Blizz devs to their playerbase

That’s because the expansion started before class balancing was anywhere near done. The more screwed up something is, the more small changes must be made to fix it.

@op. Forums are to discuss problems the game has. It will always have a negative bias. We come here to complain, maybe talk with others, and think of cool stuff to add or fixes. We voice our opinions because we care about the game. We complain because we care about it. Not everyone will give constructive critiicism. If we did not care we would just quit and complain about it on some other forum maybe reddit. The forums are a vocal minority. So it may not be what the community represents entirely. People also want different things which is why you may see conflict. Like WoD pvp gearing is good for casuals. People who love to kill casuals in pvp modes would complain that they can’t do that anymore or less often. WoW is also a subscription based game. You roughly pay for each month 50c a day. LoL is free to play. There are differences. If people do not like this game they unsub.

Dude all the Armors that have been coming out have been Trash too, I mean some are good looking but then some are just garbage. Way to clunky and big, not really specific to any class so all of it is generic and no set bonus is down right boring. I have seen some really awesome DK armors and other armors in images just from typing in google and not a single developer can just be like “hey that looks really good for this class let’s roll it out”.
Not only that but they really need to let the player base see the Concept Armor designs before they are released because honestly I feel like the player base could design hundreds of Armor sets 1000x better.

While I didn’t read your essay, your post doesn’t really make much sense to me as the community, generally speaking, is quite well aligned on EXACTLY what they want. Blizzard keeps pushing out “fixes” that look more like dollar-store off-brand bandages.

Players: We need more anima.
Blizzard: Here is extra 35 from M+

Players: We don’t like loot nerfs. (1.0)
Blizzard: Here, 1 piece of lower ilevel.

Players: We don’t like loot nerfs. (2.0)
Blizzard: Here, Valor point.
Players: But we have to farm VP for weeks to upgrade a single piece to 220.
Blizzard: Too bad.

Players: We want flying.
Blizzard: We shall remove whistle.

Players: We want classes to be more balanced and aligned.
Blizzard: Puts AoE cap on everyone except boomies and mages.

Players: We don’t to have so many things being time gated.
Blizzard: Caps Conquest points. Caps renown.

Players: We want more rewards from Twisting Corridor.
Blizzard: …

Players: Warlocks need more pet skins.
Blizzard: …

Players: Druids need more shapeshift forms. And not just 5 variations.
Blizzard: …

Players: We want alt friendly expansion.
Blizzard: Re-do Maw entry campaign every.single.bamn.time.

Players: We want more character customization.
Blizzard: Scraps what was promised.

Players: We want heritage armor for all races.
Blizzard: …

Players: What about new allied races, a thought?
Blizzard: …

Players: We generally like transmog.
Blizzard: Here are 5 sets for the entire expansion.

Players: We want Legion/BFA legacy raid fixed.
Blizzard: HAHA. No,

Players: We love Garrosh. Can he be in SL as you showed him in a cinematic?
Blizzard: No.

Players: Ban gold sellers. Just hammer them with IP bans non stop.
Blizzard: …
Players: Then can we have a LFG filter or allow addons to filter out paid carries.
Blizzard: …

Players: Make command table a fun minigame and a grind.
Blizzard: …

Players: Make professions useful again!
Blizzard: …



It is.

I got my League of Legends account hacked & they used $80 dollars worth of credit on my league account & gifted their main account. I asked on LoL threads about being recompensated & the community just slagged me / told me to get over it, and on multiple tickets Riot didn’t give two $#!%s about it - I said I’d quit their game to the community for their toxic behaviour & they assumed it was a bluff - but I stuck by my word and quit that game those years ago. Haven’t touched it since.

WoW may not be perfect, especially its community - heck, there is a lot of toxic gaming community in it — However, at least in WoW you have players that would send their respectful regards to such actions or tell you how to deal with it appropriately for the best outcome for you - And Blizzard actually care about that sort of thing rather seriously.

Also, I feel a lot of people complain or argue on the forums or in tradechat I feel not because they hate & utterly loathe the game single-mindedly - but because they’re passionate about the game - angry to the direction it’s going, and want to see it improve & ultimately vibrantly thrive.

I played 1 game of LoL once. One game. Joined. Told the team it was my first day. By the end of my first match, I learned so much! I had no idea they all knew my mother.

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