Blitz adjustments please

Fighting a tank in WoW pvp encapsulated:

oh really?

then you would also have to ban mages, and priest, and locks from entrance as well.

they are a lot tankier than any tank in pvp
they heal more than tanks in pvp
they do 3x the damage
they have the most utility
they have the best ccs, especially mages who have perma snares and roots.

if you do want tanks, then you also have to ban the dps classes that do what tanks do ,

but much, much better

It could be, but my opinion didn’t have anything to do with tanks so I don’t know what you’re agreeing with

Also true but you didn’t heart my post and everyone knows internet likes are all that matter. Which you didn’t give.

Fight me

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All of those classes interact with the game and can die. Tanks do not.

honestly … these posts come only from people who don’t know how to cc or kill a tank. I floated down from LM as a disc priest and MC’d their bear tank off the edge and capped. i didnt do a single thing except watch him use his trink on my fear then i just got him close to the back of the flag and mcd him off. took me like 10 seconds.
Theres roughly like 15% of the pvp community that know how to pvp against tanks and healers and the other 85% try to do more damage than they do heals mongo-style. and when that doesnt work they come on here and say “no more tanks!”

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This isn’t killing a tank.
Healers are also hilariously broken but have a place in PvP, tanks have no place in PvP.

His point was that you don’t need to.

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I believe there’s plenty of room for improvement in the Blitz battleground. But I like it because its focus on objectives rather than just healing, damage, and kill numbers.

It often requires us to make counterintuitive decisions, like deliberately not capping a node, forcing the enemy flag carrier to cap, or even letting enemies kill me.

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this! tanks are irrelevant if you don’t hit them. Why anyone would try to kill a tank until everyone else is dead is beyond me. I saw a paladin and mage in a random bg peel off at the start to mines (we were alliance in Gilneas I was on my monk) and they had a blood dk there. didnt go well. pretty sure the tank actually killed one of them. and we slowly got wiped at ww…why. Tanks are tanks. if you hit them they are super godly. why would you do that? just ignore them. Do you wander through the woods and see a bear and go “lets attack it!” …no. leave it alone. its harmless. I got no idea why people are so stupid as to want to kill a tank in a bg if they dont have too.
Healers are only unkillable to unskilled players. I get killed all the time by good players.

Edit: sorry Snow was trying to qoute you but …things happened.

Please fix draws giving both teams zero conquest.

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If I am playing MM(usually am nowadays), Ill tell my team Slow/Stun/whatever you can, to separate the efcs healers from them. This allows me stealthed and those stealthed will me to pop the tank like a zit. WAY easier without healers topping the tank, or other sorry soul that carried.

I imagine you could kill a tank if you can prevent it from hitting you and generating stuff. But I see mongo rets and dh’s and warriors trying to kill a tank and its like…all you do is feed it. nom nom. its hard not to express frustration at such idiocy.

For me if Bear, pet could stay for 10% MS or go, doesnt seem to matter. Only other tank that offers a challenge is Blood, so dismiss pet while invisible or before using camo. Be out of grip range, drop the nukes(preferably with help). Thats not enough for me without much more help if two healers are healing the efc. Got enough CC for maybe 1, but not both.

not around as much this weekend but i got 3 days off next weekend im gonna have some fun. add me up Soulbleeder#11619 we can go squish folks. id have to play monk its alliance.

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Exactly, sometimes it is worth taking the death to keep that EFC snared for a few more seconds while (hopefully) your team is coming to finish him off.

Also why I think HK on flag & orb carriers should be on the scoreboard in a separate column, as assists or something.

Seems everyone should be getting close game points for a draw.

Apologies to the OP for letting the troll derail

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Yes I know what I said lol. You even quoted it but you didn’t read it? I said “pretty sure he means remove tanks entirely” broken down this means “what I think the person who created this thread meant was he wants tanks removed from the game entirely”

I didn’t say I wanted this. It wasn’t my opinion, I was clarifying. Hence why I told you to read harder and said we’re now in a forum fight

To the dog house with you

this is untrue. a hyperbole.

luckily the design of pvp generally has other aspects beyond just “hit this dude until he dies” ; if u decide to not part-take in those aspects, that is your choice. no i don’t mean collecting fragments, i mean using your cc like disarm and effective damage and properly kiting not just running away and all the things that actually make pvp more than just a parse. also a statement predicated on a hyperbole, as tanks can die and its not even really that hard if you do anything beyond just standing in their face spamming them with damage.

this is also very incorrect.

archeage, gw2, runescape*, tree of savior, ms2, just off the top of my head; all have unkillable specs and the purposes they serve are all very similar to that of a pvp tank in WoW.

Wow you named multiple completely trash, bottom of the barrel games.
Tree of savior AND MAPLE STORY 2(didn’t this game get shut down?), really dude?

Try looking at actual good games like DOTA2, LoL, and Overwatch 1.0.

“Unkillable tanks” is a thing that only happens in trash pay to win KMMOs - like the games you mentioned.

I love these threads that degenerate into anti-tank sentiment. Been one for close to 10 years, we aren’t going to go anywhere. Too bad, so sad.


This was done a while ago. I get FC maps without tanks a lot.