Blizz Confirms Torghast DOES NOT Have Timers!

So? If somebody (or even a group) wants to spend days slowly moving through the place why do you care?

if they are completing them…doesnt that mean they have plenty of business being there?

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The tower is evolving from week to week on alpha. And we really don’t know the reward structure yet.

How are they going to spend days in there - no sleep?

I mean, it’s the same reason a raid boss might have a berserk timer – you’d just stack healers otherwise to make sure you never die.

Not so much for a healer (or maybe a tank??).

It’s more of a semi-roguelike, it doesn’t adhere to the genre strictly.

I shouldn’t have to explain why it might be problematic in an MMO if a player manages to get to floor 50 or something ridiculous a week after Shadowlands drops just by waiting everything out. It’s “go as far as you reasonably can”, as in at some point, it’s supposed to be unreasonable to progress further without beefing up your character and/or skill level outside the tower.

Have you seen what the anima powers and such do to the DPS capabilities of tanks and healers in torghast?

(These debuffs don’t kick in until higher floors, anyway – so it’s past the point that “every” spec and class would be expected to complete it, and purely at the point where it’s for people who just want to push floors. At which point I’d ask, why are you wanting to push floors as high as you can on suboptimal specs to do so? “I want to play a class that’s inherently inferior for this sort of content” and “I want to push this content as high as I can” are automatically at odds with one another. They’re two different pursuits.)

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To find out what works and what does not, in line with their vision. If these 2 can’t be made to be in line with others, as far as pressure, they could very easily be removed.

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They can try to spin it, but they are still timers.


Wait…islands are hardcore content now?? And visions too!?!

Where is that guy who called me a casual, I need to go prove him wrong!


The more I read the changes for Torghast, the more it sounds like M+ lite lol

Key to enter? :white_check_mark:
Affixes? :white_check_mark:
Time pressure? :white_check_mark:

The other thread already has posts saying things are working the way they said it would but it’s Alpha so I’m assuming it’s just bugged.

It’s impossible for me to say whether or not I will hate Torghast without doing it myself but the more I read and hear about it the less optimistic I become.

I was looking forward to having freedom to poke around and explore and not feel rushed or punished for doing so. I’ve gone from being excited about this feature to not knowing if I will even like it in its final iteration. To be fair, watching Alpha is not a good idea because they get to have the fun, less restrictive version for testing and it won’t be like it currently is when it goes live.


I mean…in a traditional infinite experience you may be outpaced by the content at your current gear level by level 30…if cheesing your cooldowns buys you another 5 levels but it takes you 5 hours to do…so what?

What am I missing here?

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The tower was meant to be a return to classic values of player vs monster.

I see it is now been changed to Player vs monster plus timer.

If this it put into effect, there will be no playing in this tower. It will only be something I must do and I will be thankful when it is over. It is a fail right outta the gate then.

They’ve already said they’re looking at a version which doesn’t require a key which would only reward cosmetics. The key will be for the version which gives legendary crafting materials.

Where are you getting that from. That is the second time I have heard people say it was suppose to be like classic gameplay and I have seen absolutely nothing like that in classic.

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If “weak” classes/specs can do the lower levels and complete their legendary quests/mats, then I have no problem with that. (Please notice the highlighted part.)

I think that was in the Preach interview but it’s not a certainty. We’ll have to wait and see.

They can, with no issue.

So, right now, these debuffs kick in at floor 10.

In the interview with Morgan Day, he said that a play session granting the legendary mats would be after about 30-40 minutes of gameplay. This lines up right around floor 10, which seems to indicate these are only for players pushing past the “expected” levels.

I don’t think you have to worry. They want your money as well. I liked the legion legendary system a lot better though since you could do the content you liked, instead of them funnelling everyone into that tower.

Can I have a version that doesn’t require a key but lets me get gear, like regular dungeons today?