up because you can’t handle facts though.

30 Minutes? Sure. Over an hour? Come on man.

I know the 29s were pretty active for a while and most of us loved the xp off

I had many occasions as part of the WGE gang where q times got above the 45min+ mark. And sometimes longer as I said. Q times on horde side were massive. Sure there were 30min q times too. But my point still stands and now we’re arguing semantics. The point is that q times were at a minimum 3-4 times as longer back in BfA compared to now.

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No, you’re right. Your point is, queue times were drastically longer. I don’t think they would ever return to that state. I don’t think that queue times will increase that much, as off the top of my head I can think of 2 Horde EBG communities and 2 Ally EBG communities. I also feel like Mixed faction BGs are right around the corner.


Sir, you have to order food to get napkins

This ain’t a charity

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