Blitz losing streak

I get to protect my sanity.

Temple is a special case and I hate it too. For some reason everyone ignores the orbs and it really is decided by a team deathmatch over the middle.
I wouldn’t look at temple as any problem with blitz. That’s a problem with that battleground’s design.

I’ve won silvershard mines while we were less on damage and kills specifically because we focused on objectives (and keeping THEM off OUR carts) rather than objectives.

As far as the agency of any one player to affect the outcome of a match, I find I have way more agency in blitz, but it of course does depend on the battleground.

If you’re expecting to carry your team then no, you won’t have a good time. Nobody can “carry” in blitz. It’s a team effort, but you can still make good plays.

For example in deepwind gorge I rotated between quarry and farm and worked with a rogue at farm to not only hold quarry almost the entire match, but also take farm half the time.
By the time the other team realized they needed to send more to farm and quarry, we had already given our team so many points (and denied the enemy team so many) that we were already ahead of them by like 500. And then they sent 4 people to rotate on us, which allowed our team to capture the other points.

So by working together with that rogue, we were able to essentially hold down 1 and a half bases the entire match with just the two of us. I sure felt like I had agency to affect the outcome of the match.

Had some capture the flag matches today as well, where once again, I felt I had an outcome on the match. I mean, capturing a flag is a pretty good indicator right? Or stopping the enemy FC or CCing their healer so they can’t reach their FC? That’s agency.

So yeah, in an 8v8 format, with faster mount speeds, you definitely have agency in how a match plays out. Giving up after the first team fight while complaining that your teams always suck and you always lose… Well, no wonder you always lose. Most matches aren’t decided by the first team fight. Even temple, which you have the least agency in, isn’t decided right away (though it is by far my least favorite).

TLDR: Giving up after the first team fight makes you the problem and at least part of the reason you lose so many matches and you probably won’t climb very high if that’s your goal.

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The nice thing is that eventually all the players that bring the negativity and stop trying or quit as soon as it looks like the game may not be a steamroll will be grouped up together. I just feel bad for the new players/characters that have to wade through that though.


the issue is in a lot of lobbies the game expects you to carry…that’s literally how the teams were put together lol you got 2 1500s with 4 6-700s idc how good you are…if you have team mates that won’t play the objectives or are clueless 2 good players don’t outway 4 bad players. team compositions are extremely weighted as well just like arena. you have “agency” but if your prowess doesn’t outweight the negatives of your team mates and you still lose then you have the illusion of agency. Whether you lose by a little or a lot by being a hero makes no diff on your rating there are no individual performance calculations made to preserve or punish your mmr and that leads to having players being carried to higher rating than they should be or better players being drug down lower than they should be then with the randomness and luck involved you’re bound to have severe outliers either direction having a miserable exp. Either low skilled players getting stomped at higher mmr which hurts their team and isn’t fun for them or higher skilled players being repeatedly drug down by lower skilled team mates feeling like no matter how good they perform it doesn’t matter, also not fun.

Well I think we’re confusing rating with matchmaking rating here. The individual MMR is not shown, just the team’s average. You don’t really know what your MMR is compared with other people and that is what is used to determine who to match you with, and against.

Everyone starts out at 1500 MMR and then go up or down depending on wins and losses. So if you are at 0 rating and you win 1 game and lose 2 games, you’ll be a lower MMR than someone who hasn’t played a single match yet even though your actual rating will still be the 192 or whatever it is for the first win and technically higher than them.

And right now, nobody has done enough matches to be in the MMR that reflects their skill level. It’s not that you’re expected to carry, it’s that the game is trying to sort everyone where they belong and that will take a few weeks.

yes I understand that…and peoples MMR can be carried MMR or tanked MMR based on luck almost entirely with 7 other players you depend on for a win…

not the best player in the game by any means but I’m glad exp, 2400+ in rbgs I did a lot of rbgs in df s3 with 70%+ win rate subbing in alts currently on a 12x losing streak. I’m not the best…but I’m certainly not that bad lol especially in this bracket smh going from 1588-1483 rating

call me crazy but that doesn’t seem right and it certainly hasn’t been fun. in this “sorting” process as I said…people are going to be where they shouldn’t be and have a miserable exp. doesn’t matter if you use mmr or actual rating because its team averaged. basic math there…average if you have a couple high mmr you need more low mmr to balance it you can clearly tell there is vast skill disparity in most matches among your own team. so again…that’s an issue because of having objectives and map control etc and its not just a straight up death match that system is terrible and yes…that’s how the system works because that creates lower que times by widening the skill spectrum it pulls from. They do the same thing in Destiny 2 and the higher skilled you are the worse it gets.

You can witness the same thing in rbgs or arena or solo shuffle the higher you go the longer the search takes to try to find similar skill it keeps broadening the skill spectrum until it finally finds a game that fits its max parameters. You’ll have 2700 SS players paired with 2k healers and it sucks for everyone involved. One could only assume the parameters for an 8man bg are much much wider and loose about just throwing teams together that have similar averages. That numerical rating value is extremely inaccurate for trying to determine if a match is going to be fair. This is why people have complained about BG blitz since its inception about “one sided games”

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Oh please don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the system will be perfect or anywhere close to it. High level matchmaking making queue times go up is a problem in pretty much any rated game and yeah sometimes you will still get matches with too big of a skill difference.

But I would also say that blitz is not like your normal rated battlegrounds. With the changes to map mechanics and the solo or duo queue aspect of it, it probably plays a lot different.
Not saying that your skills developed in RBG and arena won’t help, because they absolutely will, but you can’t play blitz like arena or RBG and you especially can’t play like your teammates will play like pros if you’re in a lower MMR match.

Play to your team and the map objectives, which may require different tactics. I mean I haven’t even bothered to go over my talent build yet (it’s probably pretty bad for PvP) nor have I purchased any conquest level PvP gear yet, but I’ve had great success in blitz so far.
I’m far from the best player and I have a lot of practice to do still, but I try to focus on the objectives which is what ultimately wins blitz at least with the teams I play with and against so far.

If I climb to higher MMR, I’ll need to adapt my strategy around the players I play with and against at that higher rating. For now, I feel like I am doing pretty well so far.
I’m sure I’ll get a losing streak soon, it happens to all of us.

I will say that communication with your team is the most important thing. Volunteer to do a job, ask them where they want you, listen to callouts or instructions even if you disagree because it wouldn’t fit in with the standard rated strategies you are used to using. And above all just try to be kind and have fun!
A “gg good try” or “gg all” at the end of a match goes a long way even if it’s a horrible loss. You’re going to be playing with (and against) some of those players again in the future, so no reason to make them feel bad.

that format works decently enough for SS but not for bgs…because in SS its strictly first person to eliminate an opposing member wins the weak links generally get weeded out to correct mmr by going poor win loss rate. yes you can have just really bad lobbies for your spec etc but with bg’s those weak links can get boosted and the good players can get tanked.

I’m well aware of how to play blitz and as you stated the faster nature of everything means that those weak links getting exploited can severely snowball you far faster than what your hero players can recover it due to the nature of how pts accumulate. RBG strategy is actually mostly the same as bg blitz just played out faster. at least at higher rating rbgs. I’m fully geared I have 2 bloody token pieces, 3 conq pieces only thing I’m missing is the 1600 token piece because I have been against my better judgement spam que’ing bg blitz. you offer a lot of advice to someone who doesn’t need it for someone who’s invested so little. your success sadly doesn’t reflect your skill which was my entire argument. I’ve tried literally everything…call 2400+ rbg strats for maps handhold people call strat adjustments on the fly you name it…but you can’t make people do anything or even read. I literally played a twin peaks where our FC tried to run past the enemy GY 4x after I said in chat 8x do NOT run by their gy run by OUR gy two diff fcs btw I could go on and on I’ll just say count your blessings and know your experience isn’t everyone elses and it is believe it or not mostly luck since as you said in your first post “you can’t carry” okay then you are dependent on your team and that is in fact a dice roll.

One of my points is that maybe trying to use 2400+ glad strats in a 1500 MMR blitz solo queue match isn’t going to be the most effective thing to do. Sometimes it’ll work, sure, but you have to adapt to your team and the enemy team.

If your team isn’t going to follow a 2400+ rated BG strategy, don’t try to get them to and don’t play like they are going to either.
The strategy that works is the one the team can and will follow.

And yeah, I get it, running past the enemy GY on twin peaks is not the best move, but you’re also probably playing with a lot of players who haven’t ever touched a rated battleground in years, if at all, and maybe still learning their specs and the battlegrounds in general. You’re going to have a lot of “weak links” and it’s your job to adapt to them as best you can to give your team the best chance of winning.

If your FC is going past the enemy GY, then maybe volunteer to be the FC and take the flag yourself. Assuming you are on your monk, they can make a good FC for blitz. Ideal? Probably not. Will it prevent your FC from going past the enemy GY? Yes.

And yeah, I get the frustration. The other day I broke a sheep, because the mage cast it right before I attacked them. It happens, and it will continue to happen. RBG are still available for those who enjoy the more organized plays.

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I just said…it doesn’t matter people won’t do what you tell them and adjusting strats on the fly doesn’t work when they don’t read lol…I was talking about people doing absolute dumb stuff fighting in roads or at nodes they can’t cap etc…you think that’s rbg strategy? LOL can’t even get people to not run by enemy GY or aoe a flag spamming chat much less stick to any strategy whether planned or adapted that doesn’t involve zug zug. No I was playing sub rogue…my job is to escort the fc and be a CC bot or go on offense and be a CC bot on the efc’s healers. smoke bomb, shadowy duel, kidney shot, gouge, blind, sap, cheapshot etc I know how to play to my classes kit and what roll to fill regardless if its rbg or bg blitz. Lost 13 in a row finally won one…(go figure we 3-0’d them on wsg another one sided match) your teams mmr 1300 enemy teams mmr 1550 1483 rating 0 rating gained everyone else on my team nearly gained 170 rating lol…I’m making complaints and explaining things that I’m sure many people are experiencing because I do enjoy the game mode but I want it to be improved. Assuming anyone who actually has any agency to look into any of the things I’ve said reads this or maybe just other people frustrated skimming through see it and know they aren’t alone because as a competitive player it is infuriating losing on repeat when you’ve done all you can.

Its absolutely insane how many people just never touch orbs or orb carriers in temple.

MMR is an absolute fustercluck right now.

It’s rough at first until you can claw up out of the churn.

If you are working objectives you will climb eventually.

It should be, It has to be a bug.

Haha had one of those yesterday, we had both bases and they had the flag, we were over 1k when they finally got the cap on one base and capped right away. Our team didn’t react to the swap fast enough and suddenly they had 2 bases and the flag and our team never got it’s head back in the game.

There is always a play to be made, Especially on that map because you can shut the other team out of points completely, so no lead is insurmountable.

I hope you reported them on the in game chat and the whispers, they were coc violations.

Reporting in game puts a personal squelch on that player so you won’t see them again until you relog.

Ignore is forever

No tolerance for toxicity.

healers can que up with a dps. or two healers. basically healers can que up with one other person. so the premades are 2 people and one has to be a healer.
kinda lame but really won’t be able to que synch it. so thats one good thing and it promotes healer participation…walk softly and carry a big dps.

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This mode is an absolute flop. It should be completely solo queue without any option to queue with anyone else.


Maybe, but only reason healers can queue with another is to help with queue times.
So if they remove that, queue times might suffer a lot.

they need to change it or stop reducing mmr loss when ur the top player. This happens in many other games where even if you lose depending on how you performed changed the amount loss. how solo queue is right now is terrible and if i was the devs boss i would prob fire the people who created and manage that lol.

I agree in principle, but how would you even measure that?
Some combination of damage, healing, and points?

But then what about the person who spent all game peeling for their flag carrier, doing little damage?
Or the person who helped a teammate keep winning a flag in AB, ultimately helping to win the match?

These things are so hard to track and it would incentivize people to play to the scoreboard instead of playing to win.


There is winning and there is losing.

That is the only score that should affect MMR.

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