Blitz adjustments please

Every good player hates tanks in PvP.


Keep tanks in every PvP scenario please. It’s a lot of fun.

Today in a wsg blitz, the other team had much better dps and healing and they had lead. Our BDK carried the flag to the berserking buff hut, intentionally dropped flag, and held four opponents inside for more than 1 min. This distraction allowed a DH to run the flag smoothly, and on our way back to base, we killed the efc effortlessly and won.

Tanks’ presence adds a lot of x factors to the game.


I find that these very same players tend to be jerks outside of any conversation about tanks. Weird.

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i loved these games… and i just named games off the top of my head… if i sat here for an hour naming ev game i’ve played i could think of that had pvp tanks like WoW tanks, it’d be like every game :rofl:

i named mmos, u conversely named 2 mobas and a fps game? also both of those mobas have unkillable characters that usually require multiple enemies to defeat them LOL

unkillable tanks generally are in most games, but they’re not actually unkillable; much like WoW.
focusing on their survivability as if the strategy should be to kill them is also a problem, when we should be looking into negating their value instead of playing into it.

played healer since WoD. dabbled in dps. just like tank. when TWW comes out, i’m sure i’ll be on mage or something too. demonizing people who disagree with you is how the world gets to where it is now.

Sorry bud, not going to be taking the moral highground when people come after us for merely existing in pvp. They can die mad about it, and as it has stood this entire time, Blizz agrees.

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Its the same in PvE, ive had tanks solo Mythic bosses from like 50% health.
Ive seen tanks solo the end boss in Ashran.

But if they reduced the healing tanks can do in PvE can you imagine all the failed Mythic plus runs in the Dungeon finder.

Alot more people would be complaining from a PvE standpoint than the few complaining about a PvP standpoint.

tanks do not?

there’s only 1 tank that does that and it’s the bear.

other than the bear, tanks in PVP deal poor damage, and take an extra hefty percent damage more.

they are non factors because blizz won’t give them the tools to thrive in PVP like other mmos do

mages though, the best class in the game

Jack of all trade, master of all

Find a single gladiator, rbg gladiator, or rank1 player that thinks tanks are fun and belong in PvP.

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  1. I never refuted what you said, just stated that there was a whole lotta overlap between them and people who are jerks. Not every last one of them obviously, but them being chill is the exception, not the rule.

  2. Tanks aren’t half the menace rogues and mages have been over the course of the entiretly of pvp.

  3. I don’t give a sh*t about what R1’s and Gladiators think. They don’t make the rules, nor do they necessarily know what’s good for pvp. What they do know is how to play in the established system, and anything that disrupts said system makes them emotionally unstable.

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ok if u ask a lot of current not-radical r1 players their thoughts on tank they don’t really care because tanks are non-factors. im sure some rbg players would love removing the need to pay attention to tanks, doesn’t mean its a good idea.
fun/belong ? the amount of games a r1 player has played against a tank this xpac could be counted on 1 hand. how can they geniunely determine fun/belong based on a total of 20 minutes where critically thinking about the matchup maybe consumed 2 of those minutes? unfounded answer if one was ignorant enough to provide.
even if we back back through xpacs, the % base is so small and the only time we’d be able to recollect is when some gimmick was found to be beyond broken and was almost immediately removed.
we’re finally reaching a point again where tanks will potentially have comps; maybe we should try to be more than ourselves as they arrive.

this also implies r1 players know everything, when its clear that most of the pivotal discoveries come from lesser rated players that actually do the testing/theorying across every xpac and relay their ideas.

this would also imply x2 that its fun to play/vs mlx, retwar, and rmd. or in current xpac, assa/aff. should these players just be disabled from being able to q these comps? a mass majority don’t enjoy playing into them, even when they completely understand the matchup, as seen by after every game “that comp is disgusting, op, there is nothing we could do” etc.

tank suffers from such a small playerbase that no one knows what they’re doing when they fight them; this leads to them defaulting to parsing/ignoring, which is perceived as not-fun, when in reality this isn’t how ur suppose to fight tanks. i wouldn’t have fun fighting rmp either if my healer trinkets sap.

Nobody is saying they’re menaces. They’re boring to fight and make PvP kinda lame. They have always been lame in pvp.

The reality is they are not designed or balanced for PvP at all in wow. As other people have said, other games actually have decent mechanics. Unless blizzard puts some effort in I’m cool with them being scrapped for PvP.

Now hopefully with blitz being popular they have some incentive to put some effort into tanks.

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Oh like Blink, Displace, Alter Time, Ice Block, rinse & repeat is exciting and non-lame to fight against? Cloak of Shadows, Evasion, Shadow Step, Vanish, Sap, Kidney, Cheap Shot, Gouge, Shadowy Duel?

Gimme a break. People dislike tanks because there are so few of us out there that when they do finally see one, it upsets their little meta.

As had been said before. A mage will kill or be killed. A tank will do neither due to its bad PvP design in wow. But keep pretending I guess.

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You are conflating one particular tank with all tanks. We are not a monolith. Having actively played 4 different tanks in PvP, I can assure you that they die, it’s just that bears are overtuned. This is a problem within the PvP tank community as it lowers the viability of other the tanks that have to face them.


They really don’t if played well. Unless it’s like a 3v1… Even then it takes forever. Not that the tank will every kill anything either as every class has sustain now. If I see one I do my best to ignore them as they basically aren’t purposeful, my team or theirs. Tanks in PvP in wow just don’t work right now.

Again. PvP in general isn’t a focus for Blizzard. Tanks are extra poorly designed and balanced as Blizzard has only ever focused on PvE with them.

Hopefully blitz changes this but I’m not holding my breath.

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No, it’s because tanks don’t really have a purpose in pvp.


they have never stated this. this is just the perception of players who don’t know anything about tanks or have given them no thought, just cast them off.

i think they’re pretty well designed to the point where they were smart enough to put a blanket nerf down on them (that should be visible, aside the point) but subsequently buff their damage/synergies. their pvp talents are remarkable from a design standpoint to adequately equate tanks into pvp with the blanket nerfs in mind.

tanks shouldn’t die 1v1- and even then they still have bad matchups that they lose if the opponent plays well, almost despite how well the tank plays; a skill matchup.

2v1 they always lose if both enemy players know what they’re doing, this just doesn’t seem like the case because of player ego.

and ya it’ll take more than 8s (a dps wall) because its a tank not a dps!!

they have a purpose it just beyond the sight of “focus x”

They don’t need to state this for it to be obvious :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: PvP balancing is always slow and after PvE balancing is done. PvE balancing usually affecting PvP negatively. Then you follow this up with the basically ZERO PvP tank tuning…

Tanks are not designed for PvP. Again hopefully blitz changes this but I have a bridge to sell you if you think that Blizzard has even made a passing thought about tanks in PvP up until this point.

With defensives and the amount of sustain most tanks have they don’t. 3v1 is still questionable. Again if the tanks any good the fight goes on to infinity where absolutely nobody dies unless there’s a gear issue.

Tanks are just the least fun thing in PvP for anyone but weird people who just like to run other people’s fun while not actually pvping.

Tanks are, and always have been, for literal griefers and really really really really bad players.

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i don’t agree and neither does blizz as seen in their talents/changes to tanks specifically for pvp being intelligent.

there is no tank in the game that won’t die 2v1 in under 40s if you play properly, even if they play perfectly. 3v1 there is absolutely no chance. (maybe guardian druids, idk i dont play bear, but that’s also kinda their gimmick)

like i’ve already said, its just the pov of people who parse into tanks and wonder why a spec designed to sustain a parse won’t die to it.

tanks get played by AWC players and r1 teams sometimes, people just play what they like or think is cool to play.