maybe, and this is just mad speculation here. but maybe the reason why the torments are starting at lvl 1 right now, on a testing build of the game, is so that the people they have asked to help test the game, can actually spend their time testing the feature that they are specifically trying to test right now… just maybe thats the reason it isn’t starting at level 10 like they have stated is the intention.
who knew that things in alpha might only be implemented a certain way for testing purposes.
How exactly is this hypothetical “perfectly efficient” in any real world scenario? The only way this is “efficient” is if it exists in a vacuum devoid of time.
I inherited an already existing guild when the formal GM left the game. Wasn’t my choice, I just stepped up to take care of others. Its what casuals do, put real life and people before a video game.
You call it a strawman, I call it realizing people can put all kinds of labels on themselves and others. I also know moves people can take to have time to deal with timed content.
I recall this old gem:
Anyone worse then me is a scrubby casual
Anyone better then me is a no life basement dweller
To put that into perspective, I am likely a “no life basement dweller” to those who have issues with timers, even though it is not uncommon for me to come in over time on timed content that does not kick you for failing the timer. Yet to those who push the timed content higher and higher (M+16 and higher) just because I do timed content.
I never said that casuals never had issues with timers, I just said that those who don’t either just don’t let it get to them or they have made the timer so forgiving for themselves, it is a non-issue. The third possibility is they try to have windows of time where they can take care of such content, like making sure someone else can take care of a kid, answer the phone, etc. They still might have to deal with things themselves, life happens and all that, but do you think it is that uncommon, if there are others that can help them with RL issues, they they won’t be like “alright, I don’t want to be disturbed for x hours unless it is an emergency”?
I find another facet of casuals is they are either working on or have mastered time management so they can take care of 90% of RL issues and still get things done in game.
“Life finds a way” of throwing curve balls at you. Nothing can be planned for 100%, and honestly, for a video game, not that much effort should be put into planning, the video game should always take a back seat to real life needs and responsibilities.
You are using your experience which might be different from mine.
Life does throw curve balls, but there are those with reserve hitters.
Is also something that those who work from home, need a break (nap or just alone time/time for things they like) could say. Maybe for some of them, the game is that “alone time” or what they do when they just want a break from RL deals.
Oh, and as far as the 100%?, did you even read my last bit?
Repeat, 90% NOT 100%, 90% and that was just off the top of my head, it could be 80%, 70%, and on down but if they get under 50% maybe they need to reevaluate their methods. Ninety percent just seems like the highest anyone can successfully pull off due to how life loves to throw curveballs.
If you really want to push that all casuals have issues with timers, stop and realize there are those that have come up with ways to limit RL issues at least for windows of time. There are those that have help some of the time, and if they know they don’t, they don’t get involved with anything they can’t pull away from.
I am doing nothing more then coming from a different angle, one that those who only see things one way might miss.
You realize that you are using other people’s quotes to reply to me, yes?
And again, NUANCE. I’m not saying that you don’t try to plan your recreational time. I’m saying that you don’t plan it to excess that it takes over the rest of your life, because that is unhealthy, and when push comes to shove, the VIDEO GAME takes the backseat to real-life responsibilities.
Am I? only quotes I saw, aside from yours, were my own. Unless you means that line about being disturbed, as that is just a general quote I have seen/heard when people need alone time or need to focus on something.
You were coming across like no one was able to plan even a small bit.
See, here we can actually agree. To put it in perspective, maybe one plans like 2-3 hours a day for themselves, it could be in game or out but it is time that, unless something major happens, it is for them and them alone. I have a feeling our discussions were going in circles because I was trying to argue that people do try and plan, yet you were, again to me, coming across like no one does.
In fact, most of the time when I want to get something done in game, aside from dailies or solo content, I find the part that takes the longest is finding the group. This is one reason why, if I am in a guild or set group, I like at least 1-2 days advanced warning so I can plan.
IMHO, you’re been coming on too fiercely to take ‘nuance’ into consideration, and jumping to extremes (not meant as a criticism, just a statement of being).
As far as “planning” goes, here’s a real-world example that had happened to me before …
I would ask the wife if she could watch the child while I do something in WoW, and she would agree, but then during a run, things would go sideways in the household and I would have to leave the keyboard anyway for minutes at a time.
Real life finds a way/happens, and I need my recreational time to give me the maximum ‘player agency’ so that I can plan with the least amount of effort, because I’m not going to work hard on planning around a VIDEO GAME.
First recognize that in a community of 10+ million players nobody is right about everything.
Stop MUDwhimping the playerbase by telling us what we want as you’re now offending rule 1.
Create as many options as possible to the core gameplay loop that attracts as many of us as possible. Systems like rep tabards vs world quests vs dailies was a good take that they never picked up on.
Stop gating core functions like flight behind MUDwhimper systems like pathfinder.
GCD = ditto. If someone likes putting all their abilities on one key what business is that of yours?
Stop treating all the various activites the game offers as 2nd and 3rd fiddle to your beloved raid / dungeon / wq gaming loop.
Get rid of rigid game loops altogether. Let raids, dungeons and the wq system exist alone for different types of players.
Make a few options at char select to enhance the world in various tones for people who come from different MUD backgrounds. Such as the EQ crowd that wants a party-only world versus the WoW retail crowd that wants a solo world. All with varying reward levels.
Massively expand on class fantasy to offer as many variations of spec identity as possible. From a flashy fully mobile warlock to a stationary one hit warrior. All classes and specs should have as many build options as possible to improve the replay experience.
Real player housing. Add it. Stop procrastinating.
Do things like this and you make 10+ million players happy.
And again, Blizz will never win with the small group of loud mouths that are never happy. It’s nice to think you think any of that would fix anything that isn’t tad amount to caving in to a list of demands that you just made. Last thing I’d want to see is them caving to the demands of the few obnoxious ones here.
The problem with your perspective here is it’s not a few obnoxious / irrelevant players.
You dismiss everyone who hates your rigid gameplay loop and over the course of 5-10 years it’s not a handful of players it’s about 80-90% of the entire audience. Eventually your MUDwhimping gets rid of them all.
Torments are a enrage timers which psychologically puts pressure on you to get to the end of a level as quick as you can before the torments start affecting you. They discourage exploration/pull planning and make it feel like a rushed experience.
No, I didn’t disagree with what you wrote. I just find it funny you somehow thing people will magically side with Blizzard. Anything they do, even if it’s something the majority asked for, gets criticized. That’s my whole point. If you can’t see that and think it’s ‘‘fake news’’ then we have nothing to discuss here.