Blizz devs to their playerbase

Indeed, thats why I said conduits in soulbinds.

Its also what makes them restrictive, something that is supposed to appeal to players choice of what they want to be/align with immediately becomes null when player power forces you into a choice.

Used to be at least. Haven’t played League in several years, but yeah some of most hateful, rude gamers I ever encountered in online gaming played lol. The forums over there used to be a lot worse also. Heck didn’t the guy in charge of Riot go on their forums once, and pretty much belittle the playerbase?

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the problem is everytime they listen to that overwhelming feedback something bad happens

Yes but your conduits are tied to your soulbinds, so if you swap to another spec, that spec will have its own soulbind… with the conduits you socketed before. What do you mean, changing conduits anywhere, kinda like essences? (wait, those needed the forge right?)

But that’s the point of decision. Hirumaredx points out his frustration with how legion artifacts really had no decision making, you eventually got everything, everyone was the same and it didn’t affect gameplay of how you wanted to play, just everyone getting the same eventually and doing the same as a result, with covenants, you know a Venthyr Paladin will be extremely burst for a while, but then, have a long CD before that happens again, like the holy palas doing 10k+ DPS during Ashen Hollow. It’s like saying “you should be able to change your class if you want”, like turning a lv60 mage into a warlock, there are some decisions that should be restricted to prevail the sense of decision, otherwise, why bother having choices? just make it baseline, boring and generic like how it was before? They should, however, make the swap easier, as starting renown rank 1 is the equivalent of Classic having to level up weapon skill attacking mobs to get high renown, high soulbind conduits and stamina buffs, i complain about that of classic, then i should about this on retail as well, perfectly valid

Still is, what’s worse, Genshin comm? Smash? Maybe Smash, those are hella toxic when they talk about tier lists… but so far, of what I know, LoL is a cesspool

Also, if they followed what players wanted… there would be players not wanting that as well, and pointing fingers not to a collective and distant agent, but to players directly, like saying “let’s make loot like Vanilla” and many people, me included, would riot bc we think that system of loot is garbage, but instead of going against Blizz, we’ll point at players for their “krappy ideas and egoistic desires”. The game can’t be fully decided by players, but should be more appealing to them in clearly remarkable ways, like the problem with anima, or old content being useless, etc

Any bugs that prevent me from playing the game should be fixed. There are quest breaking bugs that have been reported going back years that have not been fixed.

No it isn’t.

They had the system in place for years and could re-implement it.

What part of ‘for the content’ is confusing you?

And yet you failed to get it.

And again not getting it.

Like using Niya for every spec because the potency conduits in it change depending on your spec instead of you having to reslot them manually when you change specs.

The problem with covenants is that you can’t try them to see whats different. I just either have to sacrifice a lot to try out different covenants or trust sims. I would prefer to try playing necrolord frost on fights like huntsman or slg but I’m not going to grind 40 renown and a covenant campaign just to try something I think would be fun, I am just going to stay a night fae fire mage.

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Sounding very entitled NGL… you must be hella unlucky then (?) quest breaking bugs, I haven’t found any yet, the most thing i’ve found is falling into the endless void of the in between when queueing for a raid, but that’s about it. Maybe point that out again? Quests are made and played, they don’t make quests without a quick test via bunny score killing (that shows it has an end result), but sometimes that approach can lead to faulty design somewhere, hard to pinpoint. Is it gamebreaking though? Wow must have over 5000 quests by now, if not more, way more actually, way way more. I’ll give it some slack as it doesn’t seem to be something wort bringin up (how often do I see forum posts about buggy quests… never, and I check these every day)

No they didn’t, in TBC you could kill mobs easily as your lv60, in MoP you could kill mobs easily as your Dragonsoul geared character, in Legion you could kill mobs easily as your Hellfire citadel geared character and in Shadowlands, you can murder mobs as your 130+ nyalotha geared character. What exactly are you talking about? Plus, you say fighting the same over and over and over again… sounds extremely like a you problem wanting to do so, what zone has you killing the same mobs over and over? world quests? no but your post is about leveling, and leveling is mostly quests and random dungeons, idfk what you’re talking about and won’t bother figuring out, you’re annoying.

Dear lord YES Night Fae bias is terrible. How is Niya okay having a DPS increase following a POTENCY conduit on the last slot? most have just niche mobility like bonuses following their potency slot, but this mf has it for some reason. And they get their latest ranks super fast, at like renown 18 you already have full tree of conduits, that’s total BS. I mean it’s meaningless now that most are way past soulbind completion, but damn they need to tone down night fae hard, too overbearing, valid point

I assume you mean something like "I’m a fire mage and i have this potency slot for fire exclusively on Niya, but if I change to frost on a raid, i set Niya as my frost soulbind too, with potency conduits for frost exclusively, yet once the spec change is done, the soulbind remains but the potency conduits don’t change, is that what you mean? That sounds like a super easy problem to address, hard to believe they haven’t done that already, perfectly valid

Yeah you can, it’s called PTR & Initial test when you choose covenant / watching videos (kinda). You can see what they do, play them on target dummies, your full rotation, make simulations, watch videos, etc. What you can’t do is change that while retaining everything of your prev covenant to the new one, like all the renown, companions, anima, upgrades, conduits, soulbinds, all changed to fit the new covenant, which could be addressed with the Broker’s Coin idea I had, and mirror conduits, that change based on your covenant since all covenants have the same number of conduits, conduit mirror 1 could be the potency of the covenant class ability, conduit mirror 2 the 2nd place of potency conduit, etc
For 9.1 they should 100% add a free pass of covenant with all retaining features, it should be possible technically speaking, if you can copy your character data, you can also copy and change ID’s to fit their covenant swap equivalent, seems doable on code without much of a hassle, perfectly valid

Perfect example of them not listening to the player base.

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

For the longest time people were asking them for classic servers and they refused

It was just a random example lol.

Because its a pretty terrible damage increase.

I initially chose my covenant almost 4 months ago, with much worse gear. There is no way you would be able to get a good idea of the practical uses of abilities via leveling. And PTR is a joke, I attempted to go on to try the necrolord changes, but I am renown 1 and the campaign was bugged. I am not about to grind 40 renown on the PTR just to test the balance change.

The problem with this is people are sheeps and if you want to change your thought mindset from a sheep you’ll find it isn’t widely covered. 5% of frost mages are necrolord, and I guarantee most of those are people who just like the aesthetic rather than trying to be competitive on the class.

Oh well, true, but they were partially right, bc once they got the classic experience, bam! it really wasn’t bc now you have a decade worth of experience, good computers, hella lots of addons, min maxed the rotation to hell, world buffs, mechanics solved and tested to their max potential, all combinations of teams and things like a raid of pure mages downing Molten Core are possible.

So they think they wanted classic, but not really, as they would also need to forfeit all their accumulated knowledge, addons, simcrafts and technology to experience real classic

you can never truly go back home, Sir

But it’s a damage increase, all the rest have dogturd, like Emeni having a bit of movement speed after a kill ._. while the DPS increase, haste per kill, comes after a non potency conduit

With this I meat you can fully explore the potential of a covenant decision. Now, about trying it on the field tho… yeah, valid point, you can’t easily test that on an actual environment like a raid or dungeon easily, and that is a PTR problem. They should make the PTR an actual fkkn PTR, to TEST stuff, you can’t test if you have to do the same than LIVE to get to the testing point! LoL PBE server gives you all champions, skins to try out, no need to play to get champions like on LIVE servers, it’s super dumb and IDK why blizz can’t fix that, that has no excuse valid point

And about the sheeple, hehe yeah, it’s funny. I am a necrolord DK bc DKs ARE necrolords, not caring one but about BiS swarming mist, slappy hands all the way, and seeing the buffs does bring a smile to my face, going back to the necro mage, the actual sims now put the necro frost mage above night fae in 3 targets by a considerable margin, as well as acane, only losing slightly over +5 targets to NF, but by a bit, and as you get more haste/crit, necro will become better bc of how it scales based on abilities casted during that window as opposed to shifting power that remains the same


Did you pay for a boost on this toon, it has done absolutely nothing in wow but you’re on here knowing it all? I hope they paid you well for your essays.

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Case in point - we’re in the 17th year of WoW, yet Blizz still has problems reliably determining that your character is no longer in combat.


I really do love the game and I feel SL visually/musically/thematically amazingly designed. I’m able to complete what I enjoy the most - making character themes and building upon them. At times it seems like people are often failing to keep a sense of decency when criticising something that they do not enjoy.

I want communication. I dont care if things are unbalanced, broken or delayed. As long as someone can tell me in an official capacity they are aware of the issues and working to fix it, even if they said, it wont be in the next patch or even the one after that but we are on it. Thats fine, and i want that communication to come from Blizzard, on their own goshdarned service not some backwater Mexican gaming blog i had to translate from spanish. I want them to be as competent as the sites that report their news, announce things instead of letting it leak on mmochamp by data miners. Talk to us… talk AT us. acknowledge that our efforts to inform them of issues in the game are not going unseen. Thats it, that is all i expect of them as one of the largest gaming companies in the world all i expect is that they will inform us when something is happening with the game.


-10 for a clip from an awful movie.

The forums are full of ideas and recommendations and complaints that the devs ignore. When was the last time you saw a blue post in here?

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They have already explained why they favor some specs over others.
We just, at the time, didn’t see it for what it was, the truth.
“We make a game we want to play”
OP specs are fun for the people playing them, so if we look at the above quote, and put 2 and 2 together, these specs are OP and stay that way because that’s what the devs play.
There can really be no other explanation at this point.


When this launched i made my first 60 ended at renoun 5 just made another 60 yesterday it ended at renoun 15 it says i should wait till the end to level i have 2 more to go to get to 60 but i am gonna wait.

Plus they will disable all this stuff when the next reskin drops it is going to be a season game like diablo is. I mean at this point they look the same share the same talents and both have short term player retention.

Nope, that’ll be dumb. I got the base game and 1 month, then pay all the following months with tokens. I entered on shadowlands so yes, I’ve done nothing of the previous expansions, and so far, this alt is ilvl205, the higest, i have other 3 lv60 with 199, 180 and 160ilvl, still a long way to do.

You see, I’m not rushing, this week i didnt get geat vault on more than 1 alt bc i didnt do any m+ whatsoever, just the raid clear from pugs and LFR, some world quest for conduits missing, campaign for an alt, mission table, try to get achievement for BoD, my weekly torghast runs, you know, non endgame stuff.

I have been playing wow for years, many years, just not here so I do know how things have developed over time, from reading and watching videos more than personally experiencing it (but i did play all xpas, just with considerable time differences, when you were at legion current, i was playing pandaria).

They don’t pay me jack shlt and don’t ever expect to get “paid” in any way. I just like the game and like talking about it. Now I have free time and not much to do “outside” (this country doesn’t have vaccines yet, so outside is completely cut out), might as well invest some time here, right?

Oh yes, but it is much better than what it used to. I come from priv servers where you literally could not remove combat status if the mob died, sometimes the mob corpse still aggro-ing you forever, and alt+f4 resulted in dead at the default graveyard, hell it was terrible. Now you can always remove combat after like 10 seconds of no combat, or moving away to the point the combat start is no longer visible, then it fades away. The longest I’ve been in combat must have been a minute after some rogue attacked and left, but after walking for a while, it went away.

Pretty much, bastion is gorgeous, flying there will be a blast, world quests are not as annoying as before BFA with the turtle mini games and getting flying sooner and without having to complete reps and achivement certainly will make them much tolerable, especially since you don’t need any , unless you’re gearing an alt, in which case, it’s free loot! free easy loot for a low level alt, feels nice to do solo content, easy and obtain stuff without having to spend half an hour in a dungeon if you don’t have the time or good internet connection to perform well without being kicked

I see this very often, and I tend to answer with the same: they did talk back to us way more often in the old times than what they do now, but It could be something to do with Activision and not Blizz only. However, in other games like Hearthstone, the main guy did open many QnA threads to talk person-to-person to the players, and things he said ended up appearing, like spell schools for hearthstone coming in the next expansion, first teased in these QnA, which would show that it’s not that they can’t, but they don’t want. Ion used to have more dialogue in his twitter, which is now dead (last update was about SL release, it’s been 4 months and no changes to the profile, sad)
To be fair, at this point, they should make Wowhead their official partner site (maybe it is?) they report WAY MORE than any blizz official page, but maybe it’s that independent fashion that allows wowhead to act unbiased towards blizz, not having to deal with their rules and having as fowl of a mouth as they please

Someone else said they liked it, +10-10=0, i got you :sunny:

2 days ago, about 9.0.5 changes
And yes/no, the forums are full of that, sure, but hell is it hard to pinpoint organized threads still open of that. Let’s take a snapshot:
http: //prntscr. com/10fgm1b
Oh look, there are some fun posts in there, heh, looks like finally something positive, who would have guessed!
My point was that the posts are scattered all over, the long gone general posts to classify and group up all these possible changes are now closed, or i have not found one open yet, and most of the niche class community lives on discord servers, like Dreamgrove or EbonBlade, not these forums. Maybe we should have posts that unify those groups of people again in the forum, one post that gets constantly updated so it doesn’t get archived in days

Yes on launch things were slow, as happens with most on launch scenes, you’re not expected to reach endgame a couple of weeks into a new game, you know? But as of today, and some weeks from today, you can get to over 30 renown easily, some do it in under a week of casual playing, no more waiting for next week to unlock next covenant campaign and stuff.

disable what? all this stuff, what stuff, renown? huh… no, it’s getting an increase, not a disable, they don’t disable anything, just add more stuff, very rarely to they remove things. re skin, to save on space, they made Ghuun the boss of Mists of Tirna Scithe, Muezala is the same Nighthold boss reskinned, yes I would prefer to have more unique 3D models & riggs, but at the same time… it’s somthing minor, and we can agree muezala is considerably different to the Nighthold boss im talking about (i dont remember the name, Krossus? krasus? smt like that)
share same talents, what do you mean? same objective, Diablo and WoW? The gameplay is completely different, but the goal of every game ever is player retention, isn’t it? to make a fun product people enjoy putting their time on, and in doing so, getting the revenue as games are very expensive to make. Short term retention is both good and bad, many people that play wow now are way over the age they can put as many hours into the game as before, hence why they diverged so much into casual support with LFG, LFR, WQ giving almost raid level gear, token options, weekly lockouts so people can’t endlessly grind and reach top in no time, leaving the rest of the players as nothing but dregs

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