Blitz adjustments please

Now I know you’re full of it. Spinning flags to stop caps, running flags, and using whatever unique talents they have (Bodyguard, etc) isn’t actually pvp. Got it.

I can probably count the number of PvP tuning adjustments to tanks on one hand since cata :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: meanwhile every other class gets somewhat seasonal updates. Keep telling yourself that.

You must be bad at blood dk because I’ve seen good ones 3v1 and never die. Yet again never kill anything but still. Dh tank, prot pally and druid are just as guilty. I’ve never seen a brewmaster… Probably because they’re that bad and never balanced because blizz doesn’t care about PvP tanks :rofl::rofl:


i’ve been 1-2v7 at BS and sustained until we had all other nodes and my team came cleaned up. if those 7 players (casters, prot pal, 1? healers) executed anything other than letting me have maximum uptime or stopped actively feeding me DWR resets, randomly cc’ing me rather intentionally, i would’ve died.

veng i’ve literally 1v1 killed in a under 40s as a BDK
prot was maybe 1 minute 1v1.
bear, i think that’s just their thing, they don’t really do anything else tho.

bm is basically not a tank in pvp.

Your gas lighting yourself though? :rofl::rofl:

/Sigh not really proving your point above :roll_eyes:

Sure thing.

Anyways… Main point is blizz hasn’t tuned tanks really since cata because they don’t know what to do with them. Hence they’re bad and annoying as currently designed. I can’t argue with delusional tank players anymore.

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Top players do not ever play what they find cool or like, they play what’s the best.
If tanks are being played, the game is in a trash can state.

actually i am. if you play poorly you’re not going to parse a tank. play better or stop complaining. which the entire topic is already in the wrong mindset, as your intention should be negating the value of the tank, not playing into them by actively over-committing resources without a set plan.

almost every team that’s won blizzcon is 1 tricks.

the move play rps (won blizzcon as 1 trick)
that EU team plays rpp. (won blizzcon as 1 trick)
cdew team basically started on the principle that they only needed to melee cleave, lol. as its literally what they’ve been doing in cata classic.

there are also EU jungle 1 trick that get like 2nd in bracket.
i think there was a turbo for some time, or thunder that won one?

even hansol gets r1 of r1s in a season where mage isn’t considered a “good” spec by far on NA ladder. he’s literally been 1 of like 2 mages in r1 range before :rofl:

so ya, that statement is based on 0.

cdews team actually pulled out bean prot pal once in AWC before and won some matches as a counter-pick , it wasn’t meta , they just liked it and knew it could work esp when the enemy doesn’t have practice into it :brain:

Why do you consider a tank to be griefing but not a healer?


i really hate that bloodlust is useable in blitz

i always get the braindead guy on my team who refuses to use bvloodlust/timewarp


I hate being the only one able to lust as MM hunter and I don’t use pets :frowning:

It is pvp like hacking the game and being nearly unkillable on a dps spec would still be pvping. I dont mind fighting Prot Paladins or Prot Warriors, because they are weak AF, not durable in pvp. BM Monk, Guardian, and BDK excell at wasting enemies time. If there isnt a place nearby to knock them off the objective you just cant cap the node. If you cant cap the node 1v1 and your team doesn’t want to send an Army to clear out the tank scum what is a dps to do? Just walk away (if they can) and go to a different objective?

Yes. But somehow people are afraid to just Peel off a fight. They always overcommit and will spend 25 minute fighting at the same node.

The idea of scattering and just doing a 180 running away mid-fight is not something they can think of.

Just throw a CC and get out. Most of the time the opposite team will get caught by surprise by quick strat changes.

It’s already hard enough to do a quick strat change over voice chat, no wonder it’s almost impossible through chat with pugs.

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This drives me nuts in ToK, We just killed two orbs and no one peels off to pick up the free orbs? I can only carry one.