Blizz devs to their playerbase

Lmao, man this is accurate

The enrage timer is like 10+ minutes, you don’t get enrage unless you are doing turtle tactics, and it’s made so people don’t do the overly long but efficient strategies of turtling during off CDs

You can relax on raids, just not for too long (?) as it is multiplayer content at the end of the day, your relaxtion also taxes other people

I wanted to discuss, but yoour points are just nonsense. You want a game of old times, of very old times, you want the equivalent of an atari game, but this isn’t your mobile game where only you play and nothing else matters, it’s an MMORPG with millions of people that have, as concept of MMORPG, a deep and complex yet vast and rewarding experience, enphasis on “deep”. You made your points as if those somehow were obstacles to overcome when you get most by just doing what you have always done. It’s literally an addition, not a replacement, and one you get passively so you don’t have to find unwanted ways to do so, like before.

the mobile game comparison was made bc mobile games aren’t deep by design, the limited space those can take in your phone and the normal attention span of the mobile user woudln’t make sense with a very deep game, that’s just how things are, it’s not exaggeration, it’s a valid possibility, your desires of gameplay fit a very old game, or mobile game, hence why i also asked if you were a classic player, of a very old game, 15 years old by now.

You want the game over simplified to a point it’s comparable to a mobile game.

Grow some hangers bro, this isn’t Le peti de founte or some fancy museum, it’s a game forums, if you’re gonna get butthurt for nothing, it’s your problem, and your desires no longer fit with modern gameplay, get on with the times or play retro games, your choice. I wish we didn’t have cars, those things pollute so damn much, but I can’t deny how simpler and fast things became with them, I accept the positive and new reality of the world, you should too, instead of living anchored to the past, subsisting of nostalgia

ever since they involved scaling there isnt any “massively stronger” unless it was contrived to be so.

although I enjoy many of the benefits scaling has brought us, i also dislike the feeling of never feeling significantly stronger than an old world boss. I enjoyed the outleveling, power structure.

You spend all day replying in depth with these essays. Hmmm that speaks volumes. Really makes me wonder if this game is so good why are you spending hours on the forum writing these essays.


But you do, in 8.2 you could destroy world bosses from before. I remeber taking on Tzane, the bone raptor and Jinarak as my prot warrior easily, also done as Fury

Because… i don’t spend hours… (?) You think it takes long to make these “essays” as you call them? no, it doesn’t, you must be a slow asf typer then lol

It is super fast, only takes time when I have to dig through data to present smt, like dates or values, but otherwise, it’s very fast. This reply for instance, it’s taking, what 2 minutes? that’s about it, done after a calling, im not here waiting for more replies, I get a notification and check, what can I do, purposely ignore bc i have something else to do at 00:46am? Nah, It takes no time sir, you’re just slow

Good night don’t time for White Knights in denial. Have a good night bye. Btw you have been doing it all day tyvm.

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mm sort of. but i miss the old school, some mobs are 20 and you come in as a 30, which comparitive is a 10 scaling down a 50 mob or a 70 going back old school to a scaled to 50 mob.

Its just not the same scaling as it used to be back when BC - wotlk - cata - mop - wod then they introduced scaling

This kind of nullifies…everything you said in the OP.
You cant ask why are people complaing and say I dont care/know about the issues you are complaing about so I will ignore it, you got to pick one.

Why are you getting on me? I didnt even use a “bunch of words”.

Just because I choose not to waste my time talking to you doesn’t mean I’m hurt. I don’t know you, I don’t care about your opinions. I just think this discourse is a waste of time. After this reply I’ll likely never talk to you again and forget you exist.
Also, it’s obviously true that my desires don’t fit the modern gameplay in some areas, that’s why I want change. I thought that was obvious.

Removing the timegate on soul ash.

You would think, instead of allowing their employee’s to be bullied, they would ban the toxic users. But no… Instead they go the lazy route. Allowing people to swap to alt’s on the forums to manipulate the conversation, allowing users to literally just call each other retards based on opinions, a complete and total lack of moderation.

Apathy has taken over Blizz. Complete loss of control or guidance of the discussion, but man can they really pump out Legion re-skins.

Tight Balance, slow down on the complexity this game has built over the years, fun content, less burst.

And I stopped reading here

  • Flight
  • No more borrowed power gimmicks - the more they create, the less important they are and the less invested players are in them because they know they will eventually be thrown out.
  • Fix legacy content scaling - covenants are going to be maxed out this week. This week’s patch isn’t adding anything to prolong the value of that content beyond a gold reward. Blizzard wants butts in seats until the next content patch, and making soloable old raid content soloable again would help do that.
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I’ve been banned for some pretty lame reasons. They definitely over moderate.

Blizzard is like the lousy husband who buys his wife what HE wants for Mother’s Day.

“Look honey! I got you a new super fast gaming rig. Well I know you don’t play video games but you can also use it to look up recipes to cook my dinner. A little appreciation would be nice.”

Lots of players write down what they want; However, they keep getting what the devs want instead.

things I KNOW the wow community wants just from hanging around without being paid any sort of salary to find out:

player customization

de-emphasize borrowed power

fix janky scaling

class balance

open up the anima trickle

fix botting

Almost every complaint I ever hear about this game is a complaint I’ve heard over and over with consistency over time.

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You’re not helping your argument - the point is that the system needs a restart at all. A properly written fault-tolerant, redundant, production-quality system should not need to come completely down even for code updates, and if it needs “cleaning up data caches” via a restart, then that implies they’re having difficulties working with basic memory management. Realms aren’t that big, for crying out loud.

Is there a setting in forums that can change the color of the text?

The wall of white when I clicked on this topic blinded me for several minutes…