Blizz devs to their playerbase

Wow players are not the only people who do this, and they do it because they love Wow and want it to be good. It is the same for other businesses. Let’s say there is a fast food restaurant that you really like, but the one closest to your house sucked the last couple of times you visited. You’re still going to go there to see if they fixed the issues because it is close to your house and deep down, you want it to be good.

However, this type of loyalty erodes over time and if something better opens up across the street with similar food, eventually you’ll switch your loyalty to that business and never return to the one that sucks.

I can only speak for myself but what would make me happy is:

  1. ALL bugs fixed
  2. Open world scaling reverted to the old system of open world progression
  3. Reinstatement of all old questlines (ie cape in Pandaria)

I would also appreciate the addition of ‘Old World’ option to Chromie which would be all the classic content but the above is what really matters to me.


Check forums and videos… I see a lot of people saying “i quit bc it’s not fun anymore” but don’t say what they consider fun. You did see what the game was like before buying, you have played it for years, and so far, it isn’t much different. They say wotlk was peak, and you can play that on private servers and see it was not as good as you remember, nostalgia is powerful, is basically why the whole western industry lives on. Many say they loved the community aspect of back then, but right now, you have more ways to communicate with people, using the battle net system, you can chat with them outside wow, using forums and discord, and all the chat options remain from release of wow. The thing is, now you have convenient ways to avoid that, and people choose not to do the old ways, not blizz fault, player’s not wanting to do it. They say the content is stale, but like Vanilla where you had basically nothing to do past the last raid tier and pvp. Fun is very subjective, hard to pinpoint what makes it fun, MMORPG, is it a role play game? yes, is it massive multiplayer online? yes, does it play like it did before? yes, just has more quality of life aspects as time goes on.

you got a point there, it came out fast, hence why i said most, not all. But also, remember that, with fast big patches, also come longer draughts, and Legion came out 30th August and lasted till 17th July, 3 major patches in 2 years, the standard. If the first patch came out so early, the time in between patches? dear god, bc from 7.3.5 to 8.0 pre patch (16 january - 14th august, 7 months, which is kinda what I said at the beginning, 6+ months in between patches and next xpa, except if legion first big patch came out barely 2.5 months in, making the in-between patches timegates much longer). Eh don’t be so quick on that, we did not know about Crucible of Storm when 8.0 came out, a mini raid, unexpected, who knows… that’s the magic of the new

the “artificial gates” you talk about, could you comment more on that, please? The only artificial gates I see are the classic gates, as all the content is known, they could release it with everything on since the beginning, but they prevent themselves so players can catch up with each other, hence, it’s not really artificial, it serves a purpose, or it does in classic, what about here? unlike classic, we literally have no previous content ready to release, they are making it as we speak, i don’t see it as artificial, please explain further

Oh you saw that video? Funny, I saw it too on my recommended page, similar to the PvPisbalanced channel, posting ret palas one shotting 3 people or convoking druids blasting off others… but like I said, idk pvp, sorry about that, I’m a noob on that topic, you want lower burst? but then people complain about pala ners, it’s hard, pvp is def not my area, i lose you there :-s

Huh… really? Then why people like tier sets? it’s a temporary power you lose as future expansions come out, and patches introducing better gear, replacing old tier sets, literally borrowed powers, and they like that. I feel borrowed powers serve as patches and variety for classes. I would not stand play my class exactly the same for 2 years I can tell you that. Borrowed powers add the spark of difference and change as the game goes on, essences were so fun to me and I see many others liking it (those that don’t insta hate BFA for simply existing that it). Player benefit, they do, they make and break classes, and can be taken away or changed heavily without much problem as those are mostly options as opposed to forced changes (like tier sets, where you had no choice as those came with your normal gear to get as you progress, while essences can be swapped if one gets nerfed or other buffed)

cash shop gold buying, for boosts? for BoE? both things that are player’s choices to make, and not forced at all except by those that want to have an edge over others for no reason as over time, you’ll get to that point by just playing regularly? You mean that? or what? I ain’t a booster or bot seller, I use my gold on tokens to play “for free” and have spare cash to waste on transmog, boes for alts, etc, but their goal as you describe it sounds about the same as every other grind in any other game. CLassic, was it grindy? yes, yes it was, and that was before Activision plugged their meat on Blizzard, and their grinds were also about either random drops or reputation. I think everyone wants to make something fun, but to make it also rewarding, considering the min maxers, is hard. you saw that on classic, how ragnaros went down the same day it came out, how world buffs ruined all difficulty, and those were in-game since forever, the game didn’t change, the players did, and found ways to make that experience feel different and blame blizzard

borrowed powers came in… umm, definition of borrowed power? external source of temporary power, not tied to your class or spec, that greatly benefits your performance and it’s expected to last only the expansion it came out, right?
If so, that applies to basically all tier sets, to all legendaries, to aze traits, corruptions, essences, artifact powers, garrison powers (?), world buffs, enchants, glyphs (before they became cosmetic), etc

What do you mean by borrowed powers, since Legion? Artifact giving you powers as the expansion continued… but people liked legion, they liked how powerful their artifact made them feel, or not? Pruning, well mate, ain’t that what people ask for in PvP? the bursty meta, or you think it’s easier to “buff everyone else” instead of “nerfing the problem”

any game ever wants to make more money, that’s… how all games work. Players always have suggestions and disagreements with their game, but in the case of WoW, those complains flood the page, and the “i quit/unsub” posts are marginally above the enjoyment posts. How often you see posts talking about good things in WoW? I don’t see any, but so many people play it that there must be things they like, unless they play a game they dislike (?). They added valor after people asked for something like that, and although the current version of it might look bad for hardcores that already have 226ilvl, it’s perfectly valid to balance throughout the patch. The game changes all the time, and the problems most people have with valor are number-wise, or availability, something that can be fixed with in a day. I may not be as hopeless as most of you are when it comes to changes tho, that might be the thing: I still have hope.

the base game costs 40$, and lasts 2 years, so once you buy it… you don’t really pay them anymore except for a subscription, that in 3 months is worth 45$ so yeah, of course it’s worth more .___. you have probably spent more on the electricity your computer consumes than the actual computer, or gas for the car than the car itself, how’s that something to be surprised about? As far as I know, you don’t get blasted with ads in the game, you don’t have 5-second ads to skip before logging, and tokens means you could play and never pay subscription again, like I do, without any gold farming method. How is that a problem?

thanks :stuck_out_tongue: the video seemed appropiate. Comparison? Not directly, wow players are not as harsh to each other as LoL players, but they are toxic within the game itself (vanilla players however, were toxic asf), as their motto seems to be more about calling the game shlt than playing. Right now I want to play but, I’m here replying to the post I made, poor me :c

I get they want to make it better, we all do, but unlike people like Bellular or Kalani, content creators, that also praise good features of the game, the forums seem to be just… blight, pure blight, not a single post about something positive, really makes you think “is the game so bad?” then I check other non english sites and, wow, the game is deeply loved, must be something with US that they hate the game so much, bc the latin american community loves it and wish they could afford it (our income is greatly lower than what the game expects you to have, we kinda rely on gift codes to get the game =c hence why I played private servers for so long, not bc i did not like retail, but bc i could not get it)

the PTR servers tho, those are much healthier than general discussion, we need more ppl on PTR, it takes forever to enter queues, and more posts there than the miasma of GD

We don’t know yet, and to Sep would be 11 months, not 10. Speculations about 9.0.5 release said it would came out at the tail end of march, pessimistic as always, yet it’s coming in 3 days, sure 1 month and 4 months are not the same but, I am more of an Optimistic Ogre having a 50% chance of hitting the correct target than the wrong
when? well very recently, summing up the 9.0.5 patch, that was last fixed yesterday. But yes, I did agree they could have comm managers as they did before (checking MadSeasonShow, how the comm manager talked to the players, their blue profiles as opposed to the AI of today). Activision might have a policy like that for their games, what about Battlefront or Overwatch forums?

The only ones I know that buy it and love to hate on it collectively, evidence on the positive posts on forums. If they loved the game, there would be many posts praising the good aspects of it, but nope, basically all non troll posts are negative, calling the game garbage, blizz lazy, game stale, i want TBC to then mixmaxed it to hell and get bored, etc

About the fast food trope, I understand, makes sense, but you would not make articles calling the food station shlt over and over again, and making contradictions like “I hope they make the hamburger a dollar again” to then say “they should make their food more expensive, selling it cheap makes it low quality” like how know people complain about time gatting and “artificially padding content” while they liked Vanilla locked content, bc if it were to be fully released, it’d have gotten stale within 2 months at best, considering they did the raid the very same day it came out. or how people now want flying but like vanilla with no flying whatsoever, and many things I’ve said over and over again: people saying they like something to return, but also, disliking that same thing added to their current experience, or demanding more when they prefer less.

I’ve been playing wow since what, wotlk? not on retail but underground, and since then, I saw how people bashed the game. We can call names but, data doesn’t lie, all expansions tend to last 2 years, with 3 big patches, adding a raid, maybe a dungeon, ilvl, pvp, class balance and maybe a zone, the same is scheduled to happen now but people call it empty nowadays, when it was cheerfully seen before.

  1. that’s impossible, no game ever has all bugs fixed, especially one that weights over 80gb by now, it’s just impossible… but if you are to compare retail to previous expansions in terms of bugs? oh come on, classic bugs compared to retail? both technical deficiencies and natural bugs were present, now mostly just bugs that get hotfixed quickly, as seen with the WW monk bugfixes (that people also complain, calling it a nerf when it was plain wrong how it was working .-.)
  2. Old system, you mean every zone locked to their level permanently? I mean, only for leveling, and once you’re lv60, you can still blast everything to ashes, everything outside lv60 zones, what do you mean by that? you want to have to go to different places to level up instead of doing everything on one zone that scales with you? … idk what to tell you, people liked that, they generally liked the idea of not being forced to walk or move here and there as they level up, and doing the content they actually like instead of what the game forced you to do. Sure, you said it’s a “you” thing but, i can’t see how that’s bad, oh well, personal stuff.
  3. Ah yes! i 100% agree with you on that. Man I forgot about it, timewalking feels awful without those legendaries. I entered on SL so i don’t have neck, essences but I did play with them on priv server and man were those a blast. Probably locked as a way to make progression, so those that came before have an edge over new players? I too agree it could be changed perfectly valid

classic content, so before cataclysm? what do you mean exactly? My understanding was that most content was available. so you want to be able to “choose your expansion” as a whole? like if you choose TBC, you can play with that xpa tier sets, queue to that xpa raids with people that also play on that timeline and stuff? It seems like a MASSIVE work to do, many more queues, systems and sub patches for non endgame content, could be done but seems terribly big for little reward aside from nostalgia kicks… plus, you can do that on other places, boy here tells you it’s possible but shhhhhhhh don’t say anything

Imma keep replying, gotta do other stuff x_x but thanks for your replies, good or bad, insulting or not, it’s good to see people active here, catch you later

GD is in a chronic state of proverbial passionate disagreement.

Most final patches have been close to a year or more pre Legion . So most people are used to the end of expansion content droughts. The problem is the pre last patch droughts . Blizz has been extending the the lengths of patches since Legion with grinds like azerite , soul ash , anima.

Now you can say once you got your legendary to where you want it , you no longer have to worry about soul ash . THis is true if the legendary you have remains the best for your spec , but if it doesn’t back to grinding. You don’t need to grind anima. This is true again unless you plan on opening all your sanctum perks before end of SL .

In other threads I have thrown out ideas of non major patch side quests that let’s say send us back to Azeroth to say stop a Mawsworn attack on our Class Halls or some scourge have gotten off of Northrend and are Attacking Azshara or Twilight Highlands. Just little things that bring a little bit of the world back into World of Warcraft.

Good grief! This is like trying to read the unabridged version of “War and Peace.”


We do know that mid May early June is the best possible outcome for a 9.1 release. If it hits the PTR Tuesday when 9.0.5 comes out, we will have atleast a month and a half of new systems and raid testing. That will be the longest .1 patch wait in the games history. With how little information was presented at Blizzcon, its not unreasonable to expect an August release date.


I am expecting a product I pay for to work properly. A few bugs causing weirdness is one thing but questing breaking bugs that have been going on for years are unacceptable.

I mean the system where as I quested thru a zone starting out weak and had to be super careful, then gained in power and was okay as long as I wasn’t stupid and then gained more power and could take down several mobs at once before moving on to the next zone instead of just fighting the same fight over and over and over and over again with every mob thru every zone thru every expansion.

I am not interested in the content for power, I am interested in the content for the content.

The pre-Cata Azerothian world.

No, it is not.

If I wanted to do it on ‘other’ places, I could do it on Classic.

But what I am saying is I would like to see it incorporated into regular WoW.


Player freedom in from the start. Examples: Conduits in soulbinds swap when changing specs, class abilities not tied to covenants, ability to have other specs legendary effects on the same legendary item that you make at the same time (so I make a legendary for fire, frost, and arcane at the same time on the same item). Azerite armor swapping with spec, or account wide essences would have been good past examples of what would have been nice.

  1. Proper lines of communication to community instead of cherry picked communities.
  2. A clear timeline of what’s coming or what to expect. This hanging in the air announcements is unacceptable.
  3. Revert the loot drop changes. It was acceptable at the beginning. Limiting us adds more tedium for tedium’s sake.
  4. Covenants opened up. Sticking to this “player choice matters” is an excuse for a poor development decision. Remove the two week wait to change. Make it instant. Cut back the Covenant swap option to a week. Max.
  5. Up anima drops. Add 35 anima for every odd or even floor completed in Torghost across any and all difficulties, throwing random anima spikes to keep interest up.

yeah borrowed power systems have brought the new 'huge sub losses in the middle of content nowhere need the end of the xpac"

the way people used to get extra playtime out of the content was alts, but alts are so tedious now under the borrowed power 5 layer grind systems


Exactly and my little idea for side quests to send us back to azeroth would not have to involve those grinds . Make them a gold reward or a cosmetic item . Just a little bit of content for fun .

I mean, all expansions have had grinds, either rep, or farms, or badges, now resources that last the entire xpa. As opposed to those other grinds that were mandatory (AP for neck or artifact, you had to get it or you wouldn’t get the needed powers to progress through the content), anima is pointless, mostly just for gearing alts and cosmetic things. Some have all their covenant sanctums at at least lv 1, and it’s 9.0, so it’s to be expected we’ll have way more time and (they already confirmed increased anima, as the drought was made on purpose, that’s the whole theme of the shadowlands) anima gains to patch that and get more of it, more that probably will be unrewarded as most people don’t care about it unless it’s tied to a mount, a transmog or player power, but if it’s player power, then it becomes a mandatory grind they dislike, but if it’s convenient, then it becomes WoD where you could do everything from your garrison and the world was empty, now more so with flying coming in 9.1

Your second paragraph mentions things that work as backup for a response… but i don’t the the conclusion XD it’s like you try to say “now you could say, but…” and after the but, there’s no answer. But to those, there are answers: Soul Ash can be capped for a rank 4 leg in 4 weeks, 1170 weekly and doing the mission table gains + the Bolvar quests, we’re on the 16th week? something like that? that means, ideally, you could have had enough to make your rank 4 leggo, and spare to get another ready, since the cap is 8k. How long does it take? less than an hour to complete both if you have a competent team and okay ilvl. you can do layer 8 at around 190, less if your class is busted like mage or warlock or DH vengeance, and 190 is fairly low, as that’s below what covenant gear gets/mission table/WQ gets you. People might say “ah it’s a chore” but it’s shorter than a raid, shorter than 2 M+ and you’re done for the week, plus, done in groups it can be fun. I might be one of the few people that actually love doing torghast, in party, solo is annoying as if you fail to get good powers, you’re screwed. Now in 9.1 there’ll be no death limit, thank Zeus, finally you can die and not exit group bc of some fear thing throwing you off the platform, plus, more end layer rewards, neat!

About the BiS leg, I’m confident most people would appreciate having more options than being limited to one only build, right? plus, most of what’s been done are buffs rather than nerfs, except for the hunter leg that was admittedly, a bugfix more than a nerf (why was it casting twice? it’s 1 ability that applies the effect, not double cast). And as opposed to previous iterations, you can get it rank 1 and have the power as a whole, the further ranks only improve mere stats, and rank 1 can be completed in 1 week with mission table soul ash.

About the idea of making more content outside main zone world, well we had that in BFA too, Pandaria & Uldum, not to player’s expectations but, it’s not an idea they are confidently saying “No” to. But I bet people would still find ways to complain about, like saying “ugh so annoying i have so many chores to do” as they did for BFA: ( none of that was necessary past the point those were introduced and had months to be completed and dealt with, but oh no! things i have to do, eh no, things you can do, these are not essences that scale with power with these grinds, anima/soul ash remain the same from the start

NGL, it sounds cool tho, I’m into it perfectly valid

Waiting for a rare respawn, i got time :nerd_face:

Fair, but don’t forget the fact this 9.1 seems broader than most X.1 patches as discussed before, and the little pandemic still going around. Have they returned to their offices? Idk, but it’s not like WoD where they flat out lazed out and scrapped content like crazy, so far we are getting all the content we were promised to get (and customization was not promised to be further expanded THIS expansion, they said SL would have more, and on release, it had, and that they’ll see for its further development as time goes on, not that it will be added this expansion, that’s like saying “LFG is a tool for new players to play raids and dungeons without having to ask in world chat, and this will be further developed as time goes on”, becoming LFR the next patch, as LFR came out in Cataclysm and LFG, in WOTLK).

Hopefully, it will be up to expectations, as time goes on, we tend to expect more from their raids. In TBC, we were fine with the first boss being the most boring dummy target ever, just a standing still mob casting a water shield and bomb every minute, now if the boss is just attacking and randomly casting AoE, we’d call them lazy bums (much worse but i don’t want the post censored), we gotta have hope.

you said ALL bugs, and ALL bugs are impossible, MOST are possible, GAME BREAKING are possible and those get patched very quick, but ALL? it’s impossible. The game works properly, what, do you fall off terrain, go through walls, the game glitches out and breaks apart like PS4 release consoles? or launch BFA? I don’t think so, I have not had game breaking glitches since I started, and man have I played glitchy servers, where quests were just credit bunnies to kill, retail is very well working as intended. TL;DR not all bugs can be fixed, but most, and that’s something happening all the time.

that’s impossible*, as these are expansions, those expand-on what you were before. You saw the massive backlash with people feeling weak coming from 8.3 to 9.0, only normal.
impossible* as , well, it is possible, overtuning mobs or nerfing you to hell so mobs are actually dangerous, but then people would complain and it’d be nerfed over and over like Castle Nathria and dungeons, nerfed weekly. And tbh, you still can die fast from pulling many mobs, it ain’t so willy nilly, and rare mobs can be very dangerous, there is this rare mob in Bastion that was a killing machine for low ilvl (140+), i remember seeing people in chat asking for help with that rare, or some struggling to kill packs of mobs to farm leather, only to be stolen by a warmode druid that then, bot farms the zone… those damn boomkinbots

Cool, following that, I said how it seemed like a lot of work for little reward, as that would mostly be what, transmog? People generally don’t care about story, they have azeroth auto pilot, dont read quest text, skip cutscenes… def a you thing

I assumed so, we’ve had that for over 7 years, another def you thing, i must have queued for deadmines over a thousand times, kinda fed up with the old content.

Classic is vanilla exclusive, but you can play any xpansion if you look hard enough

Uh… your soulbind DOES change with your spec, just today I was in torghast as blood DK with Heimir, then changed to Unholy and bam, I was with Emeni soulbind, so again, idk if that’s valid? Try, it should work.
Class abilities tied to covenant are what make covenants significant. Otherwise it’s just cosmetic, what could be done is make the change easier from covenant to covenant, while retaining the deepening bonds from Renown when sapping (the only player power part of the covenants aside from Soulbinds that make sense to be locked on each covenant), or maybe making so your conduits are mirrors that change based on your covenant since all covenants have the same number of conduits, you could have a mirror 3 that on each covenant, turns into a different conduit, that way, maximizing one covenant, when swapping, would not represent such a loss.

All classes have generic legendaries that benefit all specs at the same time, and some are good like Mad Paragon or Superstrain, I think you mean legendaries like Deeply Rooted elements, where the effect itself changes based on spec? Sounds neat valid point

Azerite/essences, eh… yeah sure why not? it’s old content so mostly pointless, valid I guess, no real loss but if that makes you happy, then others must feel it to be good as well.

  1. That’s originally what the PTR forum is for, but the devs don’t reply to forum posts anymore, that might be the disconnection you feel, true valid point
  2. This hanging in the air announcement is an announcement, it’s clear they have the idea of what’s to come, but don’t have the content of it done to an acceptable point. And if they share some of the beta content, if it changes, it would receive backlash, they’re playing the secret card, that really doesn’t work since we’ll be seeing it on PTR anyway, not much hype when you see it before playing it, valid point nonetheless, they should put a tracker on what’s done on a weekly or daily basis, as to give a report on their job, and point if for a week they do nothing
  3. Revert… what, to make heroic raid useless, M+ the best way to gear, PvP useless for gearing, relying on luck draws for titanforging… how far back you mean? vanilla, with ninja looting, relying on someone to divide gear, with static stats and no filters whatsoever on loot? What style of gear drops? Right now, if Im not wrong, finishing a key gives you 2 drops guaranteed, 1 for completing the key and 1 more for ending in time, and less ilvl if you deplete the key, but 2 items for a party of 5 nonetheless… i might be wrong? correct me there, but that sounds like a lot. Raid drops were increased to match previous rewards and are targeted for improvements as time goes on, it was made clear raiding was on the line to fix next after M+ is fixed. Waiting for further explanation.
  4. This is weird, for one side, people complain the game doesn’t feel like an MMORPG anymore, but for other, people want convenience and easy ways to get stuff done, which sounds logic, until you see how many complain against LFG, LFR, RBG. I thought about a token-like option, a Broker’s Coin, purchasable weekly, like the BFA cursed coins, that allow you to fool the covenants into accepting you as a fully renowned champion (so you retain anima, renown, soulbinds, conduits, upgrades, etc), but that expires after a week, so you have to either get another coin to swap to another covenant, remain in that one or be found lying and sent back to your real covenant: fits the Broker’s lying aesthetic and allows weekly change with QoL options, maybe a coin for anima? so it’s relevant again? or rare mob drops as the brokers like rare shlt so much. Regardless of the pathway taken to address the issue, perfectly valid
  5. Remember the 9.0 phase is the drought phase, they said that a thousand times, we will get more anima as the expansion goes on, that is covered guaranteed. Rewards in Torghast are tricky since it’s infinite as well, maybe locked? or have it free but increase price like azerite power from islands, also infinite but with diminishing returns to prevent stockpiling. problem already addressed on the upcoming patch

I think that is more about the game being 15 years old than “oh I get borrowed powers >:c i quit this game takes too long, MMORPG should be 10 minutes long not a month long”.
Also… not alt friendly? are you KIDDING ME? This is the most alt friendly expansion ever. Catch up is super easy, threads of fate means you can start doing dungeons from the very begining and get renown, you level up super fast with chromie time, no more power player tied to grinds like azerite or artifact power, level squish making it faster to get to endgame, mounts being account wide (came in pandaria), conduits granting most of their power at the lowest rank, getting covenant gear from normal questing that can be upgraded to almost raid level with just anima from doing normal content… what xpa has been more alt friendly than this? Torghast, now you have all wings unlocked if your main has done them, which can be done solo with below normal raid ilvl or much lower in party (i did it with 150ilvl boomie), stygia being mostly for tryhards that want sockets on all of their gear and max level conduits, what exactly is the grindy part of the alt leveling? .-.

Cosmetics would work well, or titles, as gold is mostly pointless. You can get 250g in 4 minutes in Skyreach with a slow class (i did with a DK)

that ringed true for prev xpas, but for SL at least, the xpa i actually played on retail, I see they change stuff very often, like the Valor addition, we pretty much agreed they wouldn’t, or the Draenor PvP talkings they have right now on mind, we expected those to be the classic “we don’t have any plans right now” yet we got valor and potentially, WoD pvp gear, but even PvP players can’t universally agree whether that’s good or not, some saying YES! others Nah it’ll suck.

They should, however, have humans and not AI in the forums, blue posts are mostly just AI, except for the occasional typo showing there’s a human behind that… I think it has to do more with Activision way to treat communities than blizz itself, like i said before, how are the other activision games’ forums? also purely AI? is there a game with the devs actually replying to forums and stuff? I don’t visit many forums, actually, just wow as of late.

Classic is a perfect example of what? of they going far from what players like or doing exactly what they want? Not so long ago, prob an hour ago, someome here complained about artificial time gating, and well, classic is all about that, since all content already exists and they just delay it to give new players a chance to catch up as classic has no real catch up mechanics like increased gains or smt. Further explanation required to that last line.

The more customization was heavily misunderstood, you can see the blizzcon when they said that, and it wasn’t promised to be further developed on that expansion, players assumed that, and sadly, it wasn’t what they thought. I can’t talk much about it bc I really see it as super minor, most ppl have transmogs that cover them entirely, why do they care much about it? They also like vanilla that has literally the worst customization on any MMO, and current resembles more a gatcha game that’s all about aesthetics or Sims 2. We got a tiny demo buff! there’s a warlock pro youtuber constantly updating the state of all warlock related, but yes, class balance is an issue that should and will be solved, mostly. we have seen how frost mages went from the absolute worst garbage to a perfectly valid option, and simming very high as of recently. In my CN runs, the massive pull before hungering destroyer, i see the top DPS being frost very often, something I’d never seen before. still, perfectly valid statement that is on the line as of today

That line from the big guy, i remember that one, when someone asked about a potential classic server… he then retracted the idea, I kinda agreed with him on classic being just a nostalgia fest, and it is to a certain extent, but it seems some rough points on there should be changed, like how they think devs can balance the game better than players. One thing I did not mention in my original post was the positive part of the playerbase, you might be one of the weirdest PB ever, but also, one of the most passionate as well, the dedication some people put to it, running simulations and uploading every single change is insane. And discord servers dedicated to each class are taking what the forums were once for, there is no point arguing players know better when it comes to balance, however, our opinions are mostly so far in between each other, like some wanting flying and others saying it’ll kill world pvp, some wanting LFG since they don’t have much time to look for raids or groups on chat, others saying it makes the game an autoqueue and kills the RPG feeling, some saying warrior is busted, others saying it’s finally their time to shine. It’s a mix funbag

:robot: :dash: :bomb: :pinching_hand: gud

I have seen many, but the reasons are… very weird. Some say “no more customization? I quit, going to classic” but like … classic has nothing of that, your character panel is a joke compared to retail, some people say “ugh i am tired of boreghast I quit” but it’s not mandatory at all, it’s just a happy little addition like Bob Ross would say, you can or not, you only need rank 1 of a legendary to get the power and be done with it, plus, in parties it can be fun, i love torghast in parties, wish I could do more with rewards, and they said more rewards are coming, great!
Some say they quit bc “there’s nothing to do” but is objectively obvious that, as expansions go on, there’s more to do than the previous, baring the point taken, like how the endgame of an expansion has more than the bare start of the next one, ie, how 8.3 had way more than 9.0 in terms of current content (
Some say “it’s taking too long for new stuff I quit” but in terms of comparison, it’s about the same as other expas, baring legion or pandaria, 4+ months before their next release, and 9.0 has more than the average x.0 expa, again, invalid point.
Some say “class imba, i’mma quit until its fixed” but forget the whole idea of class changes come from players… playing, the nerfs to vengeance DH didn’t come out of their a$$es, they saw data, that 80%+ of tanks in high keys are DH, that most of their aoe dmg is just 1 ability pressed once Elysian Decree, that they excel at everything, so they nerfed it and buffed other low tanks like prot dmg, blood legendaries, monk legendaries, paladin legendaries (although those were doign good already). It’s somewhat of a mess to find a valid, objective and data-backed point as to why they quit, but at the end of the day, it’s a game, not a country or your job, you can quit whenever you want without having to give reasons, just don’t try to make it a “fact that everyone should abide for” if there ain’t clear reasons why, and there is where most fail, they turn the personal, subjective stuff, as objective reasons, turning a “you” problem into a “their” problem

I was part of that community, I played LoL Ffor years, back when the graphics were like playdough and the client wasn’t a sloppy mess of noodle code, and I played in the worst server, LAS, where if you say anything, you’re called toxic, insulted and reported, horrible times… But my initial line was mostly hyperbolee, I know LoL PB is dog turd, and way worse than WoW, but it was mostly to drive the point that the wow PB is confusing asf, they hate the game and love to hate it, mostly, but also, are passionate about it to a degree har to find comparison, which is good and keeping the game alive for so long.

oof it’s long! But I enjoy this :slight_smile:

you could argue that communication about the PTR would naturally be the place to see more “positive” criticisms, afterall, nothing is set in stone and this is the point where you’d think they would want player feedback. and yet, wow finds itself in this weird loop where devs think they know best and implement some change. players react and say no this is bad. blizz ignores. turns out its actually bad. blizz scrambles to react. its still bad. and then they cave.

now i get why you wouldn’t want to listen to the PB about every decision in the game and you’re not going to please everyone but you would think blizz would spend more time listening to what their SUBSCRIPTION paying costumers want and trying to focus on those things. stray too far from that and you find yourself where we are at now.

wow classic is a perfect example.

feedback is heard but never acted on.
we are told they read feedback… which gives us hope… yet we get a " no more new customizations " and its just sad.
or " we just dont want you to play demo "

Let’s face it their over all opinion of the players is You think you do but you don’t.

k Ion if you say so.

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and they claim that moment as a clear sign like " hey, we listen community. heres classic after we dragged our heels for years "
only did the deed cause that independent company was taking some of there profits.
but the massive amount of warlocks begging for a return of meta… na fam not doing that. we did nothing wrong with this new and improved revamp.
no backtracking. our pride might be wounded

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There are multiple detailed posts a day where someone explains exactly why they are quitting/unsubbing and what changes they would like to see. Are they the majority? No. But they are not hard to find, a few minutes of skimming a day is about all it takes.

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No they are not. They absolutely aren’t wrong. The League community is BAD news, bro. Don’t even pretend that this community is even close to that toxic.