Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Telling people to go do rated BGs is a waste of time.
Not every map is available in rated - epics aren’t at all, and frankly, right now, when I join up at entry level MMR with a bunch of friends who just started to PvP and can recognize the Hero level players on the other team on their 6th alts?
It’s not fun for those people. There’s competition and then there’s a meat grinder, which rated BGs absolutely are right now as most people left are die-hards.

Sometimes, people just wanna log in and kill the other faction and not think. And being able to play whatever build or spec I want without the pressure of rated actually is nice.

PvP is fundamentally broken right now, and these sorts of things tend to just compound as the wound festers.

I’ll say it time and time again; the entire system and mentality behind it needs an overhaul to increase participation so that these syncs are harder to do. I’d rather hang out with 5 of my friends trying to win while just farming honor for cosmetics than sit in some sort of queue trying to sync for over an hour.

You said he brought 20 into AV, so I assumed the 5 had backup. What were the other 15 doing then?

Ok, and I’m sure it happens more often than going up against pugs. Haha, you guys really will make up any defense for large scale premades. “Look it was fair this one time, so it really isn’t an issue.”

its always the anti-premade side that throws the insults.

hmm, by giving them the keys to really enjoying this game and the epic bg game mode in particular?

bye bye now

Idk hm trying to gear yuh know the whole point of playing epics

doesn’t take that long, a few minutes to organize and queue. the longest wait is when we get split, waiting for other teams to finish their games, its not necessary, but it is polite.

He ran off while they were trying to set up the RP line.

I’m not part of inemia’s group, i’m part of the group that tries to fight premades, have been for around 8 years now.

This is more theoretical if more people were playing in general, hence the desire for an update to the rewards system.

I remember running with (I think - it’s been a while) Hydra back in MoP and the wait times could actually be that long to get the majority of people trying to sync in. There were a lot more people doing PvP in general back then.

This. This is the way. This is the only answer needed here. However, when the premade brackets are completely dead, they’ll probably go back to doing queue exploits in the normal brackets. And the sad thing is, Blizzard doesn’t give 2 craps about the battleground experience in this game.

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we have too many people that want to pvp to hold them back for an hour between every game, the reason we get split pops is we generally take them unless its an instant/early pop, thats probably a backfill, nobody wants that pop.

not every community accepts splits though, its common for some to drop their queues resulting in some games not starting with a full team. example is my last game of the night, someone on alliance didn’t take their pops resulting in an ally team of 15 vs a full horde team with at least 15 SAS. there is the general unfairness of the random queue, but that is plain shooting fish in a barrel.

one of the thoughts behind queueing as a raid is that you no longer have groups dropping split pops because you no longer have split pops.

solo sync says hi.

didn’t you say you were leaving?

Excuse me, was I talking to you? Don’t butt into conversations with people who don’t want to talk to you. Or do I have to put you on ignore?

I said goodbye to you, not to the thread. This isn’t your thread. OP’s thread was actually quite constructive until you came along and derailed it.

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dont have your conversation in front of me then

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Listening to the raider leaders commands most likely.

MY BG philosophy is this. Its not necessarily the strat that wins the bg (that be all, in wrath all are bg lol).

Its that all or say 90% follow the strat.

No splits/people doing elune knows what…better chance of win.

I as a premade fill in see the plan. Since most premades use raid leader chat power to…give a plan. and not spam stupid messages the whole match. Some get the RL power…and tell bad jokes the whole time lol.

And I follow the plan. If it fails…its not my fault lol. and if I split off…well see above. that probably fail too lol.

Nah. I’ll talk to who I want and just start ignoring your unwanted comments. I thought I could just put you on ignore and stop seeing your commments clogging this thread. But unfortunately since this is Blizzard and they don’t have an ignore function here, I can’t. Le sigh.

Edit: thank you so much Tidepodzxo! Onto ignore Inemia goes!

Think this would hurt the game overall by making queue’s longer.

The solution that I prefer is:
Cross faction queue’s to make it hard to get a full group into a epic bg.

a simple plan with simple to explain and remember objectives is far better than complex plans. the big key to epics though is communication and lack of ego. you have to leave your ego back in town when the queue pops. if you tell a team to take an objective and they fail, things go so much better and you can recover much faster if people are without ego and just explain what happened in the most directly truthful way they can. perhaps its something as innocent as you sent 3 and they needed 5. if people are fighting because they are blaming this bad play or that, you can’t just try again with 5, you have to calm that fight down first, which often costs your momentum.

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Do you really think that there are enough of these… people… queuing that it would significantly impact regular queues if they weren’t included? I don’t.

Some of these communities can have a 100 or so of their players queueing up together.

100 is relatively nothing. Also, the harm caused by them dropping queues is worse.

If true, which I doubt (OP was obviously upset), they were probably queueing at a bad time.

There’s a lot more than there used to be that’s for sure.

It could possibly work but I don’t think blizzard will likely implement it just for epic bgs.

Crossfaction queue can work for both random bgs and epic bgs, and it’ll hurt the premade communities chance of actually stacking in epic bgs. It’ll also destroy the faction imbalance we’ve seen since WOD and even out queue times.

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