The brigading and silencing by certain groups on the forums needs to stop

A few months ago, I posted about how Epic BG Communities were exploiting queueing restrictions in Epic Battlegrounds to gain a significant advantage by coordinating up to 30+ teammates into the same battlegrounds.

Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

Since then, the situation has escalated in several concerning ways. Opponents who oppose their tactics are targeted with mass AFK flags, leading to their removal from the battleground. Disobeying their orders results in similar consequences, undermining the essence of spontaneous games with diverse participants and giving undue control to a specific group.

What exacerbates the issue is that their influence has expanded beyond the game itself. Currently, there is a purge on the Battlegrounds forum where individuals speaking out against Epic BG communities face rapid mass flags for various reasons, swiftly rendering their comments hidden, and in some cases, suspended. This goes against the principles of an open forum meant for all players to express their opinions.

It is crucial to address and counteract the disruptive actions of these groups, as they are essentially engaging in brigading. Swift action is needed to maintain fairness, uphold the integrity of the game, and ensure an open and unbiased platform for players to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal.

If you are skeptical, I encourage you to visit the Battleground Forums and verify the situation firsthand. There, you will discover numerous concealed comments, with flagging justifications ranging from “trolling” and “inappropriate” to even accusations of “real-life threats” for comments that are calm and rational.


it’s honestly a shame that a number of pvp players make it such an unappealing aspect of the game for people who might otherwise enjoy it.


It’s a shame that it’s been allowed for this long.