Blizz devs to their playerbase

They say LoL community is the most toxic gaming community of all, but damn, they’re wrong. WoW players are the only ones I know of that both hate the game so much, yet keep buying it over and over as if it were their job, to buy the game, complain and unsub a month into it.

SL is barely 4 months old, and yes, barely bc most X.0 patches last over 4 months, check history, and on release, SL had more than most x.0 expansions, maybe only behind WoD or MoP (WoD then proceeded to add close to nothing, while SL future looks bright).

I wonder, when you buy the game… you check videos of it? do you see gameplay, the changes done from the previous expansion, the beta videos of the raid, dungeons, etc? Bc i feel people buy the game blindfolded and then, proceed to complain about things present since start. Idk bout you, but I bought the game knowing well what was ahead, and so far, I’m loving it, always looking for more time to play. But i guess I’m the exception, a “blizz shill” for liking the game I bought, I should be smarter and hate the game I buy knowing well what it is about .-.

Also, unlike previous xpas, this one came during one of the worst years of present times, most would have done nothing and be perfectly excused, but they pushed one of the biggest xpas and bam, people still call it horrible, then proceed to hype about TBC, a more than a decade old game that’s min maxed to hell and with no new stuff to be excited about, smt you could play since forever on private servers, but hey, everyone with ther bone to chew

Don’t get me wrong, I know the game flaws: the renown thing is annoying, when you’re low rank, you should be getting way more than 1, losing all companions when switching is horrible, there should be a broken’s coin or token to covenant swap every week: it woul fit thematically. PTR servers should have an insta boost to lv60 with gear to start testing, instead of having to make a character on live to copy paste. PTR should be way more explosive, with broken stuff that gets toned down, so players, the best testers (not dev, players) can make the numbers and say if it’s good or not, instead of minimal % changes that don’t address core problems. Anima rewards per world quest should go way up, as the draught theme is already felt with the upgrades costing 5 digits. Normally i’d say “it’s the currency of the whole xpa, like supplies of Legion or War resources from BFA”, but I don’t see future covenant sanctum upgrades bc… players hated it, like conduits .-… No flightmaster Whistle feels terribly bad, almost forcing you to set hearthstone on each zone you go to in order to return the quest fast, especially in Revendreth (problem that will be fixed when flying is introduced thankfully),

-(i won’t talk bout PVP bc i literally know nothing about it, don’t care either, I heard it’s bad, and I feel it on the maw, being one shotted by ret palas, so maybe, add more versatility or dmg reduction? it’s hard bc then people complain they hit like wet noodles, like before when they complained you werent doing any damage outside CDs, the baldy saying how the game felt like everyone was a tank and how warrior sucked for most of BFA, now ppl claim their nerf, pvp things, not my area of expertise) -

But in short, the game has flaws, but it also has many good points that people don’t see, invalidating the work devs put into the game, rushing to endgame and then, blaming they don’t have anything left to do, but disliking when they have endlessly grinding things to do like AP, but also, liking endlessly grinding the same content as seen on classic. Disliking LFG/LFR but also complaining about queue time, like removing the convenient tools would somehow make it faster XD, it’s just impossible to satisfy you lads, you ask for WoD pvp system, but you can also see many saying it won’t work & will suck, people pointing fingers at the slow release of new content, but forgetting the game is suppose to last 2 years, and with 3 big patches, the timing per patch is appropiate. I asked in the Wowhead discord about this, what would the ideal timeline be for big patches… no one answered, surely equally spaced out is bad, 6 months between each patch and 6 months before next xpa. Usually the “draught”, from last tier to the next xpa is over 200 days long (more than 6 months), one lasting more than a year, as shown by MadSeasonShow, so you either want more big patches like 9.4 and 9.5, shorter time in between expansions, rendering their individual value per-purchase (lifespan of the core game going below 2 years, more like a FIFA that comes out every year with the same content), or … or what? I personally don’t rush endgame content, i have 4 alts, and play each one somewhat equal, doing raids, leveling, dungeons, some toy collection, and I still have so much left to do, my highest ilvl is 205, not rushing at all but also, not intentionally slowing down my gameplay to stretch it out.

TL;DR What do you want? What would make you, or most of you happy? I wish I were a comm manager, to have the database to show how people contradict themselves, both loving and hating the same XD


Not to spend 7-10 months in Nathria. Clear communication about class balancing and tuning.


General Discussion is literally filled with what people want.

I think you kind of proved the point many people are trying to make. “Blizzard doesn’t listen.” There is an entire forum of “what people want”, and yet you wrote a wall of text complaining that you don’t know.

Kind of the same with Blizzard. People tell them, yet Blizz keeps saying “We don’t know what people want.”


Cool story, bro.


So i see. Players caring about a game is hating on it. Got it.


The playerbase is merely returning Blizzard’s treatment and attitude back to them.

Treat people like crap, they tend to not like you. Funny how that works, eh?


Read it again.

Maybe balance the specs? Clearly what we want is buffs to top tier specs like fire mages and nerfs to middle of the pack specs like MM and WW monk mid progression cause you know, why not? Is that what we want? Clearly because it’s not like the bottom tier specs like BM, Surv, Sub and Assassination have need the buffs, it’s the fire mage right?

Also, maybe some explanation for the changes? Like WHY?

For example: Buffing an already top tier legendary for fire mages resulting them in increasing their overall damage by switching to that legendary while nerfing an MM hunter legendary to be WORSE than live version when the changed version was hardly a DPS increase but offered a differently style of gameplay? Why? Why this double standard?




That’s fair, so not 7+ months, 6 months then? but so far, we’re 4 months and people are already sick of it.

Clear communication, yes, idk why the devs or comm manager doesn’t post anymore, I saw on madseasonshow how many were bullied and stuff… maybe they stopped bc of that or Activision big meaty pole-icy about “community management”

class balancing and tuning is happening more often that ever before, basically every 2 days, you see videos of changes to this and that. Many are still unsolved, and I wish they do so for the future of 9.0.5. Remember class imbalance is impossible to delete, minmaxing will always result in imbalances, and mere % buffs are disliked. A valid point however, they should make more changes on PTR than they do currently

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Players: “Hey Blizzard, could we get some decent class tuning? We got quite a few specs hurting over here.”

Blizzard: Mistweaver

  • Vivify now costs 3.8% mana (was 4.1%).
  • Renewing Mist now costs 1.8% mana (was 2.2%).

Players: “Uhhhh…”

Blizzard: “WHAT DO YOU WANT!?”


no not really, there is a super disorganized ramble of people saying “quit , unsub” , other elitist saying “you can’t comment if you are low ilvl lol get good io then talk” and some fair posts about changes to be made. The PTR forums are actually helpful, the general discussion? front view, it’s hideous

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I am going keep it simple. It is a developers job to make the game fun and playable. its why its called a video game. Right now the developers are making the game not fun and playable. Instead they would rather pump artificial gates to keep a time lock inside the game. This is not a game its an experiment.


Oh no, one thing is caring about it, playing and asking for changes on PTR, other is saying it’s shlt, that sucks and everything is bad, that they quit for reasons they then proceed to contradict themselves with, like “lack of content” then objectively, it has the same content as most xpas on release, arguably more since every xpa has the previous ones content to do

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Yeah because we keep hoping they’ll start making it fun again and we’re disappointed every time. Guess we’re the clowns after all.


OP look at it this way you say x.0 patches are normally 4 months but yet one of the most recent expansions that a lot of people (I don’t include myself) say is the best since Wrath is Legion . They were able to put out a patch every 77 days. If they could make enough content and do enough system patches back then , why can’t they do that still ?

Legion gave us 3 normal size raids and one short 3 boss raid . SL will most likely be only a 3 raid expansion and no short boss raid. I say this because by the end of the year we will know what the next expansion is and by the end of the following year 2022 we will be in that expansion .


Players that are hating on it for lack of content probably hate it for similar reasons that players detest it for the artificial gates as I explained before.

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Players: “Hey Blizzard, could we get some decent class tuning? We got quite a few specs hurting over here.”

PTR: Arms warriors doing 20k+ non crits

Players: “Uhhhh…”

Blizzard: “WHAT DO YOU WANT!?”


borrowed power is not something players ever wanted nor does it provide any player benefit

OP has a disconnect in not understanding that current dev team has a goal that is not in sync with ‘what players want’ because part of their goal is just maximum tolerable grind at the lowest dev cost to create the largest revenue from cash shop gold buying

the complaints have ramped up a ton since borrowed power and pruning were implemented, as well as the current dev team reinventing the wheel and going back on a number of founder team promises, treating the playerbase as an ant farm which the founders promised they would never do

bliz devs to the playerbase “yeah we know what you want but we have our own agenda on a lot of the design because we want to make more money from the game”

bliz makes more money from cash shop gold token sales than subs and sales of the expansion


Firstly, The Notebook clip made me chuckle. Now, I think your comparison of League players vs wow players is off completely. League is known for the PB attacking the PB. Calling someone autistic and saying “I hope you and your mother get cancer and die” to another person who is simply playing the video game. That’s a bit different than people venting over the state a company has released a video game, not even in the same ballpark.

Now, does the crapposting get extreme on the forums? Yes. Though the thing that keeps bringing people back to wow over and over is simple. They love the video game and they want Blizzard to do better, because it deserves better. It’s a bit different than getting annoyed that your AD Carry can’t seem to last hit and has fallen so far behind they can’t come back.

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No, 9.1 isn’t coming out until may-september, we will be in Nathria 7-10 months before the new raid. What I meant.

Whens the last time you have seen blue feedback in a PTR or class thread about balance or game play issues? That’s what I mean by clear feedback and communication. It’s just silence right now.

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