Nobody really had the brains to tune into what 10 million other people are thinking. No, the director and his entire dev crew are ill-equipped for this. It’s better to assume you don’t always know what people will find enjoyable about a MUD. So the best thing to do is to stop stepping on what they find fun and let them be.
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Can’t cash in on that promise, sorry.
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Yep. You’d think that enabling your customer base to create content for you (ah SWG how I remember you well) would be a smart thing that companies would want to do.
GTA Online also rings a bell here.
Hey, I thought I was bringing “nuance” into consideration. As I was trying to state everyone has different circumstances and attitudes. However, you kept firing back with “life finds a way” even after I was admitting such. So if I was going to extremes, maybe it was because I felt like you were?
There will always be that part of RL that people can’t plan for, no questions there, However, there are those that plan entire days/weeks of their life and if life happens to throw a monkey wrench into their plans, they lose it. I actually prefer to keep my plans fluid just in case something unexpected happens, or I knew something was coming but I did not know when.
Waiting to see alpha testers thoughts. They are the ones helping out with this and making sure it’s still fun.
edit: Yes I also look at what alpha testers are saying on their forums. But it is nice to see it in action as well.
I hope the highest levels end up being very challenging somehow.
Alpha testers have already put their thoughts in this thread.
I prefer to look at the Torghast forum.
If I was, apologies, it was not my intention. Typing while under a massive headache, and trying to keep multiple plates in the air at the same time.
Oh having fluid plans are fine AND smart (but not always achievable), but when you have to decide to turn on or off that fluid value, the decision point has to be responsibility over recreation, for a healthy life.
Hoping that there are more than just two “casual” customers in the alpha.
Also, the devs saying they do not want to hear any criticism outside of the current design of Torghast (and only from alpha testers), well that is not promising, if we all believe what they have designed is bad/incorrect.
Blizzard knows more about game design than players do.
But Blizzard doesn’t know it’s players better than players know themselves. They have proved this over and over so many times that it should go without saying. Blizzard very often misunderstands what players will enjoy or even tolerate.
I can say with absolute certainty that my friends and I will not touch any content that includes a timer. Because we hate that. Small sample size, sure. Not speaking for all players, obviously. But for a fair number of players, anything timer-related is death to a game-play feature.
Don’t wreck Torghast for your more chill players, who make up a sizable chunk of subscribers. We stay subbed more because we don’t blow through content. We buy tokens because we don’t want to spend our precious gaming time making gold. PAY ATTENTION TO ALL PLAYERS, not just the ultra-competitive ones who exploit anything they can to progress.
From the blue post:
(the timer should not) Intimidate casual players from playing Torghast altogether.
What part of the game is not already completely catered towards you?
Torghast will be dumbed down enough for you even with your fear of a timer.
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If it has any form of “time pressure”, then it is an issue, and not dumbed down.
And, dungeon crawlers that are NOT ‘dumbed down’ have existed for a long time, both IN-game as well as in other games.
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I am relying on big name streamers to determine the games fate honestly, they know best.
That’s Preach (383K) and Bellular (547K) then, oh AND Asmondgold (150K).
You could just stop it there and you’d probably still be right …
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Yes, Failadin, anyone who doesn’t like timers needs dumbed down content because we are total idiots. Way to live up to your in-game name with your real-life ability to be civil.
Yeah that Jobs video is really good to watch, and has an important message for those who lead companies.