Blizz Confirms Torghast DOES NOT Have Timers!

The only one that’s more “Timerly” is Soulforge Heat. One reduces your damage, two increase the damage you take, and two more spawn mobs only while you’re not in combat.

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There is a fair lot of them. I am one but I find it hard to even test that content because I find it just so boring.

Even in mythic plus your not killed by the dungeon for the act of standing still. Torghast makes mythic plus seem reasonable in comparison.

The difference is that dungeons and raids, when played with their intended gear levels, have no solo mode. That alone puts a bit of a natural cap on waiting for cooldowns… the group/raid will have some level of patience, yes, but they’ll want to get on with it eventually. With solo mode, that’s not a factor… people with infinite patience can take infinite time to complete floors they probably don’t have any business being on.

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Two of the affixes in mythic plus literally do kill you if you stand still.

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Ok. I’ve looked all over YouTube, haven’t seen any casuals do any videos (except for Hazelnutty), so was wondering if the feedback was just coming from the non-casuals or not.

Thats phenomenal, it isnt like a im a day trader constantly alt tabbing or have to somewhat regularly help my wife with my 2 baby boys. Blizzard surely thought of players like me when designing this wonderful feature.

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“Casuals” and “Content producers for YouTube” are not synonymous.

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Why is that argument not valid for Torghast groups?

Isn’t the whole point of Torghast to push your limits with cooldowns, buffs, everything you possibly can to get to just…that…next…floor.

Rather than time being the challenge?

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I don’t think you can consider any streamer, including hazelnutty to be casual. How are you defining casual.

MMOs shouldn’t be designed around individuals who have to “constantly alt tab.” It’s not a reasonable or realistic way to produce online content. Play single player games if you genuinely have to step aside all the time.

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Its not a matter of being killed, but of a tryhard pug party member trying to kick you for having to step away from the keyboard because they feel the pressure of the “timer”, and when that fails, yelling at you.

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Thats what torghast was sold AS, during blizzcon. Endgame for solo players. Or are you saying I was misled and should therefore sue?

The challenge is to complete the floor with uncontorted gameplay. If you’re farting around waiting for combust or whatever to come off of cooldown, that’s not very natural.

You can play solo.

People like moving the goal posts.

Generally speaking, Torghast is just a dungeon without a final boss.

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I agree with you. Content shouldn’t be designed around those any more than it should be designed around min/maxers but it appears blizzard disagrees.

By your own argument, most people won’t do this just for sheer patience reasons, especially in groups.

This is supposed to be rogue-like content without a natural “end” point, unless I’ve severely misunderstood the point of Torghast. Or perhaps the nature of Torghast has changed in the Alpha, or maybe the reward structure has turned it into another Weekly Get-it-Done-in-30 and move on type of content.

Sounds like a good compromise to me.

Enjoyable enough to where you’ll be able to relax and go at a decent pace, and not feel you’re screwed if you need to step away for 5-10 minutes. Sounds like Torghast is playing out to be that infinite dungeon crawler experience. Even in actual normal dungeons, you can’t just waltz up and disappear from your group for 2 hours without expecting to get kicked or anything.

I love silly gamers who think they can sue for misleading or false advertisement because you can’t pause an MMO.

FInd me the quotes that say “We’re making this game for the daytraders who want to raise two kids and always step aside.”

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