Blizz, Either do something about Epic Premade Battleground players or allow everyone to queue as a raid

World PvP players used to go to the starting zones so they could AoE new toons zoning in.

There was a huge uproar on the forums when NPC guards in those areas got major buffs.

They claimed that not being able to kill level 1’s on there level 85 was “killing PvP”.

This is the same thing.

PvP in this game is just 3v1 in premades. It’s why I quit doing it.
You are either part of the 3 or the 1 getting ganged up on.


im talking in general.

Maybe we can just all afk and finally be at peak gameplay experience

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or maybe you can stop being anti-social and join an epic community

Nty I don’t do ebg anymore too much cheating


then you have no valid reason to be in this thread. and you just prove that the critics of epic premaders are just trolls, you guys complain about our playstyle while also calling our game mode trash.

You’re right have fun cheating


its not cheating to get in line.

Such an amazing recruitment message. You’re really showing these communities in a positive light.


we’re at capacity.

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So it’s literally just getting kicks off easy kills and easy BG wins?


Think along the lines of “lol nub, I got 50k kills”


its more about the community v community drama. blizz are the ones who want us farming pugs. we intentionlly try to face each other and blizz puts both premades against pug groups instead. direct your anger at blizz, not the thousands of epic players just trying to have fun.

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Is that why you use an addon to sync the queues?


Pretty sure bypassing a game mechanic is in fact officially recognized as “Cheating”.


we don’t. we use an addon for logistics and group track and automating daily functions for members, group leaders still manually queue.

I don’t think I agree here at all. If they have a premade group, they can enter rated BG’s. Sounds like they’re choosing to go after a much easier win, really for no reason, since the rewards would be minimal.


Soooo… you use an addon?


im sure some people are really chasing that easy win. but most people in epics are grouping up to play with good people and avoid toxic pugs.

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yes, but it doesn’t violate the rules or modify the queue system, i also use DBM for raiding, and weekauras, you gonna sin me for that too?